OSU with a gratifying win and a good game. WSU with a gratifying win and a great game. PAC12 with a couple of weeks of macro level gratifying wins and a great expansion game.

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Outstanding and NOT unexpected.

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Way Way Way ahead of expectations...10-2, 9-3 not out of the question. Stay Healthy. The great things is, a stout running game and heady defense travels.

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I look forward to the Sunday morning pics. It puts a smile on my face when I see all the energy and positive vibes.

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Always love the photos of the fans, band members and cheer squads!

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Go Beavs! Go Cougs! Go Broncos! Go Aztecs! Go Bulldogs! Go Rams!

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That first half was very sloppy, Gunderson playcalling in the first halves and fourth downs needs huge improvement.

We are a second half, lights out, team... But that sloppy in the first half for all of our last four games, if repeated, will garner many future losses if not fixed soon

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Great photos. The photos project what historically college football was and is (or should be) all about. But.... I began following Alabama and the SEC this year and the BIG, the difference in photos taken of those events is stark from the one's posted in this article. The stadiums hold more than twice the attendees. As we rebuild the PAC 12, I worry that the amount of $$$ needed to update and expand stadiums and facilities is beyond the financial resources of all but a very few programs. The haves and have nots are clearly on display when photos/videos of events are taken.

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I feel that huge stadiums are yesterday's news. With pervasive high tech television, replay, etc. Actually going to a game is almost irrelevant. IMHO schools should focus on the quality of stadiums and related services rather than seats.

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Oregon State was expected to win. The fact the turnout was so bad is the story. Lets keep things in reality. Boise state is decent, the rest are losers as looking for a home. After what Oregon did to Oregon State last week, you would think reality would have set in. No lets keep our heads down and go 9 and 1 or something playing nobody.

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That’s a really stupid comment. Do you think the beavers chose to be screwed over by the rest of the conference? They had to put together the best schedule they could. Cal and WSU are both as good or better than Boise State.

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Attendance was 34,813.. the facility holds 35,548. That is a 98% full stadium.

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It was my wife's weekend to go with all her OSU college besties, she said it was about 85% full, and that we as Beaver alums need to do better, it should be packed.

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Maybe actually going to u of o and taking Writing 121 would have helped here, Charles.

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Charles, historically, Oregon schools are nobody from a marginal football fraternity. As long as they stay around I-5, playing Patty Cake with real teams, Oregon is geographically and philosophically limited to second best. Dr. Jim McHugh

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