“The umpires for the Regional finals or the World Series championship tournament in Williamsport, Pa. should not be volunteers. Pay them. As long as parents are going to yell at the umpire — pay them.

• All parents should have to work as a home plate umpire one time in the early part of the season. One inning back there should do the trick.”-JC

I have always been an advocate and wished parents, or fans in general, could umpire an inning on the field. I mean, let’s be honest, some umpire the entire game from the bleachers.

If nothing else, it just might give parents and fans a better understanding of what umpires do, and how it’s not quite as easy as it looks sitting behind a screen sipping on a ice cold beverage in the blazing summer heat.

Thanks JC 😎

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“All parents should have to work as a home plate umpire one time in the early part of the season. One inning back there should do the trick.”

I’ve said that for a long time

Years ago, I umped when my son was playing little league. Never went a complete game without at least one invective-spewing parent crossing every line there was. I drew the line when the language got foul…

I’d call time, calmly remove my mask, and let ‘em know there were two choices; “be quiet and realize who’s listening to your rant OR watch the game from the parking lot.” Most took stock and shut up - a lot didn’t

Got a 13 year old grandson and an 8 year old granddaughter playing ball these days. Recently retired, so I’m watching a lot of ball. For some reason, last season was much kinder and gentler - hope the trend continues


Seeya in Eugene November 12th

Huskies 31

Ducks 24

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The third base ump at the NW regional final was from Salem and I’ve worked with several who have worked with him. Home plate ump has no business being involved in that call down the line and the LL leadership has no business reviewing a play that has been declared dead by a foul call from the ump responsible for that call right or wrong. Feel for both Washington and Oregon teams on the way that one finished.

Also good friends with Peter Courtney who has served the state with a great run of leadership.

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Yes to recipes!

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Recipes? YES! Chinese and Italian please!

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on it.

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The week zero Nebraska-Northwestern game will be worth watching to see another episode of the Scott Frost soap opera. If they lose, his coaching seat goes from hot to hotter.

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how warm will his plane seat be on the flight home?

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To be fair, Michigan backed out of a home-and-home with UCLA and the Bruins replaced them with two HBCU schools.

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As a former Little League president and the wife of an umpire, I can say that the one of the most important jobs was to firmly defend the umpires from both coaches and parents. We always had more games than umpires and if a coach or team parents misbehaved, that team was moved to the bottom of the list. I know of a few leagues that require coaches to umpire twice during the season as a condition of their appointment.

Little League umpires provide their own uniforms, pay for their own training, and pay their own travel expenses when they work district, state and regional tournaments. They don’t sit on a bucket during half the game. They often work 5 nights a week after working their day jobs, as well as giving up their Saturdays. During the last 3 1/2 months, my husband worked 60 games.

I don’t think the solution is to pay umpires. I think the solution is for local leagues to enforce some behavior standards and show people to the parking lot when they misbehave. People tend to not be repeat offenders

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Back in 1975 I was asked to umpire girls softball for my daughters league. She was ten at the time. I had a couple of incidents that i thought the cops should have been called. I was spit on once and bodily threatened a couple of times over calls I made. All for being a volunteer dad who wanted to help out.

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Back in the late ‘60’s-early ‘70’s when I was a kid, it seemed at least once every season in every sport there was an incident. Either some parent or parents losing control over a call at a game, or complaining to our coaches about playing time. It was so awkward as a kid to have to witness that. Just let them have fun, it isn’t the Super Bowl or game seven of the World Series.

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As a parent and youth coach. I have been coaching youth sports now since 2007 and all my kids have now aged out but, I continue to coach at the youth level. Each year the parents get worse, we have had to ask visibly drunken, and or angry or just plain belligerent parents to leave. Maybe it’s because youth sports have gotten so expensive people feel entitled but things have to change.

I had a players mother call me a racist because I had her son sit and rest for a series. John as you know my wife is Filipino and my boys are half and half so I have a hard time believing I am a racist.

My oldest is now umpiring youth baseball, parents are crazy along with some of the coaches. Putting parents behind the dish for an inning or two is a fantastic idea I am going to bring this idea to the board. (I am sure it’s been brought up before in the past but it should be reconsidered).

A friend of mine is a scout for the A’s and according to him, “if your kid I.e(14 or 15 years old) isn’t 6’5” 230 throwing 90 miles an hour or bat exit speed of 100mph+ no one and I mean none cares about how good your little kid is until at least their junior year. “

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When I played little league in the 1970's the umpires were often older high school kids. Sadly, I recall abuse from parents back then too. One time a 17-year-old ump tossed a teammate's drunk dad from the stands. My teammate wanted to crawl into the nearest hole. 😟

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DJ needs a new nick name after he cut off his dreads, Predator just doesn't work anymore.

Maybe Pit Bull or Cujo...no Lassies please.

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Loved your Sunday column about your wife and mom in law

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Thank you. Tears 😭 as I wrote it. Grateful.

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