Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

"I can’t tell if Mayor Wheeler wants to leave a legacy… or just leave." Great Quote! Ted Wheeler should have left years ago. He has driven Portland into the ground and caused a lot of businesses and residents to leave the city. What is a mayor if not a protector and builder of a city? Wheeler has been a city destroyer in the name of "social justice". The ideology of Social Justice is destroying a lot more than it repairs. It truly delivers injustice for all.

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If not social justice what is to be done when social issues need addressing? What mechanism will thwart injustice? What Portland experienced was opportunistic criminals being lumped in with protesters and Antifa. The fires, broken glass, violence, etc. was not a part of anyone trying to obtain social justice. Looting and vandalism have no place in protesting just like the murder of the suspect should not be a component in police arresting people. Portland has shown it can take a punch and our rebound will be epic.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

It is about balance. There are hundreds of cities in America and many of them allow for peaceful protest without destroying their cities (I live in Phoenix where a somewhat liberal city hall keeps the balance). The best mayors help the disadvantaged without creating perverse incentives that put the interests of the needy over those who provide the resources to support the needy (taxes, charity, commerce, etc). When a city mayor and council pit the needy against the providers then you get Portland (or Seattle, or San Francisco, or Minneapolis).

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Joel, One recommended correction: Antifa is composed of opportunistic criminals who are dead set against justice of any sort except Antifa's justice. WRT mechanism(s) that thwart or attack injustice, suggest you read the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence. They are brilliant! I remain VR, J. Horvath

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Your reading list would be really beneficial to another demographic of opportunistic criminals, i.e., Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, 3%ers, ad nauseum. Several of their leaders will have a tremendous amount of reading time on their hands over the next 17 to 22 years.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Any group which wants to take down the government in an unConstitutional fashion are anarchists by definition. So, if that is what the groups you suggest were doing then they are no different than Antifa. They are not on the political spectrum which is comprised of people who believe in the "American experiment" regardless of their policy ideas and preferences

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Why would you make the comment "no different than Antifa" when mentioning anarchy and taking down the government. We have no desire to "take down the government" and are only focused on one thing: Identifying and stopping fascism. Thats it. We don't break windows, we don't spray paint anarchy symbols on buildings, and we are not responsible for looting or vandalism. Stopping fascism wherever it may be because it is an ideology that has never brought about anything but suffering for communities and entire segments of populations. It must be eradicated like weeds in a garden.

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And so instead you act like fascists, like NAZI Brown Shirts? And that is not anarchist? Of course it is

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I am Antifa and will repeat that vandalism and the destruction of the city has no place in direct action campaigns or protests. We have one goal: to stop fascism wherever it may be, to stop it before it is normalized for it has not place in society. Not Fascism where anything you don't like is labeled "fascist", I mean fascism in its true definition. I don't know what you mean by "Antifa justice" and I know of no person that claims to be Antifa that is also an opportunistic criminal I think you got some bad intel.

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This column is supposed to be about sports, not politics Comrade Kaepernick.

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Please reread the thread to ascertain where politics was 1st introduced into it.

You didn't object to the expression of political views in this forum until they did not comport with yours.

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Yep, you got that right.

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Kaepernick a great example of a fascist scapegoat. I didn't start this thread, but I'm certainly not going to remain silent in the face of disinformation.

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If you couldn't use the word fascist you'd be at a loss for words.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Cougar Gold, no contest. Tillamook is everyday cheese, Cougar Gold is special occasion.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I had Cougar Gold for the first time at a gathering last month. I didn't know what I'd been missing. It's almost perfection.

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You are convincing...

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Ok, you convinced me. I will have to try Cougar Gold.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

You have to chuckle a little at the comment that OSU/WSU would only take the best options out of the Mountain West and not all of the teams. It’s reality but it’s also how OSU/WSU wound up in this situation as the “left out” teams. And so the cycle continues…..

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

The Laramie TV market is surely a coveted addition to any conference. And you get Medicine Bow and Rawlins, too.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

It's reality if they want a decent TV deal.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

On your MWC reverse merger take, I suggest they take 10, all but Hawaii and New Mexico. They should get a MWC vote to dissolve so no exit fees and they get 10 of 12 votes which maybe wins the day. Then the PAC12 can restart in 2024 and make Navarez the commish. OSU/WSU shouldn't get too cute, That PAC12 would still be the 5th best with those 12 teams.

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Nine schools to dissolve that conference.

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Ok maybe they don't need Wyoming. Then add a Texas school per your suggestion. I wish SMU was still available.

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How about adding UCSB and UCI as non-football members to add part of the SoCal market, and academic prestige? UC Davis would add the Sacramento-Stockton markets, and the Aggies just finished a $40 Million athletic performance facility and their newish 11,000-capacity football stadium was built to be expandable. They're now 41,000 students and are finishing a $2 Billion fundraising drive.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Interesting to see John has little to no doubt Oregon will beat Colorado. The past few days I’ve heard a lot of fans and media people say (while discussing Colorado’s success and how good they look), “But in two weeks they’re playing USC.” No mention of the Oregon game. We’re chopped Duck liver, apparently. If the Ducks are looking for a reason to be offended, this would be a good one, LOL.

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I think Colorado is flawed... but I have thought that from go.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

"Cheese"?--Cougar Gold all the way---even the USC coaches bought it when they came to Pullman to play the Cougs!

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You got the hot dog right! Mustard and onions. No relish, ketchup or mayo. I'm getting hungry!

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I happen to be at a stadium now...

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Deion is just being Neon. People who don't know who he is or his history may find him disrespectful. But he is about flash, competitiveness and attitude (and fast talk). No one will ever take that away from Coach Prime. So quit whining. He will always be who he is. And it works!

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I don't mind the act. Keeps it fun.

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Just another example of pro wrestling kayfabe infecting society. We just have to call it out for what it is vs. pretending its a norm to which anyone else should aspire.

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Deion is hardly the first showboat in sports. How about Joe Namath? I mean there are hundreds if I go through history

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Muhammed Ali was THE GREATEST.

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Agree 1000%

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Nah, Sanders is more than a showboat. He's playing a character, and giving himself permission to do things that he knows are wrong or dishonest. It's a clever conceit to avoid accountability, and it shouldn't work as well as it does. A bunch of people are going to get hurt as others try to replicate the Colorado experiment.

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Lighten up. It's an act. No worse than the common behavior of your average social media forum, on balance, actually a lot better than that.

Please advise what specific things he's doing that are wrong or dis-honest. If I was concerned about people doing things wrong or dishonest that are going to hurt a bunch of people, then my ire would be sooner directed at much of the former PAC-12 executive committee.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I'm not reinventing the wheel here - I think a Pac-8 with the teams that you mentioned is a good start. I'd like to see a reimagined league with Western teams. Travel to places like that are not east of the Rockies.

Then, maybe add Gonzaga and St. Mary's for basketball?

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The athletes have told OSU they want to stay regional.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

John, Well done. I enjoyed your responses and the information you provided.

Thank you and I remain VR,

J. Horvath

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MLB? Really? PDP is delusional if they think we can get a MLB team. Hell we can’t even get money for a stadium for the hops.

I am all in for MLB for Portland but we have to be realistic.

Mayor Wheelers legacy will be I got dealt a crappy hand, highest drug addiction, highest homelessness, covid, Nike, REI and countless others downtown stores running for their life.

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And the mayor will never admit that he had a hand (or two) in how things got to this point.

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No, Wheeler created the crappy deal. He took a difficult hand and made it a lot worse. If a mayor can't fix a city's problems, than who will? That is literally his only responsibility.

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Portland has rapidly fell behind in the race for MLB relocation or expansion. There was an opportunity, and that opportunity appears to have sadly passed. Vegas, Nashville, Salt Lake City are all ahead of PDX, and Oakland reportedly isn't going to give up the A's without a bit of a late fight.

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Rumor now is that if the A’s move to Las Vegas that Oakland will become the leading candidate for expansion in the west. The new Oakland mayor is attempting to trademark the A’s for this very reason, and Manfred is finally realizing that Oakland has a passionate fan base with a terrible owner. I agree that Portland’s chances for MLB no longer look that good.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

It’s not even a contest….Cougar Gold by a mile! Go Ducks!

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Ordering now...

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

You won’t be sorry!! They have several different flavors of cheese so try the original and at least one more. Also, if you go to Pullman and haven’t tried it, Ferdinand’s ice creamery on campus is a must try.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

No AAC teams and judge mayor Wheeler on his first term. He has not been good.

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Sep 16, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Might be time for the remaining 2 teams to go independent for a couple yrs.

Phil is enjoying thr change. Gets his Footprint in the Big 10 or whatever is now.

Too bad the Duck players/fans aren't quite sure.

BTW did the ducks bump the hurry up offense?

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I work supplying starter cultures for the dairy industry. Cougar Gold over regular Tillamook. Tillamook Vintage White over Cougar Gold. Believe me.

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Sep 16, 2023·edited Sep 16, 2023

John, the Pac-12 taking just 6 teams from the MWC makes zero financial sense. As you point out doing this for 2025 would require the six to pay the MWC $102 million in exit fees, $204 million if they wanted to join for next year. This is why the reverse merge makes the most financial sense for the Pac-12 (OSU-WSU) and best selling point for any MWC team. Move the MWC financial assets to the Pac-12 too. Also if the MWC dissolves, ESPN has a hole in its broadcast lineup and the only option is to go after a new media with the reconstituted Pac-12. Probably a little better for the individual MWC schools too. All or nothing.

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Lots of creative options... nine votes needed to have to pay nothing. Could six join the Pac-12 and three go someplace else?

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Sure that could be an outcome, but assuming that the reconstituted Pac-12's media deal is at least a bit better per school than the current $ 6 million in the MWC, why would three of its schools agree to go somewhere else for less money.

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