this column is why we paid the subscription. No histrionics, bad name calling or ." look st me" diatribes. Just a calm analysis.

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Thanks James.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

We have seen the Beavers at their worst and their best and I hope this year is their absolute best. Johnathan Smith has created a culture at OSU that is inspiring, he has a well coached team and has done so much that few have done before him in Corvallis. We need to keep that momentum going because the chip on the shoulder isn't enough, yes we are essentially being relegated but the fight isn't over. We need to continue to hold them to this higher standard this year and every year because as the last two standing we need to overcome the adversity in evey single corner of the sport with the cards that have been dealt. They will need to take this opportunity to learn because it wasn't as clean as it should have been, we can't settle for a win is a win mentality because the moment we do, we have lost in the long run. Each game is a chance to improve.

The PAC may be disintegrating before our eyes, but it's not over, there is still time on the clock. We have an entire year left to prove that OSU shouldn't be counted out, shouldn't be the leftover, the forgotten, the abandoned. That OSU deserves a seat at the table. As an OSUMB alumni who has been there even at the lowest of times rooting and cheering, even when all hope was lost. Times long after the team has left the field, yet the band continues to plays, heads held high and ready for the next game. We as fans need to show up just as much and take this lesson from the band. No matter the out come, relegated to MW/group 5 status or rebuilding the PAC, we root for the Beavs! We show up, rain or shine. We hold the teams and coaches to this higher standard. I have high hopes for OSU and WSU. The fight song rings true in my heart this year more then ever "Beavers, Beavers fighters through and through..." and as always, Go Beavs!

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Do not think they've played their best yet.

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No they haven't John, there is alot of ball left to play! It's only week 3, its a long season in a stacked conference.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Either way I hope both schools get the attention nationally they deserve and that they can both go onto big things this season. GOCOUGS!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

The Pac-12 will eat its young this year. Teams will all end up with 1-2 losses, even the miserable Trojans.

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You may be right.

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Except Stanfurd, which may not win one single game....Sac State has its revenge for stealing their coach, who may already be in over his head. Having lived in SacraTomato for years, and Troy was my neighbor out near Folsom, I rolled on the floor laughing. Reminds of the year that UC Davis beat them in 3 sports, football and 2 others all in one year.

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023

Two words for USC and the fact they may lose more then once

Alex Grinch

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Everyone has bad games. I'm just glad it's now vs. later in year so we can fix the problems. All good streaks come to an end (the 30+ point streak at 6 games (was longest in PAC 12)and the covering streak). Also this is a lot better than even 2 years ago that we're complaining about winning by 17.

I suspect the coaches were trying to work on DJ's deep game since that's the biggest kink left on him. Yet this is still an upgrade from before as if I read correctly, this is more passing yards than all of last year except for the 1st 2 games, and maybe the Colorado/Cal games.

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Ugly game...Beavs looked sluggish most of the game. It felt a little as if OSU didn't want to open too much more of the playbook with WSU looming next week. New stadium (side) is nice but has its issues with cramped seating and vending problems ($14 for a beer is a little ridiculous...C'mon Beavs, we can do better to get more people into the seats). Was very disappointed in the crowd (lack of a crowd). We need to do our share to help the Beavs enter this new era of uncertainty. I made the pledge with PAC-Letes, to attend more Beaver events (3 per season, fall-winter-spring at minimum and to pledge $25-50 a month in NIL support). To all ex-PAC-Letes of these universities (OSU & WSU) please accept the challenge! I was truly embarrassed for our fan base to see so many empty seats this afternoon, but at the same time, my wife and I purchased two burgers and a beer/cider and spent $48. This is not fan or family friendly with these prices. Just saying, I think we can do better to get more people to support Beaver athletics!

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It was a sell out. Also hot. I saw lots of students leave at half... they'd had enough roasting.

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Agreed, thin crowd, and the statement "School isn't in session", doesn't wash.

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That's why I always brought a flask, back in the day!

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Dam! hope it was good beer

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I settled for a $10 Coors Light...It was warm, wasn't even chilled...disappointing.

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ouch $10 for warm water

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Yup. That's "light" beer. I make it a point to get to the gym enough to make sure I can drink actual beer.

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Great story, John. I think it’s interesting that Fox Sports, one of the entities responsible for the PAC-12’s demise, will be broadcasting the Cougs vs Beavs game.

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Players seem focused.

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Better to get this one out of their system this week. They won't go to Pullman overconfident.

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Tend to agree... but they must be better in a week.

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The old Beavers would have lost todays game. The current Beavers did what was needed to get the win, but they need to get some things fixed for next week.

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they were in control... but they need a better effort vs. WSU

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by John Canzano

GAMEDAY!!!!! One. More. Time

Back Home

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This week its Go Cougs, every other week it’s go Beavs, it’s been a tough year but I believe the Cougars & Beavers will prevail in court and have the opportunity to rebuild the conference from the PAC 2 back to the PAC 12, after this season is over I believe our future is brighter than the Huskies or Ducks and it is certainly possible WSU or OSU might make the playoff before either of our despicable former rivals. They now have to negotiate not just Ohio State, Michigan and Penn State but also USC, Iowa and Wisconsin. Kinnick Stadium and Camp Randall are tough places to play in November. I also believe the OSU - WSU will become each teams #1 rivalry game. We don’t need no stinkin Ducks or Fuskies to make our respective seasons.

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A win is a win is a win. Smith knows some things need cleaned up and the way the conference is playing, time is of the essence. It's easy to get boat raced in this conference this season. Just ask Michigan State.

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If SDSU were a conference game (which might be the case soon) this win might feel better. Me personally, I think the Beavers will win in Pullman, no disrespect to Wazzu intended.

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Cougs are ready! Go Cougs! And then we can go back to being “ride or die” friends.

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I'm thinking you left a word out of a key sentence, John.

"Because anything shy of 10 victories is (NOT) going to feel good enough for Oregon State this season."

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That sentence was clunky.... thanks. I reworked it in the online version.

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Can we just get it over with and call it “2Pac?”

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2Pac... yes.

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