Thanks for the opportunity to shoot these John! Had a ton of fun, learned a lot, and took home lots of valuable insight on how to shoot football photos even better the next time. Definitely a cool departure from my usual!

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Hi Matt. Can you give a little background on how you got so close to Deion and how that photo came about? Did you have any interaction with him? Also who is the man in the black and white photo sporting what I think is a rolex watch?

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Sure! There was a big police presence whenever Deion came out of the locker room, but I found that by working with the police and sort of just being an extra body in their line, they were fine with letting me get up close. No interaction with the man himself. I generally prefer to fade into the background and not be noticed. That photo was of him walking back out after halftime. The man with the Rolex is his son!

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very cool..thank you.

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Thanks for the insights, Matt! And thanks for hiring Matt, JC!! This is another reason why a subscription is such a great value!!!

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Great looks Matt! There are some really great shots!!!

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You could probably do an expansive photo montage on Kelly the defensive coordinator. OR maybe not, as looking frustrated only has so many looks.

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lol....what a maniac!

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Awesome comment!! He reminded me of the little league coach who used to be a championship wining HS Coach.

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I always enjoy the drama black and white can add - GreatStuff


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I love the different perspective of these photos. I usually scan thru sports photo galleries that look like stills taken from the TV broadcast. These got my attention at the start, and had me scrolling slowly to dig into each picture. Kudos to Canzano for trying something different, and Matt Jones delivered!

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Best of the season John. These are awesome! Definitely the most interesting batch yet.

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Really different approach. Matt is a star in his field. It was great to get him to a football stadium and see how he attacked it.

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AWESOME! Love the Black and White pics. The feeling I get looking at these is they are majestic. The photographer absolutely captured the beauty of the game AND the hype surrounding the Sanders clan.

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Great shots- will have to check them out on a bigger screen later to really take them in.

I’d like to see a larger selection. Very interesting shots.

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I'll be posting a few additionals on my Instagram @mtjphoto

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The BW shots are especially great!

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I really enjoyed the different perspectives of these photos. I usually just scroll on through them, but these captured my attention. Great job!

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Love these pictures! Enjoyed seeing a different viewpoint. I really like the black and white portrait.

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Maybe the announcers who cannot properly pronounce DJ Uiagalelei's name should be "fined" by having to donate to OSU each time they say it wrong? Seems they could respect the name/man/institution that much...

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Great shooting!

Matt Jones could do this full time and be a star in this field too.

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Not impressed with the pictures

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Thank you for taking the time to share that.

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Thank YOU John for making a comment that did indeed make me LOL.

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