May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Let Damian go.

It gives him a better shot at rewarding his prodigious talent. The team hasn't done that. By contrast, Damian's departure rewards the Blazers with players in trade. Do it now.

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Must put the franchise future first. Team is not going to win big in the next 2-3 years. Short-sighted to mortgage future trying to be the No. 6 seed.

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Honest reply. I think the Lakers will get Wembi. The thing the Blazers need to do is work on the Inside the Paint game. Wimbi will goal tend outside shots like Kereem on speed. That is the reason I think he goes to LA. They got the money, they are big on selling God (which makes me puke), and have hot babes just waiting to see a young 7'5"s pecker. I don't know about you, man, but my sis dated a Laker who, remarkably, fucked around on her (of course), she was a fine Laker Girl, living in LA, venturing into locker rooms as an after-game cocktail waitress ho.. Interesting phone calls. Go to ND, graduate in Social Work, move to LA' do a Laker, and going to all those fancy parties. Yahoo. Hell, I'll take the porn star in Texas. We should hit NIKE and check out their work boot/shoes (with our seating in the Arena, the sneaks should be free, They are an ad.) 6 months before another game Long note. Where is your kid going to school? Peace, JPM

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What a ridiculous post. I don't believe a word.

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Dame's even indicated that he's not interested in playing for a middle tier ballclub either. The 6th seed would be middle tier.

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So go young so they can maybe the 6 seed in 5 years? No thanks. Do seeds matter anymore? 2 play-in teams are in the conf finals.

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They’re not close

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They'll keep Lillard for as long as he's willing to stay, and do what little they can to convince him and everyone else they're building a contender around him. They'll do this because Lillard sells tickets, and money is all that matters. So get ready to see the #3 pick traded for some random good-but-not-great veteran, similar to Jerami Grant, then squint at the roster and try to conjure thoughts of how a rag-tag bunch could get hot at just the right time next spring. Then get ready for the third straight season of tanking next February, when the inevitable mediocrity becomes reality and the "injuries" pile up. Rinse. Repeat.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

It's the millennial and pre- millennial generation that wants to keep Dame around here. They don't care about the team getting better.

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I understand why people like Lillard... but he had an amazing season and they were in the lottery. The Blazers will get lapped by the franchises that know what they're doing.

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The blazers had something like the 3rd most games missed due to injury. You know they wouldn't be lapped if they stayed healthy. Plus, say goodbye to another bargaining chip of James Grant if Lillard was traded. He would bolt and blazers would get zero for him. We need to keep our heads at least for a year people and not be so hasty. Cronin has about a year to prove himself and that's it?

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You are way off base on that one... there's more to the story than that.

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This is not a franchise anywhere close to the WCF. Keeping him is only prolonging the rebuild

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I have heard on a local station that if the blazers can swing for Mikal Bridges and Pascal Siakam, the host said if that were to happen, the blazers would not only be top 4 in the West... but top 4 in the league. I am hoping for something like that. Just saying what I heard.

Otherwise, I am fine with Dame as long as he wants to be here.

I would still like to hear John, what you think if the blazers were innovative enough to think of reversing Lillard's contract where he is payed the most now when he is dominant, and each year it gets reduced so as to help with the salary cap. I think that would help. I think Lillard would be fine with getting paid more now. It would be a win-win for both sides.

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You get it.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Yes, one or two updates around Dame will not come close to a title. Total rebuild from ownership on down is needed. Blazers have had too many tries with Dame but fell short. The Blazers let Dame down.

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Ownership is absentee.

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First and foremost, the blazers do not owe Lillard anything. At the wages they are paying him he should be the most humble player on the team. If he were let go there are lots of guards in college and the G league who would do just fine for Portland.

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That is correct.

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Doing 'just fine' and playing the guard position at the highest level are two completely different things!

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Every offseason it's the same story. New faces, same outcome. Meanwhile, our greatest trade asset continues to lose value. LET HIM GO. Start the rebuild.

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He has been loyal. Time to pivot.

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Talk about pivoting... You were willing to keep Dame if the ping pong balls came up a winner... it almost happened and now you are not willing to let Cronin do his work for a year... too much of a pivot in my opinion.

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Wembanyama… not Dame… was the key

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If you trade Dame... expect to be in lottery hell for years to come, like Houston. that would be the wonderful future... how many tickets would be sold then. Have fun with that one.

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You just finished in the lottery WITH Dame in two straight years.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

After 10 years of failed draft picks (after Damian's drafting) and a rotating cast of journeymen it is very hard to even pay attention to the Blazers let alone pay to attend a game. I don't have much confidence that anything will change this off season.

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Blazers make it difficult.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I'd like to see a trade deal including Jody and Joe...Maybe that's the answer...on 2nd thought I doubt there would be any takers...It saddens me to say this but Let Dame go.

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Joe caught in the middle. This is a Jody problem first and foremost.

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Isn't Kolde really the guy running the team?

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Unfortunately, that seems to be the gloomy reality.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Agree that letting Dame go is best for all. IMO, should have moved him instead of CJ back in early 2022

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I think the lack of an owner contributes to the lack of vision.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Everyone either needs to stop going to the games altogether or just chant SELL THE TEAM!!!!!! The entire game.

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The Blazers entire business plan is designed to make the playoffs, renew season tickets and sell some sponsorships. I get that. But not at the expense of the future of the franchise.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I agree John. But I cannot see anything change until the club gets sold, to hopefully someone that wants to win. This operation is more concerned with being liked and PC, with the fans being useful idiots who keep financing it. Enough already.

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It's groundhog day.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Blazer management has botched results for more than one franchise face. Ownership is certainly part of the problem. Nothing new here.

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Nothing new indeed.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

It's time. I went to the next to last home game vs Sacramento. Dame and his "injured" teammates were in track suits, Lillard had a ball during timeouts dribbling and taking fake three point shots.

11 years, of broken promises from Paul Allen and the Vulcan front office. Allen's sister clutching to the final pieces of Paul's legacy. Lillard doesn't deserve to watch his remaining games play out with another rebuild. Dame loves Portland and we in turn love him back.

But enough is enough, let the man go play for a contender. A really nice player of the future is awaiting to hear his name called with the third selection. Cronin and Vulcan won't be able to exchange fair market value for Lillard, but Dame's Time as a Blazer has created franchise defining moments. Although the supporting cast has never played up to his caliber of excellence.

It's TIME.

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Jody needs to let go.

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Heard any news on that front? My assumption has always been she has no interest in the team, but she also wants to maximize the sale price, and in her estimation that would mean checking some boxes before putting the team on the market:

1. The NBA gets its new national TV deal done, and possibly decisions on expansion

2. Long term local broadcast rights (current deal ends in 2025) that hopefully includes several platforms and ensures maximum reach throughout the fanbase....RSN, streaming, and maybe even a return to OTA for some games (like what the Suns wanted to do until a bankruptcy judge said no)

3. The arena lease with the city is done....and that doesn't just include the ground lease, but also a major renovation to the arena and development of the land around it

If that's what she's waiting on, it could be at least a year before they are put up for sale, which would probably mean the earliest a new owner could be in place is before the start of the 2025-26 season. [sigh]

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I agree with you but now that I think about it, if they draft Scoot Henderson it will be like..Here we go again drafting another guard but if they draft Brandon Miller it will be like..Are we heading down Jail Blazers Road 2.0? It's a tough call.

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

This feels like when Clyde Drexler was let go to Houston to allow him the opportunity for a world Championship which he got. You've Accurately described what the Blazers need to do for Lillard, the team and most importantly the fans

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It's fans and franchise first... use Lillard to pave the future.

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Teams win when they get the Superstar and teams lose when they trade the Superstar. I am thinking of the franchise, you guys are not.

Here's something. What if the blazers can convince Lillard to take his money in reverse order... pay the most now and it gets reduced each year... that would help the salary cap and why wouldn't Dame take the most money now?

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You are not thinking of what happens in two seasons when a 35-36 year old guard is making $58M

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And yet, the blazers got practically nothing in that Drexler trade... would probably be the same if Dame was traded... blazers would get practically nothing.

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You must have good big men in the NBA to have a real team. Dump Lilliard now before he goes off on another spree to get more tats and complain. Jody Allen knows nothing about the NBA. The vulcans in Seattle do not care about Pdx. Chauncy Billips is no head coach, and was a poor hire. Unless you are stupid, or named Mario Cristoball, you do not snub Phil Knight. He offered only 2 billion for the team last year, and Jody peed her granny pants. She claims team is not for sale, which is a lie; all assets must be sold sooner or later. I get all Blazer games on my comcast, and do not watch Portland ever. A sad team going nowhere. Real sad as I remember the good teams or 1990 and 1992; both teams lost the NBA title.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Amen. As a point of fairness to Damian Lillard, it would be a way to reward a man of integrity for all he’s done for the fans in Portland. He’s tried. Now let him play where he has a chance to actually win a championship. That ain’t Rip City.

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I don't have that same "do what's best for Dame" mentality. But I understand it. He's been well compensated for his loyalty.

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I thought about that, too. But I’d rather see him get it than the phenom in LA. 😎

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May 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Agree. But why does Sam Bowie come to mind?

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Always circles back...

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