Beautiful shots - Martinez is a Beast



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Fantastic photos, I wanted the win for every player, student, alumni and all the dedicated fans. It was a bitter ending…

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Lots of great images. The one with Muhammad deflecting the pass is epic. The look on some of the player’s faces show intense focus. Tough, tough football game.

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Great pics Serena! Definitely captured the intensity of the game, and the rain!

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Those are great shots!

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beautiful photographs. Looks like the men in stripes missed a facemask but you didn't.

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Possibly the ONLY good thing about the PAC12 going away is that there won’t be PAC12 refs any longer...



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overall I thought the officials called a good game.. They didn't decide it. Congrats on your victory you earned it, truly.

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Would agree for the most part. The 15-yard personal foul on OSU was a horrible call, but aside from that it seemed to be pretty well officiated.

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Kurt, If the official determined to make the call on the OSU player, then the Husky player deserved a flag, also. The Husky's reaction was far greater. The penalties should have been off-setting. VR, J Horvath

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Was at the game, didn’t see what happened…just watched the replay, two players tangled up, pushing and pulling each other after the whistle, but the Husky threw the Beaver down, with the back of the Beaver’s head smashing into the turf. Commentators agreed that at minimum, should have been offset.

One other thing I noticed, the Husky receiver is VERY skilled at pushing off in order to achieve separation.

However, OSU had plenty of opportunity to win this game. Hats off to the Huskies.

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I thought that flag should be offset, too, or simply picked up. Was on a kickoff or punt return, I forget. But to my eye both players were guilty

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Too bad there was not a pic of the Beaver cornerback viciously lashing out with his face to the fist of the UW player. No doubt a personal foul in the realm of PAC 12 officiating.

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Jim T, Was that a tongue-in-cheek descriptor of a personal foul? I took it that way because only a player who has lost control of his emotions smashes his fist into an opponents facemask! That's a great way to break some knuckles and/or to dislocate one's thumb. And, it can draw a very deserving personal foul penalty which the coaches and the players will critique (and assign many stairs and up-downs for that lack of self-discipline). VR, J Horvath

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Pointing out what actually happened as the Washington

Player clearly struck the Beaver cornerback in the face mask/ helmet with his hand/ fist. How that was a personal

foul on the Beaver was an egregious call.

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In stadium experience, there were virtually NO replays on the jumbo screen of most any play. Was a bit disappointed in that

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Great photos again, Thanks! Go Beavs

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John, Your photo team produces a number of very interesting pictures that captured many emotions. I positively appreciate the various sight lines in the new stadium; it's a beautiful facility (I remember a very different facility in 1967 when OSU played USC and O.J. Simpson, and the '68 facility was unchanged and very different from this beauty). The Husky defensive backs (DB) seemed to have great length and an appreciation for how to use that length to deflect approaching passes; Muhammad was particulary adept; the Beaver DBs were not as skilled, and seemed a second late in acquiring /closing with the Husky receivers. However, the Husky DBs were often trying to push the OSU receivers out of bounds as they ran along the boundary; if the officials/back judge had called that as PI, we would not have regularly seen that problem. Penix has an incredible touch on many of his passes; Penix appeared to throw one pass away, and a receiver caught it in-bounds - WOW! The coaches and players all represented their schools very well, but I was disappointed with the outcome. So, what is the CW's outcome on the opponents in the PAC-12 Championship game? UW will be there regardless of the Apple Cup outcome;. What about Ducks, Beavers, and Wildcats? Thank you. This has been a great article. I remain VR, J Horvath

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"ESPN hates the beavs" one of the best photos.

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Great pictures!!!

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Great photo’s, BUT. False starts, AND poor play calling by Lindgren cost us this game and D J did not have a good night!!!

I could go on, but will not.

Coach Smith needs (NOW) to tell us he is staying or leaving. He cannot go on and leave ALL OF US AND THE PLAYERS HANGING.

If he leaves, you can count on Chiles, Coach M, and the running backs Coach to go with him.

No matter what, LINDGREN HAS TO GO.

An 8-4 season (coming up) is (to me ) is disappointing.

We lose 25 players and a large part of them are starters, which might be part of Smith’s decision to leave, but I hope not.

I hope Coach remember’s the words he said when he was hired!!!!

My dream job, my dream college, and I forgot the third one, can anyone help this old guy????

Have a good week everyone!!!

This is one that is tough to swallow!!!

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He was hired in what, 2018? I don’t think u can hold Smith to anything he said back then as it pertains to coaching. I have to believe that all things being equal, he’d prefer to stay at OSU forever. He seems like one of those guys.

Sadly, things aren’t equal, and he’s a young, in-demand coach with an extremely bright future. Even if it’s not all about the money - like it is for so many - you can’t blame him for taking a job in the SEC at say, Texas A & M for $40M-$45M over five years. Or UCLA, or Washington for that matter (DeBoer to USC?).

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Such a game of "What if's". Sumthin' to watch Martinez, isn't it?

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These are great photos, Serena. Even the one with Odunze “taunting” the crowd—can’t blame him though as it’s just part of the game now. Heartbroken but proud of the team. As you said John, they are for real!

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