Utah was CLEARLY the better team.

42-16? That is called domination.

Utah was CLEARLY superior at….




Play calling


Remember… the rushing game don’t mean shit if you cannot run it into the end zone.

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I don't know about "CLEARLY" (the emphatic all caps at least)

Turnovers make things lobsided in a hurry.

That game I think goes down to the 4Q if the Beavs have a better QB

(I have no rooting interest here -- just what my eyes tell me -- Beaver D is good, but was getting no complementary help from their O which equals a death spiral)

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I agree with you Buck. OSU had more passing yards, more rushing yards, and more time of possession. Not sure how this guy can say CLEARLY the better team. They say in baseball that an error is worth 2 runs. I think in fooball a turnover is worth 7 points. 4 turnovers equals 28 points. That is the difference in the game.

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Ever been in a fight?

Ever boxed?

I have.

Do you know how they score boxing?

2 points for a knockdown.

Fight is stopped when the opponent cannot function.

Your BEAVS got knocked out EARLY and if it was boxing the game would have been over in the second quarter.

When you make mistakes you get your ass kicked.

Here are the punches that blasted your Beavers.

Pass rush






Red Zone is where the men play. You do not have the men like you did last year.

That is the difference.


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Can your eyes read this….


Remember…”IF” is the middle word in “LIFE”.

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ICK is the last three letters of a ...

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Well said. OSU’s passing game overlooked higher percentage routes that could have (maybe) made the run game more effective.

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All OSU needs is a decent game manager qb. The type who can hand the ball off and make a few good passes to keep the defense honest.

As much as I like Jonathan Smith this is on him. He has continued to play Chance Nolan and has not developed anybody else to step in. Yes Nolan has shown flashes of brilliance but then that is often followed by a bad game, poor decisions and turnovers.

Nolan is not consistent and as a fan I don't have confidence in him and I'm wondering if the OSU players feel the same way?

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John. The play calling is suspect as it is SO obvious what the play will be; I fault the Offensive Coordinator the last 2 games….Nolan should have run more in these games , more Slant high percentage passing,

And Colletto should be in the offense more. Coach Smitty should get more involved with the play calling as a former

Successful QB…. Not convinced that Lindgren is a good O Coordinator. Too predictable , too hurried , too unsuccessful. Time to consider a different Offensive Coordinator !!

Rand W.

OSU’67 GiantKiller

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Talking to friends today that the Beavs' QB play is the worst in recent memory. Chance was always a guessing game (chancey) even last year. He had good games (USC) and then bad games ("how do you lose to" Colorado and Utah State). A college team does not beat good competition with iffy QB play. QB is a critical position for a reason. To make matters worse, the RB play this year is also the worst in many years: pre-Quizz and the WRs are not much better. The one NFL prospect on the offense, Luke Musgrave, has been hurt the past three games. It is a shame that Coach Smith and Coach Bray have finally fielded a reasonable defensive team. But even they can't hold off a good team given the ball inside the 20. As I said in earlier comments, Smith needs to really up his portal game. He needs to hire a "portal coordinator" who identifies key portal prospects and pursues them early and often. I was shocked when I saw the Beavs were rated 134th in FBS in 2022 on portal transfers with only one 3 star. That is near the very bottom of FBS. Their Pac 12 rivals were mostly top 30.

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Impossible to win with all these turnovers

Nolan honestly feels like a liability out there at times (re: turnovers)

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It makes me sad to watch the defense work so hard and have the QB's throw it away in the red zone. Chance Nolan isn't any different than he was last year.....sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always inconsistent. All across the Power 5 I see transfer portal QBs making the difference. Who wouldn't want to come to OSU and work with Smith? My guess is what someone else said....Smith didn't make the move to get a transfer portal QB. Maybe loyalty is good....but not always. I don't like the transfer portal.....but it IS the REALITY.

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That was sickening. Worse than the USC game loss. It was inexcusably bad play by both QBs. But it feels like our play calling is just as big of a problem. Sit martinez the hell down. He clearly has talent but Jesus that guy just cannot resist running over his feet and right into the back of his own lineman when there is a 5 foot gap right next to him. He should not have double or triple the carries of griffin who's got what 6 plus yards per carry average? Gould is the fastest guy on the field and consistently hauls in amazing catches, why are he and bolden not used more? How can we not even run one quick out short pass play and let them or Harrison make a few moves....no screens no motion... I don't get it. We can do a double reverse every game but not a quick rub and cut to the middle for 5 to keep em honest? Every time we have success it's stretching the field or getting some motion but then we're right back to the good ol OSU run it up the middle play with martinez. Ugh.

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Jonathan Smith has to be kicking himself for not bringing in a QB under portal transfer. My guess (and it’s just that) is he didn’t pursue that new opportunity w/ much aggression given his own QB history/tradition of ‘coming up the depth chart’ 20+ years ago. John, you have a way w/ words w/ 3 picks for each Roman Numeral. I like this Beaver squad very much despite the QB deficiency, 2 very tough games and no quit

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Actually Utah beat themselves at the end of the Florida game

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We need help at WR too. Not big enough, not physical enough.

Be nice to get Musgrave back but even when he was healthy the overreliance on a big TE yells you the coaches know the WR corp is the weakest position group on the team.

We will be fine back at Reser and getting some lessor opponents.

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Smith should take over play calling. I think current OC is terrible at it. Always have. Got to be a reason this far into Smith’s career here our best qb was Luton. Pretty sure it isn’t Smith’s reputation that’s the problem

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Oregon State has played the best of the Pac-12 the past two weeks and put up a good fight against SC. They're a competitive team.

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I agree 100% JC. QB needs to step up next level for the Beavs to even be in the PAC12 Championship conversation. Though my fault as a die hard fan, BLEEDING ORANGE AND BLACK, says LFG BEAVERS!

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I'm not ready to jump on that "Utah is better than USC" bandwagon just yet. USC is pretty darn good...it's offense is better than any one else's I've seen in the PAC and one of the best in the country. Utah's offense is not all that. Their defense is "probably better than USC's, but then they got beat by a slightly better than average Florida.

IMO (as others have said) OSU's play calling is suspect. Jonathan Smith is a good offensive mind...But he's not calling the plays. He should be. Their O/C is not getting it done. OSU runs a pretty Vanilla, pretty predictable offense, which was NOT the case when Smith was QB at OSU.

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You do not understand trenches

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UTAH beat ASU 35-7

USC is barely beating ASU

USC beat Beavahs 17-14

Utah beat … oh wait you already know that

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Fans felted cheated that’s for sure. I felt especially bad for Smith. Unfortunately sticking with “the one that got you there” (kind of) isn’t cutting it. I pray they can salvage the season and the fans stick by them through thick and thin but it’s definitely hard to do after a defensive performance like that.

Ducks finally looked god.

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Portal or we are stuck at a 6-6 ceiling!

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