Hey new guy, don't feel intimidated by your new contemporary presidents.. They were asleep during the 'Scott fiasco', that If it happened in the private sector, all would have fired and sued for neglect. Ivory tower arrogance personified!

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New guy must be good. They need another reasonable voice in the room.

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When a University President leaves, there is usually an interim until a long term replacement is selected, so 3 in a short time is common. But it's unusual to have an interim leave before the next "non-interim" is selected. It's compounded when upward mobility is valued more than stability in the industry.

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Good assessment. Four in a year has been tricky. The first interim interviewed but did not get the job.

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sorry, John, they should have hired you LOL)

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Thom, I'm not laughing at your recommendation. But 'common sense' and these jobs seem to be at the other end of the spectrum.

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tongue in cheek, LOL

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Wake me up at kickoff. There is an entire season to be played that all of this busywork has no influence on other that perception. By the time bowl season comes around, we'll all know.

We all would be served better to let the things we cannot control work it out. Who wants to meet in Lubbock on 9-9.

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I’ll be there

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023

I'll say hi if I spot you.

And I'll send pics for you to include in your game coverage. I'll be ducked out in the visitors section.

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I've been to, let's see, Texarkana, DFW, Austin, Waco, San Antonio, Houston, Galveston, Kingsville, Corpus Christi and many points in between. Once - at the kind of place I think you only find in Texas - I stopped at a roadside spot between San Antonio and Houston where one could buy, among other rarities - a walking stick with a shrunken skull as a handle on top. Never been to Lubbock - but would make the roady if I could, this year. Go Ducks.

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there's beer in Texarcana...

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I'm no expert but I have learned a few things since I began working in big research universities in 2008. I have worked with and amid Presidents and Vice Chancellors (Crown country equivalent) and seen them come and go. These are huge jobs with huge pay, lots of authority and endless politics inside and outside the university ecosystem.

University Presidencies are destination jobs which people covet and tend to stay in until a) an even better job is offered, b) they tire of the politics and return to academia or c) retire. I reckon Oregon's new guy will be here for awhile.

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That would benefit UO and the Pac-12

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

These University 'Executives' are simply that. Executives. Just like our beloved Corporate America, the Executives come from a small network of folks who are all members of the same 'club' that you and I are not. It's always a revolving door as they move around on skids greased by other members of the 'club'.

Soon as this guy gets a call from someone in the club with an opportunity that is better, he'll be gone too. Perhaps Oregon should play the real game and make the President an offer they will never be able to turn down. That's the way this game is played at the top.

When is kickoff again? Lord this time of year sucks for sports fans.

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Like to see him stay 4-5 years.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Their transitory status aside, they usually *do* have last names. 😊 (“Jamie”?)

More seriously: university presidencies are more complex and difficult than ever. (I worked closely with nearly ten permanent or interim appointees over nearly two decades, as well as a host of Provosts who aspired to the top job.)

Oregon’s situation is unusual, only b/c the first interim bolted before Schulz arrived (a reason boards are leery about filling temporary chairs internally).

Also: b/c interims often lack expertise or experience with semi-autonomous athletic programs, they usually leave things as they find them and aren’t powerful voices in a room filled with “permanent” counterparts.

John, your instincts are solid. Stability is a big deal, and UO has maintained at least a semblance of that with Mullens (and Knight).

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As long as Knight is there … the motivation will be CFP access.

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Great insight!

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Welcome aboard, Doctor Schulz. I thought it was great that the gentleman attended the spring football game and then was off to watch other events contested on campus the same day. It certainly looks like the man gets it when it comes to the value of solid athletic programs.

The media partners will decide but will there be more value in splitting the pie 10 ways, with a hopefully bigger piece delivered to participants in the money-ball playoffs, or in adding the San Diego and DFW markets for a 12-way split?

Regardless, the conference should cross-claim against Larry in the wrongful termination suit brought by the 2 network executives cashiered over the Comcast fiasco. If this doesn't happen it will be a monumental legal error. And the conference presidents best be demanding a timely payback by Larry of his 'transition loan.'

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Larry’s loan… he did a great job negotiating for himself. Give him credit there.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

The Prez gave him credit the man did not deserve and they best not extend the loan's due date.

A photo of Larry should be side by side with the words 'flim-flam' in the dictionary. And a gallery of Pac-12 presidents' headshots should be next to 'clueless.'

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He was very good at protecting his own interests.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

A number of years ago, the President of a Midwestern University (Ohio State?, can't remember in my dotage) was quoted as saying: "my ambition is to make as much money as our football coach."

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Jul 6, 2023·edited Jul 6, 2023Author

He/she could only wish.

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Gordan Gee? Sounds like Gordy now hanging out in West Virginia.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

C'mon in. The water's fine!

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Welcome to Dr. Scholz. I don’t see any way Phil Knight wasn’t involved or consulted at some point in the selection process. Hopefully he has the gifts of consensus building and closure to bring to this odyssey.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Cue the Temptations “Ball of Confusion”...

58 days till kickoff - woo-HOO 🏈


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Football should be more fun than the off-season.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Hope he is sports minded!!!!

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Maybe the other CEO members should have their histories copied and hand them out to whomever UO settles with.

Not a good example of teaching continuity.

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I wonder if Phil Knight approved the Scholz hire?

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Just have Phil select the next UO CEO

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Jul 6, 2023Liked by John Canzano

How about Phil as CEO of the Pac-12 with a one-person Board of Phil?

Had this been the case, notwithstanding Carol Folt's protestations the B12 would be out of business.

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No doubt

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If what John writes about Oregon’s top priority being access to the CFP and thus staying in the Pac-12, it’s the kind of short-sighted decision making that will make them look foolish in a decade after athletes have been declared employees. That’s when being in one of the P2 conferences will really matter. Those conferences will be able to pay their employees much more than the members of the other 3.

I’ve never wanted Oregon to leave for the Big 10, but can clearly see that the Big 10 or SEC is where you’ll need to be to remain competitive in big-time college athletics.

Thinking about short-term advantages of playing in an easier league is the type of thinking that has relegated the Pac-12 to the situation they are in — second-rate conference.

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John, when will you take a position that the PAC-12 media deal is in trouble?

There is little, from varying sources, that points in the right direction for a successful negotiation outcome...

This is starting to be very troubling...

Disappointed in AZ...

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