Tennis takes many many years to play well. For alot of people they never reach a 4.0 level. Tennis is also alot of running. It takes quite a bit of time spent to play tennis at above a level where you are hacking balls.
Many people can play pickle ball decently after a few times. There is relatively no running if at all.
I have no problem with pickle ball but the biggest issue is they want to invade and take over tennis courts. Sound familiar? Yeah.
Yeah they are making noise but so do people who bitch and riot. Hello Portland.
As a USA Pickleball Ambassador, I wish those folks would come play the game. They would be hooked. (Having said that, I admit I rarely play Pickleball near homes.) The sound is not as obnoxious as they say. We are right on the courts, hitting the ball inches from our bodies, and no one pays any attention to the noise because we are used to it. (Tennis makes a “thwack,” Pickleball makes a “pop.”) Bottom line: A park full of active, noisy, seniors is better for a town than an empty, quiet park. Can’t we all just get along?
Wrong! Pikel ball should be shut down until the noise is reduced. Also one tennis court of noise is hardly a comparison of multiple courts in a small space.
I think it would be best if those who have never experienced the din to go to a busy dozen courts and sit next to them reading for about three hours and then come back with a verdict! 😎
The noise is unbearable and neighbors who moved to a park with a tennis court could not have anticipated the annoying unsettling noise of pikel. Many pikels are in just one tennis court.
I’ve worked in the Oregon public school system most of my career and sadly I can attest to many, many, many children that I’ve taught who live in Third World conditions. Right in some of the most affluent parts of our state. But you’re right that we’re all entitled to the unalienable right to complain. I do it often.
I love it when the ostentatious complain about the noise. What a bunch of babies, move to the high dessert in Rome Oregon it’s nice and quiet there. BTW you can only use the lake if you are airdropped in and helicoptered out dumb.
Oh no pickle ball is making crazy, super Karen to the rescue.
It’s not a change of use, it’s a park where people play and make noise. Just like the folks that live on the lake that have to listen to boats all day long.
Not an intelligent response to a real problem occurring in their neighborhood. 2 tennis players with a soft ball is a world away from the unsettling noise of 4 players with 2-4 courts in the tennis area. If I moved next to a tennis court, I wouldn't expect to have the kind of noise the little plastic ball makes.
Oh stop attacking people’s intelligence because you feel guilty about making people stop having fun. I am sure it’s upsetting to spend a bazillion dollars on a house and people are having fun next to it.
George Rodgers is a big park. It wouldn’t be too difficult to build courts further into the park vs the current court location that is adjacent to houses.
Hopefully gas leaf blowers are next! I find quiet, even here in the "peaceful suburbs", to be a rare occurrence. And while you are at it, get off my lawn! Charlie (Beaverton).
If you don't like hearing the sounds of a park being used, don't buy a home next to a park. We should be celebrating the fact that a park is getting regular use!
That’s a little ridiculous. The nature of the noise coming from the park changed dramatically. If they were complaining about tennis or kids playing you’d have a point.
I agree with Brent below. I suggest anyone who thinks this is normal background noise go to a park where they courts are as busy as the one in Lake Oswego. Sit beside the courts for a few hours and ask if you would like that seven days a week for twelve hours straight. Then get back to us.
World peace ain't the issue - neighborhood peace is the issue at hand. Homelessness in PDX? Take care of it your neighborhood is a good place to start 😉
You clearly were never there to hear the incessant clatter. Go by a club sometime and see if you would like that twelve hours a day wishing a dozen yards of your back porch.
Being huge and a growing activity doesn't make it the thing to be placed in neighborhoods. Central Oregon has lots of remote Desert where you can build these noise factories.
I’ll stop playing Pickleball when you stop using your leaf blower.
Leaf blowers are the source of much noise and toxic oil pollution. I agree with you, there.
A rake and a broom are all you need.
Why don't you stop using yours?
We can accomplish both. No?
Love it!
Tennis takes many many years to play well. For alot of people they never reach a 4.0 level. Tennis is also alot of running. It takes quite a bit of time spent to play tennis at above a level where you are hacking balls.
Many people can play pickle ball decently after a few times. There is relatively no running if at all.
I have no problem with pickle ball but the biggest issue is they want to invade and take over tennis courts. Sound familiar? Yeah.
Yeah they are making noise but so do people who bitch and riot. Hello Portland.
One word. Noise.
Not just PDX - here in PHX the noisy group of pikel want to take over on the $ of the non players. The noise is very unsettling to neighbors.
As a USA Pickleball Ambassador, I wish those folks would come play the game. They would be hooked. (Having said that, I admit I rarely play Pickleball near homes.) The sound is not as obnoxious as they say. We are right on the courts, hitting the ball inches from our bodies, and no one pays any attention to the noise because we are used to it. (Tennis makes a “thwack,” Pickleball makes a “pop.”) Bottom line: A park full of active, noisy, seniors is better for a town than an empty, quiet park. Can’t we all just get along?
Wrong! Pikel ball should be shut down until the noise is reduced. Also one tennis court of noise is hardly a comparison of multiple courts in a small space.
Tennis “grunters” are just on the pro tour.
Yes, don’t you hate it when people who pay for parks and Rex’s actually use them for fitness and enjoyment?!
The aim of the crusty nearby residents is Grinchlike.
Give your heart a chance to grow a couple sizes or the alternative should be for you to move.
I’m sure some would place a premium of living near the park.
I think it would be best if those who have never experienced the din to go to a busy dozen courts and sit next to them reading for about three hours and then come back with a verdict! 😎
The noise is unbearable and neighbors who moved to a park with a tennis court could not have anticipated the annoying unsettling noise of pikel. Many pikels are in just one tennis court.
I vote for a gun range!
We need more ranges to 'prepare'.
I was thinking the same thing!
John, I laughed throughout this whole article. The first world problems just kill me...Well done!
We generally don't have third world problems in your area so we are allowed to speak of 'first world' problems.
I’ve worked in the Oregon public school system most of my career and sadly I can attest to many, many, many children that I’ve taught who live in Third World conditions. Right in some of the most affluent parts of our state. But you’re right that we’re all entitled to the unalienable right to complain. I do it often.
I love it when the ostentatious complain about the noise. What a bunch of babies, move to the high dessert in Rome Oregon it’s nice and quiet there. BTW you can only use the lake if you are airdropped in and helicoptered out dumb.
Oh no pickle ball is making crazy, super Karen to the rescue.
So I’ll mark you down for people not having a right to quiet enjoyment of their property?
Don’t live next to a park and expect it to be quiet.
Don’t change the use of the park without input from the neighbors that it impacts.
It’s not a change of use, it’s a park where people play and make noise. Just like the folks that live on the lake that have to listen to boats all day long.
When they moved to tennis courts no one could have known the annoying unsettling noise of many plastic balls would make.
Last I kh\new you don't OWN the park!
Rude not to address the real problem that you are lucky not to experience.
Quiet and the difference between a tennis court noise and the unsettling noise of PB. World's of annoyance apart.
Not an intelligent response to a real problem occurring in their neighborhood. 2 tennis players with a soft ball is a world away from the unsettling noise of 4 players with 2-4 courts in the tennis area. If I moved next to a tennis court, I wouldn't expect to have the kind of noise the little plastic ball makes.
Oh stop attacking people’s intelligence because you feel guilty about making people stop having fun. I am sure it’s upsetting to spend a bazillion dollars on a house and people are having fun next to it.
Kind of rude and elitist. You don't understand the annoying noise of PB
You are the ostentatious one who must not hear unsettling noise. You sound like an elitist.
Lots of PBall down here in Green Valley, AZ, & lots of old people loving it. But it’s in designated areas away from homes!
As it should be. Very annoying.
George Rodgers is a big park. It wouldn’t be too difficult to build courts further into the park vs the current court location that is adjacent to houses.
Whether or not that would work (I've never been there) I'm definitely in favor of searching for solutions rather than taking sides.
Next, let's shut down airports because of neighbor complaints.
Hey Jim, I'm adding this item, for all future posts from others who have trouble detecting sarcasm.....LOL
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
You genuinely think that is comparable? C'mon man.
Of course Maverick would defend airports...
Might have been a tad facetious.
How about a well thought out response not smart alec
So very sad. Too bad we can not be a bit more tolerant and welcoming to each other.
Hopefully gas leaf blowers are next! I find quiet, even here in the "peaceful suburbs", to be a rare occurrence. And while you are at it, get off my lawn! Charlie (Beaverton).
Too many rich spoiled people responding who wouldn't put up with noise in their neighborhood.
We're working on it!
NIMBYS. More important issues in the world, like homeless people and how to help them.
Until it's your backyard. But sure, go off...
Exactly. They talk big when they don't have to listen
Open your house to a couple families. Virtue signaling.
A million issues in the World and some people worry about Pickleball noise..Boy or Boy what's next on the agenda?
If you don't like hearing the sounds of a park being used, don't buy a home next to a park. We should be celebrating the fact that a park is getting regular use!
That’s a little ridiculous. The nature of the noise coming from the park changed dramatically. If they were complaining about tennis or kids playing you’d have a point.
I agree with Brent below. I suggest anyone who thinks this is normal background noise go to a park where they courts are as busy as the one in Lake Oswego. Sit beside the courts for a few hours and ask if you would like that seven days a week for twelve hours straight. Then get back to us.
Excellent response.
Annoying noise of PB ruining neighborhoods. Move next to one😎 you'll see.
Ha... I suppose that means any and all annoyances should be ignored until we solve world peace and homelessness then? Wow.
World peace ain't the issue - neighborhood peace is the issue at hand. Homelessness in PDX? Take care of it your neighborhood is a good place to start 😉
You clearly were never there to hear the incessant clatter. Go by a club sometime and see if you would like that twelve hours a day wishing a dozen yards of your back porch.
Golf shots not even close to the noise of 12 people in the space of a tennis court.
Never a Dill moment.
Love this!
Damn you...Nextdoor will pick this up and we'll never hear the end of it. (Pickleball huge in Central Oregon)
Being huge and a growing activity doesn't make it the thing to be placed in neighborhoods. Central Oregon has lots of remote Desert where you can build these noise factories.