Great game… worth being there. GO DUCKS 🦆

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Excellent photos

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Thanks... Naji and Tim were on fire today.

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Super album of photos. You’ve got a great staff John. The “helpers” with a capital H!

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Naji and Tim, I’m never disappointed with the photo gallery that you produce! They always capture the excitement of the fans.

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Terrific pictures, have more faith JC. Your game prediction was WAY OFF and usually you are spot on. We will roll over UCLA and MSU and have a solid chance against OSU.

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These photos are fantastic!

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As usual nice collection of photos that capture the many aspects of the game experience. Well done.

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Coach Lanning looks serious as a heart attack.

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Great photos! Thanks!

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Great photos of both the Civil War and the Apple Cup!!! Thanks guys!!!👍🏈🦆🦫

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Always enjoy these photos— well done and images we can’t see on TV. Thanks John!

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