OSU's coach Smith pulled a Lanning with his poor decision to go for a fake field goal with 2 seconds left in the first half--he had similar bonehead decisions last year in the first half of their defeat to Washington in Seattle, all resulting in taking defeat out of the jaws of victory.

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Don't even know where to start. Beavs were outcoached, outplayed, outhustled. They looked slow. Tackled poorly (AGAIN!). Lacked fire. Martinez only carried the ball 14 times. DJU looked confused and held on to the ball too long. Only bright spot was offensive line played well. So disappointing, especially coming off the bye week.

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Correct, wish they had pounded the rock more. Big picture, the talent is deficient in key ways--receivers, QB, and secondary. JC is right to suggest more PT for Aidan Chiles to finish the year.

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Perfect summary of this disappointing loss. The Beavs just did not show up, and AZ is way better than they have been in recent past—especially on their field.

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John wanted readers to post what went wrong in the comments.

Poor preparation, when that should have been the least likely time for that to happen, with an extra week to prepare, more than occasionally poor play calling, poor in game adjustments overall, and unforced very poor game and clock management.

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Sorry but IMO that was NOT an upset...UA has been playing great their last several games and OSU is not a good road team for whatever reason. UA has historicaly been very tough at home (minus the last few years of upheaval and merry go round of coaches there). UA's head coach has them believing, and Fafita has come into his own and is one dangerous QB right now.

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PAC-12 beating itself up again. I guess that Arizona’s beat down of WSU last week was no fluke. Fifita is the real deal. While Prime at CU is getting the press Frisch at Arizona is doing the best team rebuild. Two years ago Arizona was miserable.

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I watched the entire second half with a blank stare on my face. That fake field goal...

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Disappointing loss- we must tackle better. I’m aggravated about this one. It is leaving a mark. We had opportunities.

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You are so right about the tackling. Giving credit to AZ, but just did not wrap up well.

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Shades of Dan Lanning. Coach Smith is normally unassailable in his judgement. But when they tried the fake last night, with no time on the clock, we were all going "what the f....?" It was an unbelievably bad call given the situation. The Beavers again played a highly flawed game, like at WSU, with bad coverage in the secondary and times where they weren't even making an effort (#23, Jermod McCoy, just jogging after getting beat by #4 Michael Wiley on his break to the post in Q4)

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When coastal creatures travel to the desert, all of their flaws are exposed. It will not surprise me, at all, if Oregon has problems at ASU here soon.

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I never thought coaching decisions would be one of the Beavers flaws. Incredible! I mean, I like aggressive, but not stupidly so. The DBs are also disappointing not for their skill but for their effort. I never thought a Coach Bray D would lack effort. The Beavs had better wake up for the rest of the season or this could get ugly

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Brian, every team in the PAC is flawed and, given the opportunity, an opponent can take advantage of those flaws. Utah has no offense due to injuries, Oregon State has an inconsistent QB, Washington has no defense, Oregon has a drunken sailor as a HC, USC has no defense, etc... personally, I t prefer that no PAC team make it to the CFP because they'll get slaughtered.

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"Drunken sailor as a HC"??? Are you stupid, or actually the drunk you rail about. While Lanning made a couple questionable calls...he's far from a "drunken sailor" but then that so called drunken sailor just coached his team to a mercy killing of the team you're a fan of. So I digress.

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LOL...and in this corner, the reigning Douchebag World Champion, Grant's Dad!!! LOL, I bet you think that the Ducks have the chance to "make some noise" in the national scene. Let me disabuse you of that notion. You just beat a team that's been playing 2nd and 3rd stringers most of the season in key positions. It's purely through grit, smoke, and mirrors that they've won six games so far. What do you think is going to happen when you meet a healthy Michigan or Georgia in the CFP if you even get that far? You and Danny Boy might as well not show up.

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Sure. But if it is the HC that is flawed, the team has no chance. I had higher expectations for the Beavs’ HC

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Noticed that too. There needs to be a shake up in defensive backfield. They seemed confused on coverages; way too many own receivers in the second half. And why abandon the running game in the fourth quarter. So disappointing!

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Extremely disappointing. This is the 8th game of the year, not the first or second. McCoy should be kicked off the team for his lack of effort. If that is happening on all the team, the Beavers have real problems.

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I saw McCoy jogging behind the receiver on the replay and could not believe the lack of effort to recover after getting beat.

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Making the comparison to Dan is just silly. Ducks D shows up on the road, and Smith’s fake field goal attempt doesn’t even compare to Dan’s decisions to go for it on 4th down.

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Elephants in the room, our defense isn’t that great and DJ makes a lot of questionable or just bad throws.

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What's with the Oregon coaches not taking 3 points when available? Must e the water.

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Obviously there's a time and place for a fake FG, this was not it. Much worse was being down 20-17 with 8 minutes left and going away from the run. 3 straight shaky passes. Plenty of time to have run the ball, take time off the clock, settle the team down, then throw when further down the field. Totally out coached in the 4th quarter. Not sure I can come back next week, or ever. Disgusting.

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The Beavers were really not stopped running the ball. Fenwick and Martinez had their way. I don't get relying on the pass with UA having a decent secondary. I had hoped DJU would regain his confidence and be on the spot with his passes. But he is not doing that. He missed a lot of open receivers last night. The Beavs will get a bowl game, but it will not be on January 1, sorry to say. They are a long way from being a national contender.

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A "questionable" call is one that may or may not be ok, and we need more information to judge what happened and why. That was an indefensible erroneous call that can not be justified.

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Pac12 after dark bites again! Time to go take the last Pac12 title and the pac12 not get a cfp again

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I am going to tell you all right now. We may not win another game this season!!! SORRY

The remaining teams we play have outstanding receivers (yes, including Stanford) Washington had a hard time beating them today.

Smith made a STUPID CALL, They showed Arizona that play and was called for delay of the game before, they were expecting it the second time and guess what, it cost us the game. That game should have gone into overtime!!!! The next 4 teams will pass us crazy, and run the ball as well.

Sorry to say this, but all you had too due today is watch the teams we will be playing and you might see what I am saying.

Have a good night everyone.

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Really great photographs. Patrick Mulligan....we see you!! That shot of Jedd Fisch was amazing. (p.s. a bio of the photographers would be interesting as well.

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A chronicle of a death foretold. Many people on this site, myself included, predicted a Beaver loss in Tucson. If you look at Arizona's record this year. 2 OT losses and a close loss to Washington, there's an alternate universe where they're undefeated and a Top 10 team. This also should serve as a cautionary tale for Oregon prior to their trip to Tempe. The desert is also known as a place where Ducks go to die.

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But the Beavers have as much or more talent than the UA. That is what makes this loss infuriating. They lost by 3 points that were there on the table for them and gave up other points by a lackluster defensive effort, not by playing their hearts out. They just didn't. Even with an extra week to prepare and knowing that UA beat WSU the week before

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I hate bye weeks- they seem to hurt more than help.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023

really?? That sounds like wishful thinking on your part. |You must be Butt hurt over your team's crushing from Oregon? The desert is where historically Oregon struggles for 2-3 quarters and then pulls out wins. ASK ASU, ask UA, both were OT victims.

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I'm not butthurt at all. The best team definitely won. However, I see from your comments that you're still a douchebag. I'm going to love seeing your Ducks get crushed in the CFP, if you even make it that far.

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You just knew Arizona was eventually going to break through against a good opponent after so many close calls.

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Smith has a history of unwisely rolling the dice. Now he and Lanning have dumbly

Hurt their teams needlessly.

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