The other sad reality is in our New World Order foreign economic forces control all of our lives, including our culture and value system. Since we are all on the same stage, it is impossible to change that. We can express our moral outrage at one singular event, but the puppeteers continue to pull the strings and watch the puppets dance.

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Thank you John for helping to expose this farce. A PR member tried to excuse the decision by telling me that it was not local management’s decision to hold the tournament in North Plains. He must not be one of the members who resigned. He should have been. No matter who made the decision it was wrong. Simply corporate greed. Greed should not be rewarded. It doesn’t go far enough for us non-members to just boycott the the tournament. We need to cease patronizing Pumpkin Ridge all together. I won’t be playing golf there anymore. It’s a small sacrifice because I don’t play there much but if others join in - it could be quite a statement in support of human rights. Worldwide!

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Sorry Jerry, the ship sailed on greed in sport decades ago. Now it's just a race to the bottom.

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It’s amazing how very rich athletes never seem to have enough..

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Buddy, it does not stop wth athelets. drjimxlaw64@gmail.com

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As long as we're talking about disjointed sporting organizations you CAN feel good about supporting, there's a MotoAmerica race at The Ridge road course up in Shelton, Wa over the weekend of the 25-26th of June. This is, for better or worse, the premier motorcycle road racing organization here in the good ol' USA. The talent and athleticism of these maniacs is still something incredible to behold. No, it ain't MotoGP, or even Golden Age AMA-caliper racing, but dang; it is awesome!

It's only a couple of hours away. Go spend your money there.

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This kinda feels like the schism that set open-wheel racing in America back decades.

Not that it should be on Tiger, but he could be a hero here and announce he's going to play a bunch more PGA events this year. That would all but kill the other tour.

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For the first time since you spread your wings, I lament the fact you aren’t writing for the greater audience of The “O.” I am LOVING your daily pieces and only say that because I wish this message could go out to the general public! I’m so pleased that the PGA has banned all present and future LIV’ers from their tourneys. I have been a huge Phil fan forever and now…all I feel is shame for him. It’s shocking.

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There is a great episode on Freakanomics about “sport washing”, they also take a deep dive on Saudi Arabia’s soft power move into the golf world.

This is not the first “soft-power” move by a country with ties to human rights violations. (Just Google it and you will see thousands of examples in history.) Heck, SA has been a backer of Formula 1 for a long time.

The Saudis own Manchester City FBC, they own 7.7 billion dollars worth of Boeing Shares, they have large stakes in Starbucks, Qualcomm, Uber, Bank of America Berkshire Hathaway Disney and many more American assets that myself and most Americans have bought into.

I don’t condone the Saudi regime however in my mind, if these individual golfers have “blood on their hands” as many have said, wouldn’t that mean we all have blood on our hands? My pension is invested in fossil fuels and weapons of mass destruction, and there is a small movement to replace those investments but it’s out of my control so do I have blood on my hands for that?

This topic is not a “black and white” issue, the world is obviously more complicated than that. But I am happy that we are all learning about this. Over time the knowledge gained will lead to little changes, hopefully for the good of future generations. Or not…

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Bravo James... the outrage seems to be selectively applied here. I think John skips over the disaster America is becoming and the threats to our own democracy. That's another story though.

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I certainly will not be supporting LIV but believe PGA Tour has a potential large problem. If the suspensions are challenged in court, there is a very good chance PGA will lose. By their own definition the players are independent contractors. If players meet the minimum tournaments played requirement should they be allowed to play anywhere they please? I think we'll see what a judge says

Also I think LIV is not nearly finished poaching players

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This will be particularly interesting with the majors. The PGA only controls one of those - and it has already been played. DJ has exemptions for the next 10 years on some of them.

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Actually PGA of America controls PGA Championship not PGA Tour, but would most likely side with PGA Tour. If the other majors allowed LIV players, time to sweat for PGA Tour

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I would change your "if the suspensions are challenged in court" to "when". I'm certain both LIV and the top players who joined already have the lawsuits ready to go. Maybe the timing would be right to file them during the US Open. Interesting question about the PGA Tour bullying tactics. Like most bullies, you take on people not as able to fight back. Wonder what the tour's approach would have been had Tiger, Rory, Rahm and Koepka had asked to play? Bet it would be WAY different.

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Wow, Gus. According to your reasoning, since we import oil from Saudi Arabia to help keep our country running, we should make rich golfers richer by supporting a golf tour that a bunch of butchers created to apply perfume to a steaming pile of ... government policies. Call me crazy, but I think standing up for human rights is a wee bit more important than supporting a needless new golf tour.

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Absolutely. The greed is as egregious as the blindness to the perfidy of the Saudis.

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Much like the NBA, China and Nike. But we’re ok with that.

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It’s a huge point… we should look harder at all of this.

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The PGA tour is tied to China already and they have slave and just as bad of human rights issues. It is all about profit.

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On your radio show yesterday, y'all were discussing best intro music-I wasn't surprised Anna said "anything Bon Jovi" lol-but was surprised no one mentioned Voodoo Child by Hendrix. That should be yours, jus' sayin'

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Totally agree. Oregon golf fans, and those who cherish human rights and doing the right thing, should do the right thing: Send a message loud and clear by boycotting the event at Pumpkin Ridge.

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Do you boycott Nike, the NBA, Disney, etc. as well? I mean, with China and SA's investments in those companies, it would be hypocritical if you didn't, right?

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I haven’t owned a Nike product in 15 years. I don’t watch any SEC sports either! Haha, I’m sure we all have companies/organizations etc. We don’t affiliate with.

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Right, you only root for teams that don’t employ felons and pay more than the minimum wage dog dog vendors.

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Yet Oregon houses one of the largest companies using slave labor in the world. Seems curious to me?

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I'll skip Pumpkin Ridge and the Saudies. No need for the contamination.

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Nailed it for me. Been a Phil fan but he appears to be a mess of late and that has nothing to do with his lack of money. The sentiment throughout the field of those bolting the PGA seems to be, “yeah it’s terrible what they did and will continue to do, but the money is absolutely stupid and you know my family can’t exist on the mere thousands and millions I’ve already made swinging sticks.”

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I am not a fan of Saudi Arabia and never will be. They may have enough money to steal the souls of some greedy golfers but not enough to get the blood off their hands. Rob Harris was lucky they just removed him instead of taking him to a back room and dismembering him. I am with you John hard pass here!

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Again, you are spot on regarding LIV. It's not "hard" for me to take a hard pass on this subject.

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Lots of areas where we can do better.

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