I nearly died from stage IV colon cancer 8 years ago. Had two bowel surgeries, probably the same chemo as Joel, and metastisized liver cancer. Plus I was/am a Pastor. However, I am a Duck so I've got that going for me. 😁

Great story John, tell Joel I'm praying for him.

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Just to be clear, the tongue was firmly in cheek on the "However, I'm a Duck..." comment 😉

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Go Ducks!! I lost my cousin to triple negative breast cancer in late 2017. She was one of my best friends. I admired her as a youngster. Her life taught me joy, gratitude, love, kindness. Her passing taught me that profound grief comes from profound joy.

Yeah, I get annoyed when her son and husband (widow) are texting me about how lanning has lost his mind (thank god..10/14) or how the huskies defense sucks (ASU, Utah, beavs, etc), but they still win (phew says them). Or how last weekend her daughter and I are texting about how miraculous a cougar upset would be (even though it is the ducks best interest they lose -I’m still rooting for her). She’s good as she and her husband just welcomed their first child on Oct 14 (her dad said it was for the huskies 🤷‍♀️)!! It’s ok..she’s used to being the underdog because her older brother always seems to come out on top. (She will enjoy it if we win tomorrow) . Go Ducks!

Tomorrow is the last PAC 12 game. Not something I ever imagined or desired. I will grieve tomorrow a little more as I have been doing this year even if the ducks are triumphant as the last champion of champions, because with profound grief there is only profound joy in its wake. Go Ducks!💛💚🏈 but yes, there are more important things in life than football!

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John, you asked a powerful rhetorical question -- how does one engage with someone who’s struggling? Lean into, or stay away from, the struggle?

You also answered it, powerfully. You engage with authenticity and humanity, and you trust your gut. As you did here. It’s a blessing that Pastor Joel has walked through the fire and emerged free of the cancer. It’s at least as big a blessing that he’s had you around to take the walk with him.

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For sure, Barry.

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This diehard Husky fan and six year breast cancer survivor LOVED this John. Thank you for sharing!!!

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Awesome story with an ending that brought tears to my eyes.

And a couple of great quotes from Pastor Joel:

“Sports are about making memories… relational connections… friendships formed… and learning to be a team.”

-- Joel Dombrow, pastor

“Not all that happens to us is good — but it can all be used for good.”

--Joel Dombrow, pastor

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Great story and so well-written. You frequently provide much-needed perspective, and this is one of your best.

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Yes sir, John. That’s what makes John’s space so uplifting. Thanks to all of you for being here. I look forward to John’s compelling content and to the comments that follow.

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John. I love a well earned victory and a happy ending. Thanks for providing both. And my continued best wishes to your friend.

You remind us about what really matters. In this day and age that is equivalent to gold.

Thanks for keeping this Cougar sane during the past few months. Finding you online has provided perspective and hope. Thank you for that as well.

Always a fan.


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As a colon cancer survivor of nine years (surgery, chemo, and lost 38 pounds that came back), and a Duck, a beautiful story. I prayed I lived long enough to see my grandson to kindergarten, and he’s now in Zgrade 4. Sometimes there are things in life more important than football.

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A bigger win than whoever wins the game tomorrow. Thanks for sharing that good news. Go Joel! Go Ducks! I will be watching the game from home where I live in New Zealand. I am a Duck alum and recovering American.

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Dan we might have to connect. My son visited NZ a couple months ago and now is on me and my wife to consider a retirement move.

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Dan, I am a native of NZ and a Duck alum as well, still living in Eugene. It would be a great move Steve checking it out first. It will be an amazing game tomorrow.

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Anytime. This place is amazing. We emigrated here in July of 2018. I am retired as well. I live in a town called Wanaka. Amazing place. Amazing people. The fishing is great if you are into that.

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Joel Dombrow is my favorite pastor of all time. I was very saddened when he left Oregon to rescue a struggling church in California, and then devastated when the news of his cancer arrived.

One of the finest men on the planet has endured several years of agony in the fight for his life, and emerged victorious.

Yes, there are some victories more meaningful than others.

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A recent biopsy revealed a cancerous growth on my liver. Thank you for telling us about Joel Dombrow. He is a genuine inspiration!

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May Hod grant you full health and happiness!

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Very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Wishing you strength, love and ample support on your difficult journey.

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Thank you MJ! My son and I are at the airport in Reno enroute to Allegiant Stadium. Go Ducks!!!

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Former pastor here, who was diagnosed with cancer earlier this year (and who, like Joel, is getting a good report from the doctor)... What great writing, John. Thanks for regularly giving us stories about real life -- I appreciate them very much. And please tell Joel I'm praying for him... and that I'm a Duck, so clearly ONE OF US is right with the Lord!😁

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I dunno about that Duck business. 🙄 I hope your good reports keep coming forever. Go Ducks tonight!

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We've been praying for Joel & the family since we heard about the initial diagnosis. Have known him since his days at Rolling Hills. SO excited to hear the latest update!

Your litany of people going through struggles struck a chord with me. Earlier this month we got to celebrate the incredible event of our daughter getting married. Wonderful event, wonderful venue, and we love our new son-in-law immensely. My mother passed away the same day. She was 88, had been slowly deteriorating for about 10 years, accelerating over the past 5. We knew it was coming and she lived a good, long life. But grief is not fun.

Keep on staying with us Joel!

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What a great column and as you pointed out ... the game is merely a conduit to great memories of football friendships and family. My father and I went to every game in Berkeley, CA for about 15 years and I grew up a huge Cal Bears fan. When my father died, I sprinkled his ashes across Memorial Stadium Field ... and another favorite location of ours ... Golden Gate Fields Racetrack. I agree with your assessment of the game, as I believe in Bo Nix, he illustrates what adversity builds in a QB, Mental Toughness. Go Ducks!

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Amen to that! Really touching piece John...thanks!

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Once again, you got me. Brought a tear to my eye! Thank you!

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