
The impact on women’s sports seems to have been left in the background. UCLA softball and WBB are contenders every year, for example. Flying across the country for games is arduous for all but more so for the smaller sports that can’t charter, have their entire staff travel, are playing multiple games on a weekend, etc... I would love to see journalists open the windows to show the impact on other sports, rather than primarily talking about football and men’s basketball.

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It's going to be brutal for some sports.

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And better competition? Pac-12 has 6 teams ranked in the Committee's final poll. The B1G, 3 teams ranked.

CBB? Every tournament exposes the B1G as a CBB fraud.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Thanks Jon.

Schools I would like to see added: SDS, Fresno (MW champ,) UNLV (much better and bigger market than Boise and Booby Petrino is the new OC!,) SMU (Dallas market is huge + Texans are nuts about football/ all additions need to be made with an eye on bailing out the functionally insolvent Pac Network,) UTSA (CUSA champ and San Antonio is a huge city with few pro sports,) Tulane (AAC champ, moves the conference into SEC territory and good academics.) Of course, if not already bound to the B12, Houston would be a terrific addition.

Stand pat? You will be falling behind.

First, I want to see if GK can execute a new media deal that exceeds the B12 deal? With kick offs before 10:30 PM on the east coast.

I still think a 'merger' of some kind with the B12 makes the most long term sense. Such a merger should have occured when OK/TX departed; but, SC Prez Carol Folt led the charge against expansion before stabbing the conference in the back.

I hope that none of the remaining Pac 10 schools will do a thing to help SC/UCLA with scheduling issues; especially, with games involving non-revenue sports.

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Good thoughts

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Like I have said, the ADs determine the football schedules. Change the USC and UCLA schedules for next year so that every game is a road game. That feels about right. Neither school will have even 9 wins. They can leave the PAC with their tails between their legs. They are both an embarrassment to college football.

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I love that. Except that it punishes the kids. Not their doing.

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Someone suggested that the Pac 12 schools owe USC and UCLA something for the years of "subsidization". What an absurd statement. Sports are a group event. Games are meaningless without a worthy opponent. The pro sports figured this out years ago and have pooled all revenue and shared equally (and also put limits on trading and drafting to maintain competitive balance rather than the FBS player NIL bidding free-for-all). Pro sport Owners in large markets don't squawk. They understand they need good competition to sell tickets, media and apparel. Ultimately, USC and UCLA do not "own" the LA market. Their existence and the size of the LA market are a coincidence. There is no cause and effect. Otherwise, schools like the northwest schools or Nebraska (Lincoln) would not exist. Their existence as major universities by size is independent of the community size. This is where we get the term "college town". LA is no college town and there are plenty of colleges in SoCal that are not USC or UCLA. So lets ditch any notion that the Pac 12 schools owe a thing to USC or UCLA for the funds they have received from conference media contracts.

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Seriously, the rest of the pac 10/12 has been subsidized by SC for YEARS w/no thought of perhaps giving a bit back or helping out when the Reggie Bush BS hit. Hundreds of millions of dollars and now your handout has been withdrawn and you pretend it's SC's fault. Ever know anyone to complain about "welfare queens" in your life. Take a good look in the mirror Brian.

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USC has been a non factor in football for years. Did you see the ratings it got in LA? What are you talking about? Maybe I am confused?

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Canzano

—-Disappointed, but not surprised, very little discussion around UCLA making sig. budget cuts towards their deficit. Public institutions are not financially responsible, too much “Entitlement”. Now get off my lawn, lol.

—-Congrats to The Oregon State Coach Smith for a well earned extension. Unlike the extension last year. Go Beavs

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

When all of this became known a few months ago, my first thought was that USC/UCLA had essentially made a deal with the Devil. Sure, they'll get a lot of money, but at what cost? Personally, I'm having a hard time coming up with a scenario where both of these schools become consistent winners in the B1G. It's things like the grueling travel schedule (across all sports) and its effect on athletes' social and educational lives. Then there's the cognitive dissonance of two teams from a Mediterranean climate playing half of their games in a cold-weather environment. Both USC/UCLA will always be viewed as outsiders and I'm certain that the rest of the teams in the B1G, or the conference in general, will do them little favors. Lastly, the game these teams play is not a good fit with the rest of the B1G. I mean, it's like they're going to be playing Utah or Utah-like teams nine or ten times a year. Good luck with that. Nebraska presented you with a cautionary tale of what can happen to a premier football program and you chose to ignore it.

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So do you believe that USC/UCLA will have trouble competing withUtah-like teams the likes of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Northwestern, Purdue, Indiana, Michigan State, Rutgers and Maryland. Michigan, Ohio State and Penn State are challenges but I suspect these Mediterranean schools will compete quite well. As for weather, it may be cold for two games in November, but as memory serves Washington State, Washington, Oregon, Oregon State, Utah, Colorado and Notre Dame are quite capable of providing warm weather teams with weather challenges. Nothing like a rainy 41 degree kickoff at 7pm in the Pacific Northwest.Do you think the Pete Carroll teams of the 2000’s had problems with these Big 10 teams. They had tough, physical linemen on both sides of the ball and linebackers capable of tackling a Cadillac Escalade. Has SC gotten “soft” since the Carroll era? Yes they have. But do you think that SC is not scouring the country for “SEC-quality” linemen? I can assure you that SC knows the challenges and understands what this commitment takes. Playing in a sunny, Mediterranean climate in Los Angeles with Hollywood and high tech in the background, for a traditional blue blood college power ranked #27 by the US News & World Report Survey might be a very attractive proposition for young talent.

In full disclosure, I hate this whole Big 10 deal. I love the PAC-12 with its diversity and 12 unique, quality universities in a variety of geographical settings. I will desperately miss these great rivalries The logistics of moving to a midwest conference make no sense. Furthermore I have never heard or spoken to a UCLA or USC alum/fan who likes this idea. It really stinks. But it is so emblematic of commercial interests taking over the college sport we love. The commercial interests prevail and we must compete. Btw…wouldn’t it be great if Washington, Oregon, Stanford and Utah could join UCLA/USC to create a western pod of the Big 10. Making lemonade out of lemons.

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For my purposes UCLA is irrelevant, but I did some checking and it turns out that USC is 14-12-1 in "cold-weather" games. To add, the last time USC played a game in cold weather temps was on 21 November 2020 (an aberration due to scheduling issues associated with Covid) against Utah on the road. The Trojans won 33-17 despite temps falling in the mid-30s. Based on the low number of cold weather contests USC has played in, it's pretty obvious to me that they've stage-managed their schedule to avoid playing in, say Pullman or Salt Lake City in mid to late November, for most of their history. Something tells me that's probably not going to be possible in the B1G.

Yes, I for sure believe USC/UCLA will have trouble competing with Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan State. Anyone of those teams is capable of winning 10 games a season and even winning the conference if the stars align correctly. I'd even throw in teams like Purdue, Illinois, and Northwestern especially if we're talking about a contest in late November at their place. The fact that you take those teams for granted is just another example of pride before the fall. Based on what I saw on social media. most USC fans thought the same thing of Utah prior to the game in Las Vegas.

Not sure why you bring up Pete Carroll and whatever he did when that ship has sailed and is never coming back. USC has a guy for a head coach whose tenure in Oklahoma was consistently plagued by weak defenses. Unless that gets fixed, and why would it get fixed in LA when it was never fixed in Norman, USC will get absolutely destroyed three to five times a year. I'm also of the opinion that Riley isn't long for USC and will jump to the NFL soon, maybe as soon as this offseason if Sean McVay retires from the Rams. Think it can't happen? Sooner fans thought that Riley would be there forever as well.

In closing, I would say good luck in the B1G but then I'd be a hypocrite. No offense, but all of us staying in the PAC hope you guys suffer the same fate as Nebraska or Miami in the ACC. That is, occasionally having a winning season, making a little bit of a splash but mostly hopelessly treading on a treadmill of mediocrity. Sorry, not sorry...

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Yes indeed, go Utes!!!

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Other than SDS I see no valid reason to add another team, given that scheduling is a bit asymmetrical as a result. The PAC 11 works just fine for me. Realistic options bring with them all of the other drawbacks that the So Cal teams just bought into by going “Nationwde” another ZZ Top reference is stumbling through the Texas sad, but my heads in Mississippi….No thanks. No expansion past the Mountain time Zone for all the right reasons. That brings BSU and UNLV into the realm of possibility, but that might reduce the per team revenue as a result.

Jimmy T

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Canzano

There was a fantastic TikTok earlier this week where a judge understood a boast by a defendant was a Biggie line and not an actual brag. The judge was the only person (besides the defendant himself) who caught the line and pressed both attorneys on the point. Neither knew what their honor was talking about. It's interesting to observe who has been influenced by rap and how it shows up in their work.

I'm not familiar with the work of Biggie or Tupac. I probably should be. That's a great philosophy.

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Just a request that when you refer to UCLA's "deficit" you either used the quotes or throw in"alleged". I thought it was you who analyzed and debunked it, but maybe it was Jon Wilner.

And a second thought- now we are going to see how a non-regional or non-geographic league works. Doesn't work for me, but maybe it will for a lot of other folks.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

But such a travel heavy schedule will never work for the athletes. But who is thinking about them? This is not about their sports or success as students. It is about money-grubbing bureaucrats and power-hungry alumni donors. I semi-jokingly wrote an editorial in the ASU student paper when I was in my senior year (OSU for 3 years and then ASU for 3 years). The Frank Kush bruhaha was well under way and the wealthy donors were demanding he be fired or they would take their donations away. The school admin caved. I called the place ASU, Inc and wrote a satire on the school and got lots of favorable notice. Things have only gotten worse the past 40 years and advanced education is no longer the point of universities. Instead it is social engineering, federal grant money and big money sports. I would love to see some of these universities fail. They are well on the way.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022Liked by John Canzano

“someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem seem funny” - the Boss

Another chapter of modern college sports NewSpeak has been written. Goodbye/Good Riddance/Good Luck to U$C/YUCKCLA ‘bout sums up my opinion.

George has a brilliant opportunity in front of him. My words are simple; “don’t blow it…”

Gov. Baker has a new NCAA gig. It should be interesting to watch this progress.

(or regress, as the case may be)

Looking forward to bowl season, not to mention next year’s PAC12 Football Farewell.


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I live in DFW area but I'm an ASU alum. I've been saying for 10 years now since the UT debacle that PAC should be active recruiting UHouston, TCU, Tx Tech, SMU, UTSA and Ok State to go along with SDSU. Then add Gonzaga for hoops and olympic sports. UH is moving to B12, but I guarantee you they'd jump at offer to join PAC. That would add media markets in Houston, DFW, San Antonio, OK City, and KC. Capitalize on recruiting in Texas and you are catching both Texas, A&M and OU in down status so you have to opportunity to build the PAC brand in the region. This is a no brainer

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You are not alone in your thinking.

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

It’s time to get past thinking about todays television markets only. I understand it’s important but look 10 years down the road. San Antonio, Dallas and Houston. Might be to late for Houston but goodness get into markets in the fastest growing cities in the country. Dang they could have had TCU ( Playoff TCU) and Houston if they were aggressive two years ago.

Having some vision and adding Las Vegas, San Diego, San Antonio and Dallas would be nice. Let alone recruiting..

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You are so very correct. Had the P12 been forward thinking when UT/OU announced plans to leave for SEC, P12 could have scooped any number of those team and gone into media negotiations with a more solid hand. My golf buddies here are TCU and Tx Tech alums. UT has basically said, we are leaving the B12 and we will be playing national NC schedule which means they WONT be scheduling Tech, TCU, Baylor, etc. So those universities have no reason to stick with B12. Any decent offer and I guarantee they would bolt.

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Why would UH jump at an opportunity to go to the PAC? Currently they have in-state rivals like TCU, Baylor, Texas Tech and Oklahoma State over across the Red River.

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In my reply, they'd be coming along with those team.

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Sorry…I stand corrected.

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I can remember when TCU was a perennial Div 1 football Bottom 10 along with Oregon and Oregon State (the mid to late 70s). Now the Horned Frogs are on top of the pile. We were together in the rankings back then. We could get together in the rankings and conference again!

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Yep. Bottom Ten dwellers. And they did what Oregon did, invested in facilities, then upgraded coaching. Both UH, TCU and Baylor upgraded all their facilities. They are not only good in football, but have great baseball and hoops programs along with solid track and field programs. Its not only what PAC needs, but it think it would help with distribution of the P12 network (which I have gotten here on Spectrum since it began). The Texas schools are not going to want to be in a "fly-over" conference especially when both Texas and OU are gone. Just ask them. And I know Commish K knows the Fertitta family (UH donors). I'm sure they've crossed paths in Vegas a time or two.

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100% did not expect to read “Tupac Shakur” in the first six words of this post 😂

Nice work JC!

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I am here to surprise and delight.

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Hey John, a bit off topic, but topical. Hearing rumors on net of coaches/programs contacting Miss State players to enter portal in wake of Coach Leach passing. Personally find it repugnant although not sure beyond shaming, what can be done about it.

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Provocative photo John, except we all know that UCLA hasn't surpassed Oregon on the football field for a very long time.

I'm predicting (ok, hoping) that Kliavkoff pulls a rabbit out of his hat on the upcoming media rights deal. If not, he's a different version of a failed PAC12 commissioner.

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Good riddance, and don't come crying back to me!

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Bottom line John, when was the last time our conference came out on top with media deals, reputation and performance??? Kliavkoff is in the hot seat right now as the race car conferences fly by with new deals and confidence. We have become non-relevant. This post isn't gloom and doom it's my assessment from being a fan of Washington dating back to 1959. Before there was a PAC 12 there was a PAC 10, PAC 8 and a previous one to that that I can't recall it's name. I think it has to do with college administrations that are not college football fans. The conference routinely shoots itself in the foot. Take scandals as an example, while the rest of the college football world winks and chuckles when they get caught with an infraction, our conference kills the goose that is laying the golden egg. USC got clobbered over Reggie Bush killing the program with sanctions, Washington got clobbered over silly nonsense that resulted in Don James resigning. Would either of these knockouts have happened to a Penn State (we saw that hand slap), Miami (another hand slap). I'm surprised Oregon has not been clobbered but then again, they have NIKE and a guy who would go to war. My challenge to you John, write a column about the big wins this conference has experienced over the past one to three decades. Back when we we were relevant. I expect a big win out of the present commissioner, he needs to put on war paint and bring out the knives over the media deal and expansion.

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Welcome to the new “Kollege Experience “..

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My dad once told me a person should never take a job based solely on money. I did that once - and it turns out he was right. I think UCLA is going to regret this move. Welcome to the family, Aztecs :)

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Suspect UCLA will be back someday…

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John…what do you think about the possibility of a mega football-only confeence of solid and traditional powers. For Olympic sports, universities could maintain their regional conferences. Logistically kind of odd, but what say you?

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I do think a Super Conference is coming in CFB. And I agree that conferences would be maintained for other sports with Super Conference CFB (and possibly CBB) members spreading the sugar in some manner across the conference they remain in for other sports.

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