Sep 19, 2022Liked by John Canzano

I whole heartedly agree that there is no place for discrimination against people for their race, religion, gender, etc. With that said, I am glad there weren’t 4K HD cameras and cell phones around to record every really dumb thing I said or screamed at the opposing teams or refs as an inebriated co-ed…. and that was back in the early 00’s….

If I was in charge, I would lean more towards a mandatory civics course focused on educating the involved parties about how we got to

the point where we need to have protected classes as opposed to expelling them or ruining their lives forever.

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Educate about "protected classes?" What would that have to do with this offensive behavior?

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Protected classes is broad enough to apply to lots of groups that are often discriminated against, including religious groups. I believe that applies here.

College is a time to make mistakes, learn, and grow. When I read Fredrick Douglas’s biography it radically changed my understanding on how I thought about slavery and racial discrimination vs what I learned growing up in Texas in the 90s.

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That helps. Thanks!

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Harassing the visiting team and it’s fanbase is to be expected - ignorance is nothing new. There’s a line between clever banter and drunken spew. Unfortunately, that line is crossed more often than not in today’s egocentric world

A couple years back at Autzen, I was walking through the party zone, resplendent in Purple and Gold, with my Duck hosts. Got the usual razzing, ignored the spew, but had to give props to the crew populating a very $ubstantual motor coach. As I walked by, I felt something hit the ground at my feet…it was a dog biscuit; a hilarious first! Picked it up, looked at who threw it, gave a thumbs up, and pretended to take a bite. DuckFan’s response was to invite me over for “a real meal.” Made some new friends over a tri-tip sandwich and a micro-brew.

Been embarrassed in Husky Stadium by over-the-line invective put forth by my fellow HuskyFans. Bottomline is idiots have been around as long as I can remember and show no signs of disappearing anytime soon. All the fan base can do is police itself.

That being said I hope both Washington and Oregon are undefeated when we meet in November. Now THAT’LL be a GAME!


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Go Ducks! Bone the Dogs. I support a Husky free NW. LOL https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon%E2%80%93Washington_football_rivalry

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by John Canzano

“The university apologized to BYU, calling the chants “offensive and disgraceful.” Oregon said it is investigating. I’m left wondering when we lost our civility.”

I was seated in Autzen for the Boise State game, 2007...a significant number of Oregon fans booed the Broncos as they came onto the field, pre-game. I was beyond embarrassed...more like ashamed. I wrote the president of the university (Lariviere) and the athletic director (Bellotti), expressing my (by then) anger and requesting they provide leadership toward eliminating such behavior. Neither replied. I’ve not attended a Ducks game in Autzen since, nor have I contributed another nickel to the university, or the athletic department. TOTAL BUSH LEAGUE BEHAVIOR!

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A fan base booing an opposing team provoked "anger?" Have you ever been to a football game anywhere where this did not happen?

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I don’t think I have ever been to a game where the opposing team wasn’t boo’d entering the stadium. After all, fan is short for fanatic. When I played in sports, I considered it part of the pageantry and looked forward to silencing a hostile crowd based on our performance on the field.

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Two dates listed for OSU-UW. You have it right for UW schedule, incorrect for OSU. Former English teacher noticing. FYI only. Nice article overall. Chant is a definite sign of immaturity.

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English major here. I appreciate you. Fixed it.

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I get it. Being your own editor is tough. Glad to assist.

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1. If ESPN owned the Pac-12, they'd be hyping the conference right now. The Pac-12 just had a great weekend, and the Big10 had a poor weekend. That would be all over the worldwide leader's talk shows. And Wazzu would be ranked as a result.

2. The Pac-12 and Big12 are in a game of chicken to see who gets the other to add bad teams. SDSU is dead weight for either conference. Just like Houston/Baylor/TT cannot deliver Texas to the Big12 and Cincy cannot deliver Ohio, SDSU cannot deliver SoCal to either conference. It doesn't matter how many households are in San Diego. To the extent that SoCal cares about college football, it will care about USC first and maybe UCLA a distant second. San Diego is famously football apathetic. It will never care about SDSU. The SDSU expansion idea is fool's gold and just dilutes the revenue.

3. Therefore, if expansion is important, it must be from the Big12. Houston, Kansas, Okie St, and pick a 4th. Anything else is just creating mouths to feed without increasing revenue.

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As a lifelong Ducks fan, I was so embarrassed at that chant. This was even worse than booing AB last year. I wish we could expel these “new” classless fans. Are they so ignorant they don’t realize that there are several Mormon kids on our team and in our stands? Or worse do they know and not care? A lot of polys are Mormon, and a lot of potential recruits see this and will associate Oregon with hate. Football aside, this was just low and bad.

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I had Duck season tickets from 2002 to 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed my time in the stands. Took the 10 year old to the BYU game, and was thoroughly disgusted by the behavior of the fans around us. While we were in the opposite side in the west end zone and did not hear the chant, plenty of F bombs and middle fingers were sent to the nearby BYU fans. The drunk guy that would not shut up and dropped his beer on my kid (he was a very nice young man though) as well as the drunk guy next to me that never stopped swearing... totally inexcusable behavior. There was, I believe, parents of an athlete in front of us as they called all the players by their first name and were very in tune with the game. I felt embarrassed by the behavior of the fans around us. This is likely the last time I will go back down to a game.

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Those comments were clearly out of line. But come on—when I was a student at Oregon 50 years ago I heard far worse from Beaver fans at Gill Coliseum and Dawgs at Husky Stadium. And I’m sure their heard similar bad things at Mac Court. Students are kids and they get out of hand and it’s maddening.

Plus, Mormonism is an easy target, as is any religion. It’s abhorrent, truly. But do you think Notre Dame fans haven’t heard far worse?

BYU, your fans at Autzen were wonderful. We hope you invite Oregon to Provo and that you will be kinder to us than the Huskies are.

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USC has defined what is needed for a PAC12 football championship. Hire a coach that will make $11 million per year and toss in a $17 million dollar home. Then all that the coach has to do is poach half or more of the future starters from another university. ASU and 9 other Pac12 schools may find that difficult to do. USC & UCLA leaving the Pac12 may be the best thing for the PAC12 in the near future.

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"one thing or another just chronically drags the Sun Devils down"

I'll tell you what it is....it's the school colors. Holy smokes, it can't get any worse than that. No recruit in their right mind would want to be caught dead in those colors.

ASU coaches (while wearing crap ugly school gear) = "man, why is it so hard to recruit here?"

ASU recruits = "Look mom, I got another offer from [insert ANY other P12 school], I kinda like them better. I'm not sure why but it just 'feels' like a better fit"

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I witnessed this same behavior last season when the student section chanted the same eff the Beavers. I contacted the University of Oregon powers to be and they assured me that they would investigate and eliminate this behavior. I even forwarded you the letter. Guess they lied to me because they are still doing it.

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That's disappointing. Also, difficult when a thin stripe of idiots make so much noise. I noticed some stadiums have done more than others to help with fan behavior.

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Hey John: Wanted to get this in before my pick of the day Eagles -3 vs. Viks. I am doing well so far 8-3 ats on pro amd college. at Spirit Mtn. I said two weeks ago that I loved USC over Beavs in Reser. Spread is only USC -7 ! Crowd will be non-factor at 25,000. I think USC is a deeper team than Beavs, and coaching is better than Smith at OSU. Lincoln Riley, in his first year with the Trojans, has great receivers and a new qb he brought with him from Oklahoma. I was charged four times instead of one over the week-end for your column. If you cannot credit me for three, I will donate them to the persons of your choice. Love your takes on most everything. I may sound like a broken record, John , but unless ESPN pulls of a mirace, the PAC-12 is doomed. That Jeff Bezos circus of last Thursday was a rip-off. You had to pay 15 dollars for a trial 30 day prime memebership. Streaming games will not save the pac-12 as very few householods will go for it . UCLA and USC were smart to bail out; it is called big money. ESPN controls sports on tv as you know. No school out there will add anything to the watered down pac-10 in two years. Larry Scott buried us, and I do not see much from the new commisch yet. Minimum five years before the Pac-12 can catch the Big 10 and SEC in football. Ducks favored by 7 at WSU, and should be good game. Trojans going to roll Saturday by more than 7 I hope. Going to keep riding with Tom Brady as he has an improved defense and is 2-0 against the spread, and straight up.

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

I took my son to his first college football game this weekend against BYU. We sat at the top of section 6 for the first half, pretty much in the middle of the student section. We could hear the chants loud and clear. There were hundreds of students that were participating in the chants and others that I could hear laughing after the chanting that found it amusing. As an alumni I was embarrassed and had trouble finding the words to explain to my son why they were chanting what they were chanting. At halftime we moved to the other end zone and sat down there for the rest of the game. Glad the Ducks won. Just disappointed in our student section, we need to be better!

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Shoot I didn't know they did that. That is disrespectful. I'm happy with the dominant win over a good team. But that's not okay. weve get enough problems in the world with out making more. Of one person does tell the guy to stop. Of a student section is chanting it that's a whole new level. And I'd be up for pac12 on Amazon. I loved being to watch Thursday night football with out having to pay an arm and a leg.

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Reading your daily article today, you made the comment that I’m left wondering when we lost our civility.

The answer is that three-quarters of Americans believe that incivility has risen to crisis levels, a rate that has significantly increased since January 2016. The same proportion feels that the U.S. is losing stature as a civil nation (73%). These statistics, consistently high year after year, are a sobering commentary on the state of civility in our country.

Marty Koval

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The UO isn't a xenophobic, racist or misogynistic institution - and I am unsure what it could do to curb boorish behaviour by drunk fans. Condemning it widely and publicly is the right thing to do.

I have travelled to see the Ducks in every Pac12 stadium and enjoyed every single one - even as I and my mates were at times verbally abused. It goes with the territory, though I agree slagging people for their faith is out of bounds.

Finally I wish to apologise to Bruin Fan for my participation in a group chant of "FUCLA" when the Ducks were playing them at the Rose bowl circa 1988.

PS: No regrets for wearing a T shirt which read "Ted Bundy was a Husky" to a game in Seattle. He was. It's a fact.

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