More photos are always added after the gallery is blasted out via email. So you can always go to JohnCanzano.com and see the full gallery with extras.

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Great pictures Darby and Emma! I particularly like the one of Sadiq vaulting over the opponent, and capturing the expressions of fans in the background.

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All the photos are great... the one by Darby with Reeds interception was the game breaker.

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Show the photo to Jerry Allan as he didn’t see it live in broadcast.

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Fantastic photos. Great vibes shots of color of the game. They can make feel the passion of the game. The action photos were even better. I liked the Nikki Reed interception, #5 for PSU’s TD catch, and most of all Sardiq’s hurdle. Great work guys 👍

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Looking forward to photos from Pasadena!!!

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Seems true the quarterback always gets the prettiest girl! In my case, I (receiver) did, but our quarterback did get the wealthiest one, and she was pretty good looking as well. Just sayin', Charlie ( and before you get all cranked up about sexist and all that, remember that I am very old!)

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Correction: ‘twas yours truly that got the prettiest girl and I never played any football


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Was Baby Duck at the game? Not just in Indy.

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Yes, Duck Baby was in the house!

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I particularly like the Penn State drum major pic 😎

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Is that Joey H in the background of the Sadiq photo?

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John, Your photographers did a superb job capturing the events and emotions. Thank you for your keen eye in selecting the two best artists. Thank you , again, and I remain VR,

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You always find the best photogs no matter where a game is!

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Watched that game from start to finish. Spectacularly entertaining. As always wonderful photos from the game from you and your staff.

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Great photos…the first one “hands to the face” caught the action that nearly turned the tide on the game. Ducks were awesome! Nittany Lions have no reason to hang their heads. On to Pasadena!

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Derek Harmon and number 71 from Penn State were really going at it. I wonder if they shook hands after the game? :-)

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