What happened to the kid who was carted off, anyone know? Hope he’s ok. His head hit the turf pretty hard. Puts things in perspective.

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Justin Wilcox gave an update on Jaivian Thomas: “Very scary. He’s at the hospital undergoing tests. He’s alert, interacting with the doctors. He does have movement, feeling in his extremities which is good news, but there’s still a lot of testing that he needs to undergo, so we’re all praying for him.”

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Very good news. Scary moment. Something you never want to see.

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I think the rain effected the ducks early. They did what I thought they would and overpowered and wore down cal.

Watching the game, I am glad Wilcox turned Oregon down. I think had he come here, the ducks would look more like cal and less like Georgia. I have no dislike of J.W.- good guy. Just think we got the right for the job.

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the final 6 mins of the first half were a doozy

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The first six minutes of the first quarter were a doozy!

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Affected- not effected.

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Bucky is going to rush for +200 yards next week vs. USC

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Run...run...run until USC stops it...which they can’t. The game a number of years ago down there where Kenyon Barner had over 300 yds comes to mind. Would love a repeat of that. Go Ducks!

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Hope the Cal player is ok.

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Jaivian Thomas is alert and interacting with doctors at the hospital. His coach, Justin Wilcox, said: "He does have movement, feeling in his extremities which is good news, but there’s still a lot of testing that he needs to undergo, so we’re all praying for him.”

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Nix had a good game, 386 yds, threw for 4 TDs and ran for two more, although his numbers probably warrant an asterisk - he did that in essentially 3 quarters!

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And Oregon had 2 Tds called back. Great pics

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Thanks. Naji and Tim are excellent.

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There are a whole lot of teams who would not want to play the Ducks right now.

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lol, yeah, any team with a losing record. How many teams with a winning record have the Ducks beat?

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Sloppy start for the Ducks but they recovered and finished strong. I'm worried about the injured Cal player, wishing for his successful recovery.

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21 points in less than six minutes was as dominant as I've seen that offense.

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Maybe I'm hypercritical; 5 possessions in the first quarter and only 2 TD's. Second quarter 4 possessions and 3 TD's was a big improvement.

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No prisoners - Ducks pummeled ‘em


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Ducks most overrated team in college football!! Another win against a team with a losing record. 1-1 against teams with a winning record, YEW-HAW!!

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Something tells me that the Utah coach might disagree with you.

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Oregon will beat Washington by 3 touchdowns in the rematch...

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If you are a betting man I will bet my 401K against you in rematch

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Very sloppy start for the ducks, but as expected they recovered and rolled. Oregon and Washington are polar opposites.

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You are right the 2 teams are polar opposites. UW is 16-0 and Oregon is not

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Always great pics Naji and Tim. Go Ducks!

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Thank you John for the update . Praying for him.

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Great pictures

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Defense is looking good, just need to eliminate those penalties. If and the offense are dialed in. Impressive win. Go Trojans!!!!

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