Apr 7, 2023Liked by John Canzano

John, what's your take on all the players who have transferred out of the Duck Women's basketball program? Paopao has hit the portal, and Rogers hasn't announced what she'll do, but she spent the weekend with Angel Reese. Now Prince is hitting the transfer portal as well. The new ducks coming in look good, but the last few years have seen a lot of transfers. I miss the Sab, Ruthy and Satou days. Sigh........

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I have seen this clown show around a celebrated player, before, it does not end well for the team who takes the player who is in the spotlight. U of MN got Kris Humphries to reverse his commit to Duke in 2003. Humphries was a Parade and McDonalds All American and 5 Star recruit. He was from Minnesota, the son of former Chargers and Vikings player Stan Humphries. He had been fed his importance all his life and was a real prima donna by the end of HS, where he won state championships for Hopkins. He reversed his Duke commit based on the promise by Gophers coaches he would be the centerpiece and the offense would be built around him. It was. He scored almost 22 pts a game and was named to the Big 10 Freshman First Team. And then he jumped to the NBA for a mediocre career (and married Kim Kardashian for a few months; my wife helped with the divorce). The team was not advantaged by their All Big 10 freshman as they finished the year 12-18, they were so unbalanced by one star player. It is not worth it to take on a big show like Bronny. And you know LeBron will have plenty to say about how his son is handled.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by John Canzano

One of Norm MacDonald's better lines: "Did you hear about the Laker who discovered he had just married the wrong Kardashian?"

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Seems like the traveling circus that is this kid would be perfectly suited for LA. I get that it would bring a TON of publicity to Oregon. Altman will have no choice but to play the kid, ready or not. Unless LeBron backs off this circus and let's the kid be just another kid in the program.......this won't end well.

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I saw Bronny play 2 games at the Les Schwab in Dec...As a long time high school Basketball official he did OK but was outplayed by several other 4 and 5 star players including Jackson S. of West Linn...He appears to have potential but has a long way to go to be a major contributor in a D1 program right away..Just one man's opinion is all.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

It's not my call...If it were, I'd say no...the juice is definitely not worth the squeeze. The Oregon basketball program does not need that kind of drama right now when it is trying to right it's ship.

IMO, Dana is in a quandary...He needs some dedicated, hungry players, who actually can play...IMO. He's tried using the transfer portal and (at least from what I've seen) he's found it's transfers severely lacking in discipline and heart. But on the other hand, he needs to right this ship quickly before it gets away from him.

Losing Ware to the portal was tough, and probably unexpected. But Dana has coming in an excellent point guard and a small forward...he has Bittle coming back...but lost a lot in Dante and Guerrier....and depth in Ware. I think Dana is stuck with the Portal route but he needs to get better at evaluating the player personnel using the transfer portal...the last two years he's gotten some very selfish undisciplined players. Life is too short having to coach up incoming high schoolers and show how they must become disciplined players, and deal with selfish undisciplined upper classmen transfers at the same time. That dog just won't hunt.

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All recruiting decisions must be made by asking... Does this player improve the team?

I just don't see how BJ skill set helps, I mean Oregon already has players on the bench

that are better players.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

apparently Bronny is a strong defender and has good passing skills. A team could always use players like that if those players accept their roles on the TEAM. None of us know what Bronny is made of. Is he is own man? Is he unselfish? Does he value loyalty and commitment? If so I think it would send a strong message and a coach could gather like minded players and really build something.

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High schooler has a handler? Hard pass.

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Handlers, plural

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“Motivated defender…he’s not his father.”

—Well said.

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Thank you John for this in-depth look at Brony.

When I was growing up my bodyguard was my big brother. Of course, we beat up on one another as much as he guarded me.

The young man grew up wanting for nothing but I would not have wanted to grow up under the radar as did this young man.

Been two tough years for Dana but I still have a great deal of trust in the man's coaching ability. Rob Mullens is making approximately $1M a year and if you go to the athletic department website you see what is, in my opinion, a staggering number of people reporting to Rob.

Yet, it seems to me that we hear crickets from Rob and his Sports Information Director.

Oregon needs salespeople today, people who will push the brand; especially, when amid a seemingly unending media negotiation and the Pac-10 being a laughing stock for outsiders.

Is Oregon's basketball program being adequately supported and marketed? As Dana noted Wisconsin brought its band and cheerleaders west for an NIT game.

P5 CFB and CBB are big businesses. The Athletic Department needs to recognize this and open the wallet. and employee salespeople and not order takers.

BTW, I for one am not happy that Oregon's next 6 seasons have the Ducks football team playing B12 teams. Florida is tripping to Utah. Auburn is tripping to CAL. Wisconsin is tripping to Pullman! The Ducks are tripping to Lubbock, Texas?

Forgive me for going OT.

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How many Big 10 programs do you think frankly want to avoid the Ducks?

Michigan did a home and away and has rebuffed all requests ever since. In fact, they tried to cancel the visit to Eugene and the AD had to talk them into that 2004 visit.

Ohio State will likely renege on a return date to Eugene.

It has been a couple of decades since a Big 10 team beat UO in Eugene and that can ruin a season.

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A real quandry for Altman - "Should I go all out to bring Bronny aboard with the encompassing circus or just do what I have been doing, bringing brick -laying wings through the Portal?

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Can anyone say "Lonzo Ball" and his dad? Or for we Cal fans who remember DeSean Jackson and his father, or the Keenan Allen show that forced Tedford to play his brother at QB, which effectively got him fired.

Of course as a Quack rival I say go for it!

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It depends on the family.

Tony Dungy's son was definitely not at the level to play much at UO, but his Father was supportive of the program and his son's role while Chip Kelly was the coach.

Kyle Long didn't cause any drama.

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Not worth the one year side show that it would bring. He wouldn’t start and then he’d leave via transfer. Go with the incoming portal for Altman.

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If Bronny really isn't all that, being on the bench in Columbus or SC isn't going to be fun for him. I think Coach Altman and Eugene might be a great place for him, provided he walks in knowing playing time must be earned and those who don't defend, sit. If LeBron and his mum have taught the kid anything (and I reckon they have), humility is probably among the lessons learned.

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I don't see LeBron James wanting his kid on the floor embarrassing himself if he is not ready to play. His son may be a player with potential, but who needs to learn the ropes the first year.

As for other kids who had famous Fathers, that has generally turned out okay.

Tony Dungy's son was at Eugene and never created drama.

Kyle Long played-his Father was always in attendance with no drama.

I realize LeBron is at a different level, but he is exceptionally bright and in the end, his son is going to know his own talent level.

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I agree, they should definitely bring him in if he is willing.

Bronny is greater than the sum of his parts. He will be a really solid college player in a year or two. Plus, like you mentioned in the article, he is the type of player that Altman excels at developing. Unlike the big guys who have traditionally struggled to fulfill their potential in Altman's system.

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Plus I think Mookie and Jackson going all in on lobbying him to come play with them says all you need to know about Bronny's game.

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“Is the juice worth the squeeze?” Is it an orange or lemon? What’s that saying, if life gives you lemons…

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