Great story. As usual, you highlight how sports is about people. Mitch Canham’s story is the essence of what makes sport great. Go Beavs!

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Thank you Gus.

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Mr. Canzano, I was bummed when you quit The Oregonian. Not so much now. Thanks for another great story.

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Thank you Dave. Means a lot. I'm glad you are here for it. I'm having a lot of fun.

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Well written story John. For a little while we can go to that place of distraction called team baseball and shut out a broken world. As little kids the day of a game, the game itself, the after game , we’re and bring back soothing memories, and for a moment we can shut out a broken world again.

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So true.

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An absolutely fabulous pearl of what life is all about, condensed into a baseball commentary

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He's just such an easy guy to root for. I've asked him to come on today's radio show. If he has the time... it will be a fantastic interview.

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Another wonderful story. Brought a tear to my eye. ( and I’m a 59 year old Duck )

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Thank you again for another heart warming story.As a long time Beaver fan of all sports I wasn't able to sit still during this game for some crazy reason.I had to leave the room repeatedly and retreat to my office then back again for another 1/2 inning.I honestly thought the last inning would never end but the game itself was a classic and made the Coors light at the end go down smooth as glass.

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Instant classic

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You said it all in the last sentence !!

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appreciate this

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Another great story, John. Character and resiliency are the attributes that you are so good at capturing. Love seeing your emails hitting my inbox!

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Thank you Mark!

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Good stuff Mr. Canzano!!!⚾

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Thanks David

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Great piece of writing John. My heart feels warmer today about everything.

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Thanks Lon.

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Your account of this game gave me shivers. Almost better than watching it…ALMOST. Thanks for capturing the “moment”. Go OSU and good luck Coach Canham.

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Thanks Barbara

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John... you knowingly captured the gutsy resilience of the Beavers and their coach. They can go all the way -- and you'll be our eyes and heart when that happens.

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Appreciate this Mark. Anything can happen. It often does.

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I love reading your column and always do that.

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And now we know “The rest of the story”

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Paul Harvey would love this team.

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I love your freedom to truly write your heart. It must help keep you sane in a world full of insanity. I know it points me toward hope. Thanks

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Thank you.

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Although I am a Duck fan, I love the Beavers when we aren't playing them.

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A real source of pride in the region.

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