Thanks for the pix. Appreciate you spending for the photographer! Next year I'll do it for free.

Hey, I agree with James' question below. How do we get questions to you for mailbag?

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I've tried asking John that but he does not let the secret out in the comments section.

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John, I can't figure out how to send a question for your mail bag so I'll ask here. I am a tech challenged senior who follows all things Duck, but especially enjoy women's basketball and softball. Most games are on Pac-12 Network. With a new media deal will I be able to see most games as now?

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Hello John,

Watching the Ducks on the PAC 12 app from out of town. How come there is no advertising during the breaks, halftime? What am I missing here? Seems like a lot of lost revenue?

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Aha! Thank you. How mysterious

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Anybody else notice those waistbands? What is that?

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Love these images, wish I could enlarge them.

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How big are we talkin' here? You can click them to open in a gallery view. John even let's you download them too. Or at least I can. (thanks John)

Not sure how much bigger you need!

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