Good to see Ryan Divish get some recognization. He’s a great beat writer who captures moments in a game really well.

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I worry about this business sometimes. I wonder what will become of beat reporting. Then I read Ryan Divish… and some others… and I hope the industry keeps making them.

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Great piece, JC. I've been to Havre - it's as small as a town can be. And the M's? Trying to keep things in perspective. This team is really good, baseball is really hard and there is no doubt they've arrived. Lots of young tallent and the best players are signed to long term deals. They will be relevent for awhile.

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Mariners need Game 3

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Here comes the obvious; it’s tough to be a Mariners fan. Many journalists who cover MLB are no more than rah-rahs. Ryan has always be a breath of fresh air.

If Seattle “accomplishes the impossible” and takes Houston down, it will reinforce my feelings about how special this year’s team really is. If not, I will still revel in the fact I’m talking about the Mariners in October.

Go Mariners


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A good journalist doesn’t tell the readers what they wants to hear… it tells them what they need to hear.

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Good writing on your part, John--thanks for the article. Makes me feel even better about being a Dodger fan...

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Thank you SS

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Go Dodgers!

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I can’t believe I’m somewhat rooting for Seattle. Growing your in the Westmoreland neighborhood of Portland we all loathed any team north of the Columbia. I guess at 77 I’ve mellowed. No, I still hate ‘em. Go Giants…..next year!

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Great story!!! I like his writing. I appreciate a story that allows me to close my eyes and picture the event being described. My analogy to that walk-off moment was listening to Brian Wheeler call Dame hitting the series winner against Houston years ago. All of a sudden, everyone around you is your best friend and you're high-fiving perfect strangers!! Congrats, Seattle!!!

Hopefully, you can "GET HIM ON THE SHOW!!"

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Divish always makes time.

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Mariners are still gag artists. Bases loaded, nothing. Runners on first & second, nada. Runners on second & third, nyet. Admittedly I’m a college sports fan and seldom if ever watch professional sports anymore because I’m tired of all the showboating, crotch grabbing, look at me look at me bs. I’m happy to remain a fan of ‘non gaggers’ like Ted Williams, Mel Renfro, Jerry Terr, LaMichael James, Dyrol Burleson, Harry Jerome, et al.

Sure do enjoy your writing. You’re not bad for a youngster😜

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wow you are a fan of Ted WIlliams? What a sacrifice! Frankly for all the struggles, being a fan of the Ms has been a relative treat. Hall of Famers? We got to see Junior, Randy, Ichiro, Lou, Edgar.Probably can add A-Rod to that. We got to see Cy Young winners Randy, The King. We got to see MVPs, silver Sluggers. we have seen multiple no hitters. For real MLB fans the Ms have provided plenty to watch.

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You're commenting on a piece about an excellent beat writer by commenting on the team he covers? Useless.

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I know Ryan well and absolutely know he is an elite beat writer. Sorry I did not realize there were defined boundaries here. And I was stupidly commenting more as a fan. Please accept my appology

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I was commenting at Payne, who truly seems to be. Sorry, I was unclear and snotty on the whole.

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Thanks for that scintillatingly brilliant piece of drivel, Matty.

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No problem, fuckstick.

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Wow, Matty. A word with two syllables!

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Ryan is the only reason I subscribe to the Times. His ongoing war with Twitter and those “fans” is a good follow as well.

Good work here, John.

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I started reading him and haven’t stopped.

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Divish is a great person and incredibly funny to be around. Just prey he isn’t guarding you on the hardwood...

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I may need to see this.

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Don’t even think about going baseline 🤕

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Really good story. Once I started reading I couldn't stop.

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Thanks Chip. I had a lot of fun writing it.

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Nice to read about baseball being relevant in the fall. My kid played little league for 8 years and I was privileged to be his coach during that time (they didn’t have anyone else). I became a fan of him and the sport and he still loves baseball to this day. We still toss the ball around when he comes to visit. I love college football but there is something different about baseball for sure. Thanks John for the reminder.

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Baseball is a relationship game… between players… coaches… fans… and fathers… and mothers… and kids

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Love Dovish' outlook and talent. Thanks, John for introducing him to me, even though I'm a Giant's fan, also.

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He is a fun read. You’ll thank me.

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The ultimate show of professional and personal respect. Nicely done!

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Figured it was the right thing to do.

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I, like John, am a Giants fan. Killed me when Buster retired. Nice profile on a man who has undoubtedly written his fair share of profiles.

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Thanks Mark.

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One of your best, JC! He makes me love the Mariners even more.

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Gotta get Game 3

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"It’s his turn."

Love it. ...reflects both yours and his personalities.

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I only hope I didn’t embarrass him (too much)

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