I have a different issue: major universities such as MSU and LSU making deals with sports betting companies so they can advertise on campus to get students to bet on sports events. My experience over years of seeing young people in psychotherapy is that many of them don't know the first thing about dealing with money. Many get credit cards and build up huge debts they can't pay off. What do you think about this issue, John?
Not a good trend. University selling out the students.
On that note.... don't like the credit card companies setting up in the student union, marketing 0% APR and a free water bottle. Always bothered me. Most of those students have no job, no credit history... and they'll get a line of credit.
Trend of marketing to students has a long history. Traditionally banks, insurance companies and cellular services aggressively marketed to students. These services that are the biggest hassle to change tend to get lifelong customers - even when they disappoint clients. Who really wants to change banks? Complicated. So these companies know that if you open accounts with Wells Fargo in college, they have a better chance at retention than they do convincing you to move from Chase at thirty years of age. AllState learned that lesson early in college sports!
This pro-betting advertising and enriching of universities now also spreading into Big10 schools. It’s a trend and not a good one, IMO. My take is it’s going too far, university mission-compromise. I’d also be interested to hear John’s opinion. This to me on a whole other level than collegiate player injury status, to bring bet-transparency to punters
Great news! One of the best in-person basketball games I ever witnessed was Duck woman’s defeat of Mississippi St. in the Moda Center, 3/31/19 Regional. Sabrina was electric, the game and the crowd. Was blown away by the level of competition. Portland and this region will support
As you might not know, John, I moved to Oregon from Connecticut in 94, and have been a die hard UConn fan before Geno, or Coach Calhoun, so have enjoyed so many Championships.
I've long adopted both Ducks and Beavers, and unless there's a conflict, I've always gone Huskies, even against that great Beaver team, however, I must say that Duck team was head and shoulders above that year, Even if I had to watch them in the final 4 against UConn, I would have been all "Ducked out"
This really is fantastic news. Maybe Portland won't remain the sports backwater it has long been forever. How about an NBA All Star Game/Weekend? How about the NHL? Does MLB to PDX have a pulse? The A's still don't have a home and Vegas isn't looking like the slam dunk it once did. Ditto for the Rays.
"beleaguered"?? "Unfavorable news coverage". John, you are holding back. You of all people should know better. Portland does not deserve this. The truth is that city is in danger of being irrecoverable and it is pulling the whole state with it. Sorry, but the elected officials have willfully run that city into the ground. Nothing in the world could compel me to return to that turd of a city. A city and state I once dearly loved.
Pedro, what city do you live in that is so perfect in 2022? Beleaguered is precisely the correct word to describe our city. You know the definition is - in a very difficult situation? John rightly points out that there has been much unfavorable news coverage. He also points out the problems. We have a reformed city council, a governor committed to help, a councilwoman who demoralized our police gone! We're on our way back and this event is one of the pieces of the story. I'm not trying to compel you to return... we need doers not critics taking pot shots. Harsh note to follow!
As John mentioned downtown chaos and broken politics. We know what we are up against - you know a little about broken politics in Texas no? Phil won't cut and run... he's Oregon through and through. He'll be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
But for decades the borders of Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Iraq + Afghanistan were defended by professional soldiers; not citizen soldiers on which a Republic should depend.
FWIW, I did my time in Nam. We NEVER had a chance to win a 'war' where we won every major battle.
I moved to New Zealand in 2008, returned to the US - to Yakima, WA in 2015 and took a job which required a fair bit of travel. Spent a lot of time in Texas and grew quite fond of everything but the politics. High paying jobs everywhere, no state income tax, affordable housing - and then there's the barbeque. Have since returned to NZ and will likely remain - but if I were starting over, Houston or San Antonio is where I would plant my flag. I have lots of history in Portland and Oregon - but it's not my home anymore.
Wow, the panhandlers and street beggers will have a heyday on the Women's final four. They'll be lined up thirty deep outside the doors of the arena.
We have in-laws in Portland. For decades they shopped at a local grocery store but the aggressive panhandlers became so abusive that they now drive out to CostCo to buy their food. CostCo keeps the losers away from the entrances and parking lot.
Yes to Sabrina as grand marshal. And we give a thought to the tens of thousands of less celebrated high school and college athletes who lost their precious life experiences forever in 2020 and 2021 . I had the good fortune to play in the boys basketball tournament at the Coliseum in 1979 and it remains a seminal moment in my life. I mourn for those who missed their chance. One also should note the last Final Four to be played in Portland—the 1965 Men’s Final Four played in a brand new Memorial Coliseum and won by John Wooden’s UCLA Bruins
The Blazers are almost a quarter of way through season, and nary an article on them, other than a brief mention in your mail bag. Are they not compelling to write about?
You are so right, John! It was a magical season. What could be more fun than watching Sab and Ruthy do a pick 'n roll. When I read that Candace was coming back next season, I had to wonder if the basket ball gods would favor us with a trade of Ruthy to the Liberty. Bothers me to see Ruthy riding the bench all the time. Thanks for the dynamite article, John!
You were the first person I thought of when I heard the news this morning! :-) Then I could hardly believe the news as it seemed as if it would never happen in the even distant foreseeable future! Kudos to everyone who made this dream of so many a reality!
Absolutely make Sabrina Grand Marshal. What a win for PDX. Tip of the cap to Jim Etzel... that guy never quits!
Nice hustle, John.
Thanks KG.
I have a different issue: major universities such as MSU and LSU making deals with sports betting companies so they can advertise on campus to get students to bet on sports events. My experience over years of seeing young people in psychotherapy is that many of them don't know the first thing about dealing with money. Many get credit cards and build up huge debts they can't pay off. What do you think about this issue, John?
Not a good trend. University selling out the students.
On that note.... don't like the credit card companies setting up in the student union, marketing 0% APR and a free water bottle. Always bothered me. Most of those students have no job, no credit history... and they'll get a line of credit.
Trend of marketing to students has a long history. Traditionally banks, insurance companies and cellular services aggressively marketed to students. These services that are the biggest hassle to change tend to get lifelong customers - even when they disappoint clients. Who really wants to change banks? Complicated. So these companies know that if you open accounts with Wells Fargo in college, they have a better chance at retention than they do convincing you to move from Chase at thirty years of age. AllState learned that lesson early in college sports!
Schools marketed 'free' tuition based on Uncle Sam guaranteeing loans which Uncle Sammy on behalf of the American people is now forgiving?
We’re in the money.
John? College sports and all sports and pretty much everything today, follow the money.
This pro-betting advertising and enriching of universities now also spreading into Big10 schools. It’s a trend and not a good one, IMO. My take is it’s going too far, university mission-compromise. I’d also be interested to hear John’s opinion. This to me on a whole other level than collegiate player injury status, to bring bet-transparency to punters
Great news! One of the best in-person basketball games I ever witnessed was Duck woman’s defeat of Mississippi St. in the Moda Center, 3/31/19 Regional. Sabrina was electric, the game and the crowd. Was blown away by the level of competition. Portland and this region will support
Yes. I was there. Really strong performance. Set up that senior season.
As you might not know, John, I moved to Oregon from Connecticut in 94, and have been a die hard UConn fan before Geno, or Coach Calhoun, so have enjoyed so many Championships.
I've long adopted both Ducks and Beavers, and unless there's a conflict, I've always gone Huskies, even against that great Beaver team, however, I must say that Duck team was head and shoulders above that year, Even if I had to watch them in the final 4 against UConn, I would have been all "Ducked out"
This really is fantastic news. Maybe Portland won't remain the sports backwater it has long been forever. How about an NBA All Star Game/Weekend? How about the NHL? Does MLB to PDX have a pulse? The A's still don't have a home and Vegas isn't looking like the slam dunk it once did. Ditto for the Rays.
Thank you for allowing unpaid readers. I enjoy the reads and your thoughts. Just have a lot on my plate right now.
This is really great news for Portland and Oregon as a whole! Nice to finally get a big win like this for the region.
Nice piece.. not sure if it was an intentional pun... on a tear vs. on a terror... 😎
Subconscious slip? Auto-correct? I changed it to "on fire" for the web version. Funny tho.
"beleaguered"?? "Unfavorable news coverage". John, you are holding back. You of all people should know better. Portland does not deserve this. The truth is that city is in danger of being irrecoverable and it is pulling the whole state with it. Sorry, but the elected officials have willfully run that city into the ground. Nothing in the world could compel me to return to that turd of a city. A city and state I once dearly loved.
I didn't want to write "bad" news coverage... because the coverage itself isn't bad. The brand is bad. Agree with most of what you wrote, tho.
John, I appreciate your blog. It really has made following the ducks from afar fun and easy.
Pedro, what city do you live in that is so perfect in 2022? Beleaguered is precisely the correct word to describe our city. You know the definition is - in a very difficult situation? John rightly points out that there has been much unfavorable news coverage. He also points out the problems. We have a reformed city council, a governor committed to help, a councilwoman who demoralized our police gone! We're on our way back and this event is one of the pieces of the story. I'm not trying to compel you to return... we need doers not critics taking pot shots. Harsh note to follow!
Not a pot shot, sorry If the truth hurts. Im trying to state my opinion that the situation is far worse than mearly beleaguered.
I do hope that Portland can once again be a nice place to live. I don't See it happening any time soon. Just ask Phil, he gets it somewhat at least.
As John mentioned downtown chaos and broken politics. We know what we are up against - you know a little about broken politics in Texas no? Phil won't cut and run... he's Oregon through and through. He'll be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
The only thing broken in Texas is the border.
But for decades the borders of Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Iraq + Afghanistan were defended by professional soldiers; not citizen soldiers on which a Republic should depend.
FWIW, I did my time in Nam. We NEVER had a chance to win a 'war' where we won every major battle.
I moved to New Zealand in 2008, returned to the US - to Yakima, WA in 2015 and took a job which required a fair bit of travel. Spent a lot of time in Texas and grew quite fond of everything but the politics. High paying jobs everywhere, no state income tax, affordable housing - and then there's the barbeque. Have since returned to NZ and will likely remain - but if I were starting over, Houston or San Antonio is where I would plant my flag. I have lots of history in Portland and Oregon - but it's not my home anymore.
"...fond of everything but the politics. High paying jobs everywhere, no state income tax, affordable housing"
You seem to be blind to the fact that these are results of politics done right.
No offense intended, Pedro. Was just referring to the 2016 Presidential election and now, women's reproductive rights. Still love me some Texas.
Compared to South Cackalacky, a brutal real estate tax.
We have a lot of Texans moving to South Carolina.
NZ rocks. Texas has that Canadian Cruz. I want to see his citizen papers! 😉
Happy for this.
Not happy for what downtown Portland has morphed into.
Wow, the panhandlers and street beggers will have a heyday on the Women's final four. They'll be lined up thirty deep outside the doors of the arena.
We have in-laws in Portland. For decades they shopped at a local grocery store but the aggressive panhandlers became so abusive that they now drive out to CostCo to buy their food. CostCo keeps the losers away from the entrances and parking lot.
Yes to Sabrina as grand marshal. And we give a thought to the tens of thousands of less celebrated high school and college athletes who lost their precious life experiences forever in 2020 and 2021 . I had the good fortune to play in the boys basketball tournament at the Coliseum in 1979 and it remains a seminal moment in my life. I mourn for those who missed their chance. One also should note the last Final Four to be played in Portland—the 1965 Men’s Final Four played in a brand new Memorial Coliseum and won by John Wooden’s UCLA Bruins
The Blazers are almost a quarter of way through season, and nary an article on them, other than a brief mention in your mail bag. Are they not compelling to write about?
You are so right, John! It was a magical season. What could be more fun than watching Sab and Ruthy do a pick 'n roll. When I read that Candace was coming back next season, I had to wonder if the basket ball gods would favor us with a trade of Ruthy to the Liberty. Bothers me to see Ruthy riding the bench all the time. Thanks for the dynamite article, John!
You were the first person I thought of when I heard the news this morning! :-) Then I could hardly believe the news as it seemed as if it would never happen in the even distant foreseeable future! Kudos to everyone who made this dream of so many a reality!