Thank you, John, for taking on this topic in such an honest and open manner. Put aside the politics and anyone's "rights" but something in this nation is really broken. We've put up with the nonsense that more guns solve the problem. Maybe its time our government tried something different. I've got a few ideas, and I'm not that clever.
Outstanding and from the heart, John. I’m sooo tired of the macho, chest pounding types who oppose any type of common sense gun control! When will this gun lunacy stop? I’ve been privileged to travel to over 120 countries where guns (and mass shootings) do not rule like they do here! What a tragic way to footnote a joyous celebration of sport!
Why is it that for me to drive a car, I'm required to carry insurance in case I hurt someone or damage property, but people who carry guns are not required to carry insurance in case they cause harm, damage or death to someone?
This isn't a gun owner problem. Its a criminal issue that public safety and government regulation have failed to address regardless of the laws they create. You can make as many laws as you want but until you modify attitudes and values criminals will always win. No criminal is going to get insurance for their gun. And if forced when purchasing a gun, they will just go get one illegally to avoid it. So the result is law abiding gun owners who ultimately use their gun to protect people and shoot the criminal would then be required to pay off the criminal or his/her family. Is that the intent?
You can get insurance by the way and many law abiding citizens do that but primarily to protect themselves from the absolute chaos that comes from protecting themselves and other people by shooting a bad guy. The legals costs alone are tremendous. You are guilty first and go through hell exonerating yourself from criminality when what you did was the right thing.
Read the second amendment and then learn what a military weapon is. They are not in common legal ownership without proper licensing and background checks. Keep in mind that regardless of regulation, criminals don't care.
I know a lot....but certainly not everything or even close to it. However I would want whoever is going to go into combat with a weapon to know it all about the weapons and tactics. That's not even a sensical statement.
The obvious question I have for you is this. Have you ever been in the military or law enforcement and do you have experience in using these long guns? Or are you just a 2nd amendment own guns for protection against tyranny guy?
They have had gunsmiths bore out their barrels and have had barrels replaced. Do you know how dangerous that is?
The two primary calibers for small arms that are NATO standards are the 5.56 x 45mm and the 7.62 x 51mm and they have their civilian equivalents. The 5.56 x 45mm is the .223 Remington while the civilian form of the 7.62 x 51mm is the .308 Winchester, and though they share cartridge dimensions they are not necessarily the same.
US New & World Report article today quoted two of the brave persons who tackled one of the shooters. The wife of one of tacklers says they recovered what was believed to be the shooter’s ‘AK-47’ style rifle.
If this turns out to be true, then this person came looking for trouble, or retrieved said rifle from car trunk.
I don’t think we get to know identity of shooters until they get charged. 2 of 3 said to be under age 18.
Good point Chuck. And why aren't people who have guns required to carry a license like everyone who drives a car? That license should show that they've passed extensive background checks and passed a gun safety test.
More laws and regulations. That will do it for sure.
My father and uncles where WWll veterans, I volunteered for Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of us brought home guns upon release. Not a one of us has ever shot anyone in a mass shooting. We all know what a bullet can do!
Criminals don't care about laws, never have, never will.
We have a sick society; we need to figure out what the hell society is doing or not doing to drive so many to shootings. Because it wasn't a problem for decades when tens of thousands of returning WWII veterans had a gun in their house.
Most of these mass shooters have shown signs of problems in their past but they have just been passed along and ignored.
It is the societal issues that we need to address. What drives these people to believe they can just march into a crowd and start shooting?
Social media? The video games they've been playing where the guy you just shot jumps up and returns to fight another day?
The angry gang banger or disenfranchised person that spent thousands of hours of his/her youth playing video games and has a bunch of virtual friends doesn't care if I have a license or not. He's been conditioned to think the more people you go out and shoot and kill the bigger winner you become.
Fatherless households are another huge problem. "Baby Mamas" is a badge of honor. The more you have the more respect you garner. Yet the kids they've fathered are left directionless.
It's going to take a lot of hard work. We are going to need to focus on and discuss the hard issues.
But me having a license is not going to prevent the next mass shooting.
Lon, I don't doubt that you are good people and don't need a license to have a gun. But the licensing and background checks are needed for the people you refer to when you say "Most of these mass shooters have shown signs of problems in their past but they have just been passed along and ignored."
I totally agree that licensing isn't going to completely solve this problem. We need to address a lot of issues, some of which you touched upon, that results in these sick people walking around killing people like it's some video game. That said, licensing, tough background checks and required gun safety classes WILL stop some nuts, psychologically ill, spiritually ill, whatever you might want to call them, from committing mass murders. Even if it's only a 10-15% improvement, that means lives saved and serious injuries prevented.
I know you mean well but you don't understand the US Constitution. Everyone goes through a background check now. The President's son LIED on his application; do you really think he gave a damn about the law? Hell no! He was a pampered mental case flying on AirForce One and gave me and everyone law abiding citizen of this country the finger. You don't punish and control the innocent!
I’m sorry to say this…but WTF?? You being up Hunter Biden in your reply?? I mean how far off the mark can you be? The topic was a mass shooting not dems vs republicans and whose in office or flew on Air Force 1. Get a clue, please!
I often note how much violence we see in movie commercials, TV program promotions, and other sources scattered regularly among the sports events we love to watch.
I respect that from a guy who knows. The problem is beyond discussion. It's time to remove the 223 and 7.62 high capacity mag military style weapons from the racks.
Do you really think criminals are going to get a license and gun safety training...really?? Making responsible gun owning citizens criminals by creating laws won't fix the problem.
Chuck, the challenge is that gang bangers don’t usually purchase legal guns. This might be unpopular take, but IMHO the root cause of all this is 2-fold, and really (really) hard to correct: 1) lack of economic opportunity/hope 2) disintegration of 2 parent home
I have so many good memories of small town parades. It hurts my heart to know some youngsters will now associate this kind of event w/ death & violence.
Most of the mass shootings are executed by WHITE MEN. I am not worried about the gang bangers. It's the 2nd amendment freaks who have massive insecurity and control issues
Ed, in this case we’re waiting still to determine identities. All we know is all 3 shooters were minors. The video clips I’ve seen of handcuffed suspects, they were not white.
First of all- great piece, very thoughtful and I understood your points and feelings. As a pastor of a local church, I am constantly aware of who is entering our sanctuary, and we have to be welcoming while also being somewhat suspicious.
I'm fed up with the politicians making it about their side. My own take- and I know I'll probably get hateful comments on this- more laws won't fix this problem. Criminals and killers aren't going to stop because a bill is passed in DC or Salem.
The problem is in the hearts of people. The value of human life is at an all time low. I'm in the ministry because people ARE valuable. Before I start preaching here I'll say thank you again for this.
This is a GREAT post Pastor Volman! Thank you for sharing this perspective. I concur with your thought process. Criminals will not be stopped no matter how much licensing is required, etc. The criminal mind works differently.
After the second lockdown of my child's pre-k school and seeing parents packing heat as they dropped their kids off (in Oklahoma), my wife and I decided that enough was enough. We sought out and found a way to move and raise our kids in Italy. Italy is not paradise--far from it--but I never, ever worry about gun violence. It is just not a thing. I fear Americans are like the cliche of the frog in the cauldron rising to a boil. We got out when it got too hot for our family, but it has just kept getting hotter, and hotter. What is absolutely unacceptable has become normal.
I applaud you— I work in a school and in 3 semesters I retire. I want no part of these scary and upsetting drills. I have worked with our on campus resource officer (supplied by the city) to ensure the kids are as safe as possible if we have a warning of an active shooter— it’s scary.
The problem is, we have too many guns. The easy access to guns is what turns an argument into a murder, an episode of depression into a suicide, a noise in the night into an accidental shooting. No other country in the world has anywhere near the number of murders and suicides that we have, and that's because no other country allows such easy access to guns. We've reached a point where a mass shooting can happen anywhere, anytime. Schools, shopping malls, churches, concerts, grocery stores, nightclubs...and even a championship parade. Our kids will never be safe unless the gutless bureaucrats in Washington, many of whom are in the pocket of the gun lobby and gun manufacturers, enact the common sense gun laws that 90% of Americans support.
Take those thoughts and prayers and stick them where the sun don't shine. Give me common sense gun laws from the Federal Government, and get the NRA out the equation. Done. Just like all the other 'civilized' countries have.
You clearly don't understand the problem. There are hundreds of common sense gun laws that make no difference when you don't enforce or provide punishment hard enough to dissuade someone from using one in a criminal manner.
I do understand the problem - and that the common sense laws I am advocating for will not stop all gun violence, including what happened in KC, most likely. But come on man, look at the overwhelming body of evidence in a tragic history that is uniquely American. It doesn't take a machine gun to bag an elk; people with mental health challenges should not have access to firearms. I could go on.
That's not what I wrote. Lets not be like that. If you re read it you can deduce I'm for enforcement and strict punishment. I'm also for changing the attitudes of current society. Understanding where things are going wrong with people's attitudes is important. Is this coming from lack of mental care, the breakdown of family, government programs eroding self care and responsibility? Let's fix that stuff.
How about fix ALL of it. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Do the things you suggest AND pass stricter gun regulations, ban assault rifles, etc. Other countries have figured it out. Nothing is ideal. But the status quo must change.
I don't want our federal goverment making any more laws. Both the Republicans and Democrats running this country are clueless, out of touch, are extremists and have no common sense.
Let's start with universal background checks; mandatory waiting periods; outlawing assault weapons and implement a buy-back program (as was done successfully in Australia and New Zealand). That alone would save hundreds of lives per year. NRA: Defend your position on these. Please. Let the families of the dead know how much you care.
We have rules / regulations / laws on the books that deal with all your suggestions.
Please do not use the tired statement regarding "assault" weapons without first defining what you mean by that "common sense" phrase. Just because the firearm is black and scary looking is not a good definition.
Most people understand what a military style assault rifle looks like. I have killed coyotes. Wild pigs. Jack rabbits and more with a mini 14 by Ruger. In Utah you can buy 30 round mags and go to town. My Dad was an expert marksman and a combat vet of 3 wars. I have seen the damage the 223 does to a mammal. It will create an exit wound the size of a grapefruit and blown the head off of a coyote. My Dad has seen what 7.62 or 30 caliber rounds do to German, French Italian, Moroccan Korean and Vietnamese Japanese and other children of different races. You 2nd amendment phonies make me sick. Shotguns. Handguns. Bolt action and all other kinds of guns kill with accuracy and destruction The AR15 and other similar weapons are
The ultimate killing machines of humans. They are to the gun world what Fentanyl is to the drug world. Lethal. Deadly. Killing our kids and our citizens.
You state up front, "Most people understand what a military style assault rifle looks like."
Then you state your experience with firearms. All well and good.
"Most people" really have no clue about firearms. They have never even seen one in person. All they know is what the media tells them, and what the politicians tell them. "Most people" are ignorant. And politicians are not much better.
To them, an assault weapon is a black scary looking firearm.
But sure, take away firearms from honest law-abiding citizens. Then all our troubles will go away.
Agreed with all you said. I’m from small town (was then) Oregon. Life was different, life was good. Life was safe. A life long friend reminded me that we kids would ride our bikes down into the woods to the rifle range. We were safe, we were taught to take responsibility and care for others and ourselves. He said, just think about this as he again reminded me that he would ride his bike across town with his.22 rifle across the handlebars over to my place. Now and for unfortunately good reason that would bring out swat teams with many police cars lights and sirens blaring.
This was at a time when we were all over town visiting our friends and just having fun. When I was young our mother would put a pnut butter sandwich and a jar of water in a paper bag and we would head down into the canyon to come home for dinner when we heard the whistles from the two paper mills down on the river. There was never the thought of harm from any one.
Now too many think that their rights to carry a weapon anywhere they want is more important than the rights and lives of others. The world has become a cesspool.
I like what Chuck Legg says about requiring anyone with a gun to carry insurance. They could very easily make it mandatory to be in place before any gun is sold and we should have a way to monitor guns the same way we do license automobiles. Those of us who want guns more strictly controlled are always meeting those who want unfettered access way past halfway on the topic. In the face of the majority of Americans wanting more controls - why do we persist in kowtowing to the NRA and the gun lobby. The statistics are clear... the USA is far and away more lenient on this issue and the deaths are multiples over every single other civilized country. The USA is no longer 'civilized' in this respect. Assault weapons have no place in our society except as weapons of war and police in dire circumstances. As you point out John, nowhere is safe any more - sporting events, concerts, theaters, shopping centers, parks, parades for God's sake. Shoulders sag. * “America is a Gun,” Brian Bilston
New Zealand is Christmas in summer; sausage rolls and beers at the beach. Guns? Yep, for hunting only. Even the cops - who have all the guns they might need - don't carry one on their hip, lest they do something in the heat of the moment which may lead to tragedy.
When I was in the second grade we prepared for nuclear attack. Getting under our desks and watching "Duck and Cover." Fun times.
Our gun culture is crazy. As for the second amendment, Jefferson wrote:
“Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well; I belonged to it, and labored with it. It deserved well of its country.”
“I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects.”
“Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
To those who say it’s bad parenting, mental health or some other issue, know that the USA is the only place with more guns than people. Legislation helps elsewhere. Legislation helped here when we had the assault weapons ban.
I, too, am both frightened and angry at the violence that is accepted as normal in our American communities today. I thank you for what you wrote about the latest mayhem. You capture how pervasive the fear and vigilance are and they shouldn't be. I see no reason for anyone to be armed when they attend a public event.
I have always enjoyed your columns. I admire your ability to so clearly share your thoughts. I hope this column gets huge coverage.
You have expressed the opinion of many John thx you It seems you can kill anyone in world if you want to..a child on up to and including the President or the Pope. There is not enough security in the world...until we make sense of the chaos today and change people’s hearts and minds. It still is heartbreaking that people have been taught to kill..they will find a way. I’m 80 and cannot help much but I can pray for a return to a time I grew up in....don’t we all? Jeanie Caraher Monterossi
I'm tired of every politicizing of a tragedy, with the so-called "common sense" argument, because it makes no sense that those who do so just want to punish the people who didn't do it. How about addressing the culture in certain segments of society that glorifies such brutality?
Beyond all that, I was delighted to read that John grew up in Gilroy. I drove through that town hundreds of times while my parents lived in Monterey County. Each time I savored the garlic plant fragrance that hung in the air. Now that my folks are gone, I kind of miss it.
A great piece, John. I wish I had the answer to the question you posed: "... I wonder where in the world we’ve gone wrong as a society. We lead the world in tragedy." Something changed in America in the last decade or two, maybe even longer. We have no morals. We have no respect for others and the property of others. No one uses common sense. We don't punish criminals; heck, criminals these days seem to have more rights than the victims. We decriminalize drug use. We don't address the mental health crisis in our region and across the country. Everyone is "soft" and easily offended. People don't have a spine. Our education system is failing. The politicans -- both the Democrats and Republicans -- have failed our country and failed the people. We are failing. I wish I had the answer.
Camera enabled smartphones & widespread use of social media, Y2013 and forward, are at least part of the issue. But root causes go back farther & deeper. which is fairly non-partisan reports that mass shootings have increased in USA 157% from 2013 to 2023 (255 in '13, 656 in '23). More statistic on deaths due to gun violence in USA, here:
Thank you, John, for taking on this topic in such an honest and open manner. Put aside the politics and anyone's "rights" but something in this nation is really broken. We've put up with the nonsense that more guns solve the problem. Maybe its time our government tried something different. I've got a few ideas, and I'm not that clever.
Thank you.
Oh boy: responding to this subject, kinda like responding about Abortion. I just erased a couple sentences, thankfully, before I hit Send.
I appreciate that you read.
Outstanding and from the heart, John. I’m sooo tired of the macho, chest pounding types who oppose any type of common sense gun control! When will this gun lunacy stop? I’ve been privileged to travel to over 120 countries where guns (and mass shootings) do not rule like they do here! What a tragic way to footnote a joyous celebration of sport!
Thank you for being here.
There are hundreds of firearms laws across the country - federal, state and local. (Strangely, not all of them enforced.)
What "common sense" law have the various legislatures missed?
I am so tired of folks saying the tired line that we need "common sense" laws.
If they are so common, name them.
Ban all ownership of military style weapons. Especially 223 and 7.62 calibers.
Mandatory 15 day waiting periods
No high capacity mags sold
Limit ammo purchases
Mandatory testing and licensing
A DMV of gun ownership
License to own and operate a weapon.
Mandatory desrh sentence for all who use a gun in a crime
Hey Ed you actually read the news??? Criminals and was not a so called assault rifle. Facts.
Well played, Marcus, Charlie
Why is it that for me to drive a car, I'm required to carry insurance in case I hurt someone or damage property, but people who carry guns are not required to carry insurance in case they cause harm, damage or death to someone?
This isn't a gun owner problem. Its a criminal issue that public safety and government regulation have failed to address regardless of the laws they create. You can make as many laws as you want but until you modify attitudes and values criminals will always win. No criminal is going to get insurance for their gun. And if forced when purchasing a gun, they will just go get one illegally to avoid it. So the result is law abiding gun owners who ultimately use their gun to protect people and shoot the criminal would then be required to pay off the criminal or his/her family. Is that the intent?
You can get insurance by the way and many law abiding citizens do that but primarily to protect themselves from the absolute chaos that comes from protecting themselves and other people by shooting a bad guy. The legals costs alone are tremendous. You are guilty first and go through hell exonerating yourself from criminality when what you did was the right thing.
Military weapons do not belong in the hands of "law abiding" civilians.
Those weapons need regulation.
Read the second amendment and then learn what a military weapon is. They are not in common legal ownership without proper licensing and background checks. Keep in mind that regardless of regulation, criminals don't care.
You sound like a know it all. Very dangerous in combat to give a weapon to know it alls
I know a lot....but certainly not everything or even close to it. However I would want whoever is going to go into combat with a weapon to know it all about the weapons and tactics. That's not even a sensical statement.
The obvious question I have for you is this. Have you ever been in the military or law enforcement and do you have experience in using these long guns? Or are you just a 2nd amendment own guns for protection against tyranny guy?
No one here sounds like more of a Know-it-all than you do! You seem to have all the answers...why don't you run for office!
Good Lord. I have 100 friends who own military grade weapons that fire NATO rounds.
They have had gunsmiths bore out their barrels and have had barrels replaced. Do you know how dangerous that is?
The two primary calibers for small arms that are NATO standards are the 5.56 x 45mm and the 7.62 x 51mm and they have their civilian equivalents. The 5.56 x 45mm is the .223 Remington while the civilian form of the 7.62 x 51mm is the .308 Winchester, and though they share cartridge dimensions they are not necessarily the same.
Flame on libtard, 🔥 on!!!
Yes, only owned by military or law enforcement!
US New & World Report article today quoted two of the brave persons who tackled one of the shooters. The wife of one of tacklers says they recovered what was believed to be the shooter’s ‘AK-47’ style rifle.
If this turns out to be true, then this person came looking for trouble, or retrieved said rifle from car trunk.
I don’t think we get to know identity of shooters until they get charged. 2 of 3 said to be under age 18.
Matt from Canby ?
Nope. Wrong Matt but I know who you are talking about.
Good point Chuck. And why aren't people who have guns required to carry a license like everyone who drives a car? That license should show that they've passed extensive background checks and passed a gun safety test.
More laws and regulations. That will do it for sure.
My father and uncles where WWll veterans, I volunteered for Vietnam. Hundreds of thousands of us brought home guns upon release. Not a one of us has ever shot anyone in a mass shooting. We all know what a bullet can do!
Criminals don't care about laws, never have, never will.
We have a sick society; we need to figure out what the hell society is doing or not doing to drive so many to shootings. Because it wasn't a problem for decades when tens of thousands of returning WWII veterans had a gun in their house.
Most of these mass shooters have shown signs of problems in their past but they have just been passed along and ignored.
It is the societal issues that we need to address. What drives these people to believe they can just march into a crowd and start shooting?
Social media? The video games they've been playing where the guy you just shot jumps up and returns to fight another day?
The angry gang banger or disenfranchised person that spent thousands of hours of his/her youth playing video games and has a bunch of virtual friends doesn't care if I have a license or not. He's been conditioned to think the more people you go out and shoot and kill the bigger winner you become.
Fatherless households are another huge problem. "Baby Mamas" is a badge of honor. The more you have the more respect you garner. Yet the kids they've fathered are left directionless.
It's going to take a lot of hard work. We are going to need to focus on and discuss the hard issues.
But me having a license is not going to prevent the next mass shooting.
Lon, I don't doubt that you are good people and don't need a license to have a gun. But the licensing and background checks are needed for the people you refer to when you say "Most of these mass shooters have shown signs of problems in their past but they have just been passed along and ignored."
I totally agree that licensing isn't going to completely solve this problem. We need to address a lot of issues, some of which you touched upon, that results in these sick people walking around killing people like it's some video game. That said, licensing, tough background checks and required gun safety classes WILL stop some nuts, psychologically ill, spiritually ill, whatever you might want to call them, from committing mass murders. Even if it's only a 10-15% improvement, that means lives saved and serious injuries prevented.
I know you mean well but you don't understand the US Constitution. Everyone goes through a background check now. The President's son LIED on his application; do you really think he gave a damn about the law? Hell no! He was a pampered mental case flying on AirForce One and gave me and everyone law abiding citizen of this country the finger. You don't punish and control the innocent!
Wake up to reality.
I’m sorry to say this…but WTF?? You being up Hunter Biden in your reply?? I mean how far off the mark can you be? The topic was a mass shooting not dems vs republicans and whose in office or flew on Air Force 1. Get a clue, please!
I often note how much violence we see in movie commercials, TV program promotions, and other sources scattered regularly among the sports events we love to watch.
^ this guy...100%
I respect that from a guy who knows. The problem is beyond discussion. It's time to remove the 223 and 7.62 high capacity mag military style weapons from the racks.
Do you really think criminals are going to get a license and gun safety training...really?? Making responsible gun owning citizens criminals by creating laws won't fix the problem.
Chuck, the challenge is that gang bangers don’t usually purchase legal guns. This might be unpopular take, but IMHO the root cause of all this is 2-fold, and really (really) hard to correct: 1) lack of economic opportunity/hope 2) disintegration of 2 parent home
I have so many good memories of small town parades. It hurts my heart to know some youngsters will now associate this kind of event w/ death & violence.
Most of the mass shootings are executed by WHITE MEN. I am not worried about the gang bangers. It's the 2nd amendment freaks who have massive insecurity and control issues
Pretty rare for a white ( or any color) 2A guy to ever be involved in a mass shooting. You can hate them if you want but they're not the problem.
MODS are the problem. Merchants of Death that support rampant availability of military style weapons are the problem. Like you
Ed, in this case we’re waiting still to determine identities. All we know is all 3 shooters were minors. The video clips I’ve seen of handcuffed suspects, they were not white.
Most criminals don't have auto or home insurance either...they're criminals, they don't obey the matter how many you pass.
First of all- great piece, very thoughtful and I understood your points and feelings. As a pastor of a local church, I am constantly aware of who is entering our sanctuary, and we have to be welcoming while also being somewhat suspicious.
I'm fed up with the politicians making it about their side. My own take- and I know I'll probably get hateful comments on this- more laws won't fix this problem. Criminals and killers aren't going to stop because a bill is passed in DC or Salem.
The problem is in the hearts of people. The value of human life is at an all time low. I'm in the ministry because people ARE valuable. Before I start preaching here I'll say thank you again for this.
Thanks for being here.
This is a GREAT post Pastor Volman! Thank you for sharing this perspective. I concur with your thought process. Criminals will not be stopped no matter how much licensing is required, etc. The criminal mind works differently.
Bless you, Pastor, Charlie
Wait a minute. The 48th mass shooting in the country THIS YEAR? It’s February 15th - insanity.
My reaction as well gre. I thought it might be a misprint at first.
I also had to look it up.
After the second lockdown of my child's pre-k school and seeing parents packing heat as they dropped their kids off (in Oklahoma), my wife and I decided that enough was enough. We sought out and found a way to move and raise our kids in Italy. Italy is not paradise--far from it--but I never, ever worry about gun violence. It is just not a thing. I fear Americans are like the cliche of the frog in the cauldron rising to a boil. We got out when it got too hot for our family, but it has just kept getting hotter, and hotter. What is absolutely unacceptable has become normal.
Thanks for posting here.
Kia ora from an American ex-pat New Zealand :)
I applaud you— I work in a school and in 3 semesters I retire. I want no part of these scary and upsetting drills. I have worked with our on campus resource officer (supplied by the city) to ensure the kids are as safe as possible if we have a warning of an active shooter— it’s scary.
The problem is, we have too many guns. The easy access to guns is what turns an argument into a murder, an episode of depression into a suicide, a noise in the night into an accidental shooting. No other country in the world has anywhere near the number of murders and suicides that we have, and that's because no other country allows such easy access to guns. We've reached a point where a mass shooting can happen anywhere, anytime. Schools, shopping malls, churches, concerts, grocery stores, nightclubs...and even a championship parade. Our kids will never be safe unless the gutless bureaucrats in Washington, many of whom are in the pocket of the gun lobby and gun manufacturers, enact the common sense gun laws that 90% of Americans support.
Bravo. Agree
Take those thoughts and prayers and stick them where the sun don't shine. Give me common sense gun laws from the Federal Government, and get the NRA out the equation. Done. Just like all the other 'civilized' countries have.
You clearly don't understand the problem. There are hundreds of common sense gun laws that make no difference when you don't enforce or provide punishment hard enough to dissuade someone from using one in a criminal manner.
I do understand the problem - and that the common sense laws I am advocating for will not stop all gun violence, including what happened in KC, most likely. But come on man, look at the overwhelming body of evidence in a tragic history that is uniquely American. It doesn't take a machine gun to bag an elk; people with mental health challenges should not have access to firearms. I could go on.
IF gun laws worked, South Chicago would be the safest place in America.
The guns in Chicago mostly are brought over from Indiana, Wisconsin.
Which is why gun laws don't work.
It's why federal legislation is needed.
That is gang warfare.
Its illegal to use a machine gun to bag an elk.
And stupid
It's the availability of these weapons. High capacity magazines and 223 rounds are killing machines
So you are fine with the status quo.?
That's not what I wrote. Lets not be like that. If you re read it you can deduce I'm for enforcement and strict punishment. I'm also for changing the attitudes of current society. Understanding where things are going wrong with people's attitudes is important. Is this coming from lack of mental care, the breakdown of family, government programs eroding self care and responsibility? Let's fix that stuff.
How about fix ALL of it. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Do the things you suggest AND pass stricter gun regulations, ban assault rifles, etc. Other countries have figured it out. Nothing is ideal. But the status quo must change.
Stricter gun regulations don't need to be fixed. They need to have teeth in the courts and be enforced.
Another NRA dodge. Ban the assault weapons. Make it illegal to own one . Buy em back at full retail
When our children are getting slaughtered, you do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to reduce the slaughter. At least that’s what a civilized society would do.
You just gave the standard NRA answer. That qualifies you as a gun fanatic
I don't want our federal goverment making any more laws. Both the Republicans and Democrats running this country are clueless, out of touch, are extremists and have no common sense.
There are hundreds of firearms laws across the country - federal, state and local. (Strangely, not all of them enforced.)
What "common sense" laws have the various legislatures missed?
I am so tired of folks saying the tired line that we need "common sense" laws.
If they are so common, name them.
Background checks, red flags, no AR 15s, no open carry, and more
Let's start with universal background checks; mandatory waiting periods; outlawing assault weapons and implement a buy-back program (as was done successfully in Australia and New Zealand). That alone would save hundreds of lives per year. NRA: Defend your position on these. Please. Let the families of the dead know how much you care.
We have rules / regulations / laws on the books that deal with all your suggestions.
Please do not use the tired statement regarding "assault" weapons without first defining what you mean by that "common sense" phrase. Just because the firearm is black and scary looking is not a good definition.
Most people understand what a military style assault rifle looks like. I have killed coyotes. Wild pigs. Jack rabbits and more with a mini 14 by Ruger. In Utah you can buy 30 round mags and go to town. My Dad was an expert marksman and a combat vet of 3 wars. I have seen the damage the 223 does to a mammal. It will create an exit wound the size of a grapefruit and blown the head off of a coyote. My Dad has seen what 7.62 or 30 caliber rounds do to German, French Italian, Moroccan Korean and Vietnamese Japanese and other children of different races. You 2nd amendment phonies make me sick. Shotguns. Handguns. Bolt action and all other kinds of guns kill with accuracy and destruction The AR15 and other similar weapons are
The ultimate killing machines of humans. They are to the gun world what Fentanyl is to the drug world. Lethal. Deadly. Killing our kids and our citizens.
You state up front, "Most people understand what a military style assault rifle looks like."
Then you state your experience with firearms. All well and good.
"Most people" really have no clue about firearms. They have never even seen one in person. All they know is what the media tells them, and what the politicians tell them. "Most people" are ignorant. And politicians are not much better.
To them, an assault weapon is a black scary looking firearm.
But sure, take away firearms from honest law-abiding citizens. Then all our troubles will go away.
Thanks, John
Agreed with all you said. I’m from small town (was then) Oregon. Life was different, life was good. Life was safe. A life long friend reminded me that we kids would ride our bikes down into the woods to the rifle range. We were safe, we were taught to take responsibility and care for others and ourselves. He said, just think about this as he again reminded me that he would ride his bike across town with his.22 rifle across the handlebars over to my place. Now and for unfortunately good reason that would bring out swat teams with many police cars lights and sirens blaring.
This was at a time when we were all over town visiting our friends and just having fun. When I was young our mother would put a pnut butter sandwich and a jar of water in a paper bag and we would head down into the canyon to come home for dinner when we heard the whistles from the two paper mills down on the river. There was never the thought of harm from any one.
Now too many think that their rights to carry a weapon anywhere they want is more important than the rights and lives of others. The world has become a cesspool.
I had simple worries as a kid.
The challenges facing today’s kids would encourage me to not have any children.
I like what Chuck Legg says about requiring anyone with a gun to carry insurance. They could very easily make it mandatory to be in place before any gun is sold and we should have a way to monitor guns the same way we do license automobiles. Those of us who want guns more strictly controlled are always meeting those who want unfettered access way past halfway on the topic. In the face of the majority of Americans wanting more controls - why do we persist in kowtowing to the NRA and the gun lobby. The statistics are clear... the USA is far and away more lenient on this issue and the deaths are multiples over every single other civilized country. The USA is no longer 'civilized' in this respect. Assault weapons have no place in our society except as weapons of war and police in dire circumstances. As you point out John, nowhere is safe any more - sporting events, concerts, theaters, shopping centers, parks, parades for God's sake. Shoulders sag. * “America is a Gun,” Brian Bilston
England is a cup of tea.
France, a wheel of ripened brie.
Greece, a short, squat olive tree.
America is a gun.
Brazil is football on the sand.
Argentina, Maradona’s hand.
Germany, an oompah band.
America is a gun.
Holland is a wooden shoe.
Hungary, a goulash stew.
Australia, a kangaroo.
America is a gun.
Japan is a thermal spring.
Scotland is a highland fling.
Oh, better to be anything
than America as a gun.
New Zealand is Christmas in summer; sausage rolls and beers at the beach. Guns? Yep, for hunting only. Even the cops - who have all the guns they might need - don't carry one on their hip, lest they do something in the heat of the moment which may lead to tragedy.
Thank you for this Maverick.
Perfect Mav
Well played Maverick, Charlie
When I was in the second grade we prepared for nuclear attack. Getting under our desks and watching "Duck and Cover." Fun times.
Our gun culture is crazy. As for the second amendment, Jefferson wrote:
“Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. They ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well; I belonged to it, and labored with it. It deserved well of its country.”
“I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects.”
“Laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
Thanks for posting.
Same here. And then there was the Cuban missile situation followed by marching off to Vietnam.
Thanks Dwight.
Well played, PJ, most thoughtful, Charlie
I'll give Jefferson credit for the deep thought.
To those who say it’s bad parenting, mental health or some other issue, know that the USA is the only place with more guns than people. Legislation helps elsewhere. Legislation helped here when we had the assault weapons ban.
I, too, am both frightened and angry at the violence that is accepted as normal in our American communities today. I thank you for what you wrote about the latest mayhem. You capture how pervasive the fear and vigilance are and they shouldn't be. I see no reason for anyone to be armed when they attend a public event.
I have always enjoyed your columns. I admire your ability to so clearly share your thoughts. I hope this column gets huge coverage.
You have expressed the opinion of many John thx you It seems you can kill anyone in world if you want to..a child on up to and including the President or the Pope. There is not enough security in the world...until we make sense of the chaos today and change people’s hearts and minds. It still is heartbreaking that people have been taught to kill..they will find a way. I’m 80 and cannot help much but I can pray for a return to a time I grew up in....don’t we all? Jeanie Caraher Monterossi
I'm tired of every politicizing of a tragedy, with the so-called "common sense" argument, because it makes no sense that those who do so just want to punish the people who didn't do it. How about addressing the culture in certain segments of society that glorifies such brutality?
Beyond all that, I was delighted to read that John grew up in Gilroy. I drove through that town hundreds of times while my parents lived in Monterey County. Each time I savored the garlic plant fragrance that hung in the air. Now that my folks are gone, I kind of miss it.
A great piece, John. I wish I had the answer to the question you posed: "... I wonder where in the world we’ve gone wrong as a society. We lead the world in tragedy." Something changed in America in the last decade or two, maybe even longer. We have no morals. We have no respect for others and the property of others. No one uses common sense. We don't punish criminals; heck, criminals these days seem to have more rights than the victims. We decriminalize drug use. We don't address the mental health crisis in our region and across the country. Everyone is "soft" and easily offended. People don't have a spine. Our education system is failing. The politicans -- both the Democrats and Republicans -- have failed our country and failed the people. We are failing. I wish I had the answer.
Camera enabled smartphones & widespread use of social media, Y2013 and forward, are at least part of the issue. But root causes go back farther & deeper. which is fairly non-partisan reports that mass shootings have increased in USA 157% from 2013 to 2023 (255 in '13, 656 in '23). More statistic on deaths due to gun violence in USA, here: