Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Seems to me that Merritt is paying, both personally and professionally, dearly for his Thorns transgressions. I suggest that his total body of work for Portland athletics earns him a chance to demonstrate his redemption through the Timbers. As it has been said, to err is human, to forgive divine.

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Paulson sent PSU football (and now high school title games) packing, then failed to exercise critical oversight of his teams. Yes, he needs to earn redemption. Bringing (American) football back to his arena would be a way to do it.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

I realize some “mistakes” are bigger than others but the bigger you are the bigger the mistakes seem. Hopefully forgiveness is in the works.

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Forgiveness is earned, Paulson can get some by bringing Portland State and OSAA football back to a ballpark that Portlanders own.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Tough stuff all around. Egregious mistakes were made. But "onward" is a good word here.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Mistakes were made, no doubt...but the demands from Timbers fans to give up the club are a total overreach, as we would expect from the typical types of characters who are the loudest voices in this city

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Right. A better redemptive step is to put the PSU Vikings back in their traditional home. That cuts ice with people who fix the cars of Timbers fans.

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John, glad you have covered this, along with an occasional article on the Timbers/MLS. I must say, though, that it's time that a columnist of your stature, located in perhaps the hottest soccer market in the country, began covering the sport with some regularity, especially during a World Cup. You bring a unique perspective to the topics you write about. Unlike some before you (you and I know who they are) who go out of their way to avoid and even belittle soccer, I'm hoping that you can join the many columnists in the United States who cover the sport (not every day, mind you, but hit the big stories). Your readers reside in an area where pro games sell out in one of the best arenas in the country. They are all watching the World Cup. At the very least, they might be curious as to how you see the competition. I hope you'll think about it and decide to give it a go. I believe your readers and subscribers would appreciate it.

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I fully concur.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Meant to mention before I got into the debate with a few posters here. What a scoop! Say's a lot about your credibility that Merritt gave you the interview. 👍

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

As a fan of the Timbers and Thorns I may be able to forgive. For those directly harmed it's about forgiveness but also about trust. Can his betrayal of trust be restored in those he harmed? That's more than forgiveness and not something that can come primarily from any of us who were not harmed.

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I believe the woke world has gone to far. Some think punishment means sell everything. I would suggest that people should be able to forgive and move on. If we cannot forgive and remember not than it seems right not to expect God to forgive us. There are no perfect people so it would heal the pain of many by realizing this.

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This ain't about being "woke", whatever that means. This is about a toxic dude who runs a toxic organization being held to account for his actions. Pre-"woke" history is littered with dudes like this. Some lost everything, some did not. In this case, Paulson has proven himself lacking in both leadership and humanity. Those are two values that pre-date "woke" by millennia.

He can explain to God why he did so little for the daughters of others whom he employed. Hopefully he'll do it in another town.

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If admitting his failure, apologizing, donating $1,000,000 to "player safety", investing $120,000,000 private money into a publicly owned facility, resigning as CEO of the Timbers then selling the Thorns is not enough to atone for his sins, what is enough? You clearly laid out the problem John. Is his solution insufficient and if so, what do you think he needs to do now?

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I don’t think he should sell the Timbers.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Good man John. You are a fair guy... comes out in your writing. The Oregonian columnists covering this are not being fair. And they have never heard Merritt's side of the story. For the record, I don't think he should sell either team.

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I will not throw the first stone - and it is not in my DNA to reject the apology of someone who has erred.

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It is in everyone’s DNA to accept and forgive.

It is your choice not to.


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Sorry John, but really no one cares. I definitely don't. No one shows up for the Thorn's matches, No one likes their politics except the fringe elements. IMO womens soccer in Portland is like the WNBA...definitely on it's last legs and is on life support. What is funny is how Thorn's players and fans are DEMANDING Paulson sell BOTH franchises...why should he sell the Timbers? He used his own money to rejuvenate the franchise and stadium and turn them into viable entities again...If anything he should just shut the Thorns franchise down...forever...what would those self indulged "squeaky wheel" players think then since they'd be out of jobs?

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Don’t think he should sell the Timbers.

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No one shows up for the matches? Aren't they averaging over 17,000 a game? That's in the ballpark of what the Blazers draw? Are you then saying the no one care about the Blazers either?

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My thoughts too.

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I am a Thorns and Timbers fan and I am not demanding that he sell the Timbers and I have been to many Thorns games with 15,000+ fans. Your generalizations are not accurate IMHO.

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I care about the Thorns, they are a class act and add a lot to the Portland sports scene and as role models for girls. I think you are in over your head with your analysis of women's soccer.

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I have nothing nice, interesting or constructive to say on this subject.

So, how about those PKI crowds?

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The Coliseum was empty on Sunday for Oregon State and Duke. It looked really bad on TV. Either the PKI went one day too long or I wildly overestimated the desire for top-flight women's basketball in Portland.

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There wasn't a good crowd for any game. A couple got to 7 and 9k, but that looks terrible in the Rose Garden.

Post season tourneys will draw better, but it was anemic.

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Merritt can redeem himself by bringing PSU football back to the stadium and persuading the Portland City Council to green-light an AAA ballpark at Terminal 4 on the Willamette River. MLB has left the station.

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You seem to have your hands on the right pulae

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Maybe I missed your picks for the games this weekend, Wondering if you picked Utah to upset USC

I'm hoping for 2 teams in the new years 6 , with Washington, Rosy

Also... nothing yet on whether or not a new contract is being worked on... hmmmmm

If you posted this elsewhere, I'm sorry I missed it

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Do you have a comment policy John? Or is it just "I delete comments I don't like?"

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