John, The Beavers may just be the leaven in the loaf of dough that makes all the difference in the PAC-12 football season's success. While I am a Duck fan, I intend to watch the Beaver's pop the Husky balloon; the Beavs may just pop the Duck's balloon, too, May the best team(s) win. Thank you.
that too
Lol and yes
Can we find someplace worse than hell? Any suggestions?
And we can send Fox there for not switching from to USC UO . FUCK em both
Great pictures of a wonderful game! Looking forward to the game with the Dawgs!. Go Beavs!
Sweet pics of a great win
Great photos! Thanks
Last summer a number of us following
the mass exodus predicted payback
this fall. Now it’s tee’d up. Game Day is
coming to Corvallis. The unbeaten Huskies are visiting Reser.
Johnothan Smith remembers the close loss late in Seattle last year. It’s time to
extinguish Washington’s unbeaten record.
Who knows, fellow orphan WSU can
kiss them goodbye next week.
John, The Beavers may just be the leaven in the loaf of dough that makes all the difference in the PAC-12 football season's success. While I am a Duck fan, I intend to watch the Beaver's pop the Husky balloon; the Beavs may just pop the Duck's balloon, too, May the best team(s) win. Thank you.
Great shots!! I can’t wait to be at Reser next week!! Beavs are ready.