One of my favorite memories of the Oregon/Washington series was my neighbor always putting his Washington letterman’s blanket on his garage door every Saturday morning of the game. If the Huskies won, he would add a Washington flag to his display.
Well, the Ducks finally won the game and when we returned home, the blanket and the flag were gone, and he had replaced them with a white flag of surrender. He was a great neighbor.
I think college football has changed this year in the minds of many and not in a good way. TV viewership will dwindled and with that eventually so will TV revenue. The big time programs will continue to fill their stadiums and their big time donors will continue to give big. But the depth of interest in college football will shrink.
We will see, but I am optimistic. My hope is the spirit of those young college athletes like the "Boys in the Boat" will continue to win out and inspire us. We will keep coming and watching no matter the venue. ESPN sure thinks so as that 8 year, almost $1B deal John reported on has absolutely nothing to do with Big time football as its every other sport men's & womens and the only football it covers is FCS, D2, & D3 for their championships. Also any Beaver or ND fan who made it to El Paso for the Sun Bowl this year to watch the kids who didn't optout play saw the stadium sellout and fillup with 48.2k fans with a majority of Hispanic locals who loved the college game. They wanted to showoff their city and local university stadium as I saw a lot of UTEP orange & blue colors as well. Then there were the thousands of their fellow Conference USA Liberty fans who traveled over 2,000 mile to see their team get dominated by our Ducks, but loved every minute. Those aren't bigtime programs, but they continue to show lots of interest.
I am sad about what happened to the PAC12 and the affect on our teams and wished for something different as it changes for all of us. Still college sports with its unique appeal continues to grow its interest. Despite what George Costanza or you might say, there isn't any shrinkage.
I think ND had as many optouts as OSU including their starting QB Hartmann, top running back Estime, and Consensus All American lineman, projected top 10 NFL draftee Joe Alt. Both teams were affected and those that played gave their all to the delight of the crowd which turned out to be very pro ND. The Irish were the better team by far in 2023 just like the Beavs were the better team by far in 2001 when they killed ND in that Fiesta Bowl.
Great column John. Cuts through so much garbage, hype, and greed that is going in college football today. Boys in the Boat is far and away the best movie I seen in the past year. You walk out of the theater with a smile on your face even though I am a Beaver that still hemorrages orange. Go Huskies beat Michigan!
As a Coug I admire Toms passion. As a WSU alum, I wonder if he is as arrogant as the majority of the other UW alums. I will always root for the Huskies to lose in everything. Its easy to write stories about the unwavering support when your team is in the title game, but go back a few years ago and see how much purple pride there was in the losing seasons. The attendance at the "Apple Cup" in Seattle at Seahawks stadium in Sept will be a de facto home game for the Huskies. My guess is the WSU attendance will be minimal while the Huskies will support it. Its not the APPLE CUP, but it will be billed as "The Apple Cup". The UW administration has been arrogant going back to the years of only willing to play in Spokane and not coming to Pullman till the early 80's. Can you imagine if the Ducks told the Beavers they wouldnt go to Corvallis and would only play in Portland at Civic Stadium? Ask Tom if he is aware of guys like Jeremiah Pharms and Curtis Williams. Heck even Jerramy Stevens wore the purple and gold. Point being Im glad Tom has always "just been proud of that institution", but those of us that dont drink the purple Kool Aid know what that institution stands for. Ill be cheering for the Wolverines come Monday night.
Or alternatively, you just let an 80 year old man be proud of his alma mater, warts and all, and be happy he gets a chance to see his team play for a title at least one more time in his lifetime. Jeez, the bitterness of some fans is crazy.
We don't all think that way. Given the current system, I was happy to hear that a QB is coming to UW that was developed under Mike Leach; you couldn't have a better :bloodline" as far as I - a lifelong Husky fan and then Alum - is concerned. I don't care what Jimmy Lake would have to say!
Devon, you forgot John Ehrlichman and Ted Bundy… WOW, good thing you’re not bitter! There were reasons that the “Arrogant administration” didn’t play in Pullman from the 50’s to 1982. Rogers Field was a rickety wooden structure that held 24,000. When Spokane built Joe Albi Stadium it was understood that “Big” games would be played there (UW,USC, etc) There were many years that Trojans wouldn’t play in Pullman - there was no requirement for all league members to play a balanced schedule. When WSU built Martin Stadium (in 1970?) it had a capacity of 22,000. Finally by 1982 it was expanded to 37,000 and UW has played there for 41 years. But don’t let facts spoil a good rant.
I'm with you, brother...I've seen the b.s. Don James, Jim Lambright and Rick Neuheisel days and the list of egregious behavior by this "institution of higher learning" makes me puke.
Arrogance - unjustified, I might add - has always been a part of Washington's DNA.
I bet the arrogance applies to about 10% of the UW fans, just like at Oregon. I hate it when an entire fan base is painted as terrible when it’s a very small percentage, in reality.
C'mon Rich, rise above're no different if you are countering with the same venom. I'd say every fan base has their fair share. Oregon and UW fans need to get over their bitterness towards each other, too good of a product on the field with honorable men coaching it for Fan Nation to act like utter idiots. Find the goodness within the game.
Ben, believe me, I've thought about this for decades. Just when I think Huskies fans may not be the cretins I claim, they do something to demonstrate they're pathetic shreds of human debris. Now, listen, I don't mean ALL Huskies fans...we have some on this sports forum that are good guys - really guys you can have some fun with like David Gullickson, RhinoDawg, Matt L., maybe even you if you're a Huskies fan. But, as I said earlier, a small number of massive idiots can ruin the entire product. And, listen, we're not debating a cure for cancer, here...we're expressing opinions about sports...sports, for crying out loud, not something truly important. I find it far more interesting to have some deep rivalries and bitter feelings...especially since it doesn't make the top 10 list of important things in life.
Rich, believe me, I've been a part of bitter rivalries for years, but just because I despise certain sports organizations on the playing field, I don't carry that over into everyday life. The game within the boundaries of the playing field is one thing, but once its over we become civilized and show respect and gratitude to the performance of the opponent (whether they win or lose), and more importantly, we show respect for being involved in something that is bigger than all of us.
That is the true value of sports and the important aspects we must pass on to our youth to demonstrate through sports how to manage the minefield of conflict resolution. We may not like them, we may despise everything within their nature, but dog-on-it, we are human beings and we need to act respectful and embrace diversity in all its forms.
With that being said, I like a little banter back and forth, although I like to do it graciously with humor. For example, this past year, when Oregon was playing UW in those epic big games, every time the Huskies scored I sent (en-mass) all my Oregon friends the Husky Siren via a text message. I even did it during the week, after the game...wait, what's that...I hear something...oh yes, its the Huskies scoring on the Ducks yet again.
I'd much rather see all of us barbing each other with good humor than the ridiculous banter that all Husky fans are duche bags...they're not...other than 33% of them, of course :)
Rich! Nike was founded by a pretty arrogant guy, he used that attitude though to build a beautiful company and is now the ‘whale’ of your beloved Nike U. Please don’t upvote bitter WSU fans like Devon. His screed makes me wanna shower ;(
Matt, you're right about Phil Knight. He's not just "pretty arrogant", he's a complete jackass in arrogance. I've met the guy jogging around his home in Salishan while I was doing the same at my own home. Complete jerk to others when the cameras are not around. You're also right - he's a proven outstanding businessman. I love what he's done for the Ducks (he's also contributed heavily to Oregon State and Stanford) and hope he and his wife continue to do so.
As for Devon - I loved his post. I only wish I could have voted more than once.
Any thoughts on how we help create momentum behind Chip Kelly's vision for college football? I can't find a person anywhere that isn't heart broken and dismayed by the dismantling of the PAC 12.
I would think PNW residents, especially those living in Seattle and Portland really would prefer no light shed on those dumpster fires at this time in history. Both cities are cesspools...and no real Oregonian - native Oregonian, not the Johnny Come Latelys - will be rooting for the Huskies. Never.
Just simply not true. Lifelong Duck fan, absolutely rooting for the PAC to win a title on its way out. I just don't understand why rooting for one team means you have to have vitriol for their rivals. As I said, lifelong Duck fan and 'real' Oregonian, but every single game in any sport that they aren't playing UO, I'm actively rooting for the Beavers. Why? BECAUSE I'm an Oregonian. And half of my friends at least are Beavers. So, the Beavs winning means my friends and neighbors are happy. This hatred of 'other' is just gross. They are people just like us who just happened to stumble their way into being fans of a certain team.
What a hot steamer...I was commenting on the Huskies, not the Beavers. If Oregon State was playing Michigan, I'd be rooting for the Beavs. They aren't. The despicable Huskies are playing and assuming you don't have reading comprehension issues, your example is completely invalid.
Rooting for the Pac-12 - LMAO! I root for a team. I don't give a rip about the dead Pac-12 and certainly not the arrogant Huskies.
Either way, YOU do not get to decide who a 'real' fan is or who a 'real' Oregonian is. And I was speaking to a larger narrative, if you can grasp that. I am well aware that there are many Beaver fans who hold the exact same angst and bitterness about the Ducks that you do towards the Huskies. Being a fan does not mean that you necessarily have to hate your rivals, period. That's your choice, you seem a lot happier for it. Good job.
Forrest, maybe I was wrong and you do have reading comprehension problems. Where did I use the word "hate"? Let me save you some time - not one time did I use "hate" in describing the Huskies - from whose rear-end did you pull that one? I despise Washington. I don't hate anybody...but the Huskies are despicable to Oregon fans.
Secondly, we're not curing cancer here, Forrest...we're expressing opinions on a sports board. Opinions. Yours is just as valid as mine...and the reverse is true, too. It's my OPINION that real Oregonians - native Oregonians who have seen a history of Oregon vs. Washington football - despise the Huskies and won't root for them (or a conference, for Pete's sake) on Monday night. That's my opinion, Forrest.
And, finally, you're right...I'm happy - very happy - rooting for Michigan and will be happier if they win Monday night. Thank you, Forrest. Now take a valium and relax.
I have no reading comprehension issues, Rich. Just to make it easier for you, some synonyms for despise are:
A synonym is a word that means exactly the same or nearly the same thing. Just in case you weren't sure about that big word either.
Spewing that may be 'just your opinion', about real fans and real Oregonians, you should expect some push back for such an idiotic, blanket statement and I gave you that push back. You are not and don't get to be the arbiter of what a real Oregonian is. I am a native Oregonian, I am a UO alum and disagree with you completely about what those kinds of folks can and can't feel and believe. That's my opinion. And yeah, I'm not a big fan of the Huskies either. But I certainly don't waste my time or energy or disposition on hating or despising anyone or anything as innocuous as a sports team.
And I certainly don't need a valium or to relax, I'm not even worked up, but I'm not going to read drivel like yours about who I am and what I should feel about it without responding and making it clear there are other ways to approach fandom. On a sports board.
Tough one Real. Would like to see Coach Harbaugh pick up a trophy on this way to the Chargers, but a Pac12 victory would be nice, too (I have lived in Oregon twice as long as anywhere else). And that Penix kid, my stars! Just sayin', Charlie. PS and twice as long is more years than a lot of you are old.
Portland is not a cesspool. Neither is Seattle. We have issues like every city in this country. I agree with Forrest on all points. Over people deciding who is a real “Oregonian” or “duck fan”. C/o 1991...saw @the pick” from the student section...born and raised in nopo (3rd generation)...go huskies. Your fans are insufferable most days (will be his awful if they win Monday)...but why would any true Oregonian or duck fan ever root for smug cheating “big blue” and harbaugh? Big10 fans hating on the pac all these years saying we don’t play “big boy” football. I hope Penix throws that sweet long pass and odunze rubs it in their face on Monday. I can deal with the huskies later when we have our moment. It will come.
You can deny reality all you want, Mere, but people know the truth and recognize a sewage dump when they see and smell one...Los Angeles is a cesspool; San Francisco is a feces, needle-ridden, cesspool; Portland and Seattle are just as bad. I live in SoCal but have had to travel to Portland 4 times in the last 9 months - traveling there again on February 1st. I cannot believe what I'm seeing. Portland is a zombie, meth-head, crime-out-of-control waste site. Dangerous for families and getting worse. Seattle's in the same category. Yeah, deny it all you want...and recite that fairytale all you want about "we have issues like every city in this country"...that's the biggest pile of laughingstock b.s. I've heard in a while. Thankfully most cities in America are a lot different (read better) than Portland, Seattle and the others I've mentioned, But you go ahead and walk around like everything's fine.
As for the Huskies - you are entitled to your opinion and I've got mine. Fair enough - we can disagree on that one; however, your b.s. about the condition of Portland is ignorant at best and a flat out fallacy at worst. No opinion on this one - Portland is a sh*thole. I think you really know it.
Well Rich...I was out for several events over the holidays and the restaurants were packed people enjoying this city. I am not blind to what has transpired here and fixing it is a slow process. But blanketing the entire city as a cesspool filled with meth head zombies and a waste site is a nice gaslighting statement.
Good luck getting it fixed, Mere. It's not getting better. You can step over all the passed out homeless and meth-heads on your way into "packed restaurants" but you're fooling yourself if you think Portland looks anything like it did 30 years ago and beyond.
Your crime rate is out of control, school test scores have collapsed, graduating seniors who can't pass minimal standards, drug abuse and overdoses rampant, homelessness growing, and more. Evidently Oregonians are fine with that...I'm of the reasons I left. And, believe me, it's not getting "fixed", it's just the opposite. It's very sad. At one time there was no place more beautiful and desirable.
Nice story. I agree with Tom that we want the NW to succeed even if you root for other NW schools. The 4 team CFP playoffs started with UO vs tOSU and it ends with UW vs Michigan, their bitter border state rivals. Now we need the Huskies to win it for the NW, Pac12, & to make a statement as UO/UW are going to make their mark in the Big 10 while the Cougs & Beavs keep the PAC Flag flying.
Oooh, John. This is such a wonderful post as I have been a Husky, thick and thin. Second reading of the book of the Boys in the Boat. Such insights to the tenacity of strong character of each that came from tough early life to be formed into the power and beauty of 8+1 doing what they did. Thanks for telling us about Tom who is a “picture” of what the book and film portraits
Terrific human interest story, John. Writing must be fun for you. It certainly shows. Thank you for keeping an eye out for that tidbit just waiting on the sidelines for your "pen" to bring it to light. I hope you not only make a go of this thing of yours, but that you become a jillionaire in the process. And the Boys in the Boat was one of the best reads I've enjoyed in my 82 years of life. If the movie is anything like the book...
I hope Tom and all my Husky friends celebrate a win Monday night. Having grown up in Corvallis, attended OSU, contributed to Beaver and Duck athletics (Had a daughter who played Lacrosse at Oregon) not sure I will be in invested in college football any longer. I understand the money but I don’t understand how adults turn their backs on the roughly 1000 student athletes at OSU and WSU. And I’m sure there will be more. Good luck Huskies. Pennix should have won the Heisman
I will half heartedly root for the Dawgs, as a win makes the Ducks number 2 or 3? Hard to do so as a Coug and a Duck. The Cougs always know how to fly a WSU flag.
As a life long Duck, We always say, my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Huskies this weekend. OR...The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The second one is a little harsh but the point gets made. Real Ducks don't let other Ducks cheer for the Huskies.
BUT... In this case, I REALLY dislike the fighting Harbaughs. And I really like Michael Penix the UW QB. So much so, that I will swallow my loathing of the Huskies just this once and cough, choke, gag, Cheer for a Husky win.
Very nice article John. That guy is salt of the earth. Pac 12 presidents were all shaker no salt. You can have that quote for one of your future columns.
Great story, John! You consistently introduce us to people who help keep us sane and provide some needed perspective. I agree with Tom about DeBoer’s calm demeanor—it has to be part of UW’s success on the field. And everyone should see The Boys In The Boat if you crave a true and inspiring story of success for the love of the sport.
One of my favorite memories of the Oregon/Washington series was my neighbor always putting his Washington letterman’s blanket on his garage door every Saturday morning of the game. If the Huskies won, he would add a Washington flag to his display.
Well, the Ducks finally won the game and when we returned home, the blanket and the flag were gone, and he had replaced them with a white flag of surrender. He was a great neighbor.
Bill Byrne
College Station
Thanks for sharing that anecdote, Bill. My son was at Sheldon with your sons.
Thanks for your note Mike. Bill and Greg are doing well,
I didn’t finish my response to you Mike. I hope your son is doing well too. Bill
He is. Retired a year ago, following his career as an astrophysics professor. I've followed Greg's career. He represents his parents admirably.
Bill has been with VISA since he left Stanford. Both boys are happy and doing well. Sounds like you are too.
Yes, we are blessed. Good to hear from you.
I think college football has changed this year in the minds of many and not in a good way. TV viewership will dwindled and with that eventually so will TV revenue. The big time programs will continue to fill their stadiums and their big time donors will continue to give big. But the depth of interest in college football will shrink.
We will see, but I am optimistic. My hope is the spirit of those young college athletes like the "Boys in the Boat" will continue to win out and inspire us. We will keep coming and watching no matter the venue. ESPN sure thinks so as that 8 year, almost $1B deal John reported on has absolutely nothing to do with Big time football as its every other sport men's & womens and the only football it covers is FCS, D2, & D3 for their championships. Also any Beaver or ND fan who made it to El Paso for the Sun Bowl this year to watch the kids who didn't optout play saw the stadium sellout and fillup with 48.2k fans with a majority of Hispanic locals who loved the college game. They wanted to showoff their city and local university stadium as I saw a lot of UTEP orange & blue colors as well. Then there were the thousands of their fellow Conference USA Liberty fans who traveled over 2,000 mile to see their team get dominated by our Ducks, but loved every minute. Those aren't bigtime programs, but they continue to show lots of interest.
I am sad about what happened to the PAC12 and the affect on our teams and wished for something different as it changes for all of us. Still college sports with its unique appeal continues to grow its interest. Despite what George Costanza or you might say, there isn't any shrinkage.
It was awful seeing the Florida State and Oregon State teams in bowl games with so many of their top players gone, this is not how it should be.
I think ND had as many optouts as OSU including their starting QB Hartmann, top running back Estime, and Consensus All American lineman, projected top 10 NFL draftee Joe Alt. Both teams were affected and those that played gave their all to the delight of the crowd which turned out to be very pro ND. The Irish were the better team by far in 2023 just like the Beavs were the better team by far in 2001 when they killed ND in that Fiesta Bowl.
Viewership and attendance both were up in 2023.
Great column John. Cuts through so much garbage, hype, and greed that is going in college football today. Boys in the Boat is far and away the best movie I seen in the past year. You walk out of the theater with a smile on your face even though I am a Beaver that still hemorrages orange. Go Huskies beat Michigan!
As a Coug I admire Toms passion. As a WSU alum, I wonder if he is as arrogant as the majority of the other UW alums. I will always root for the Huskies to lose in everything. Its easy to write stories about the unwavering support when your team is in the title game, but go back a few years ago and see how much purple pride there was in the losing seasons. The attendance at the "Apple Cup" in Seattle at Seahawks stadium in Sept will be a de facto home game for the Huskies. My guess is the WSU attendance will be minimal while the Huskies will support it. Its not the APPLE CUP, but it will be billed as "The Apple Cup". The UW administration has been arrogant going back to the years of only willing to play in Spokane and not coming to Pullman till the early 80's. Can you imagine if the Ducks told the Beavers they wouldnt go to Corvallis and would only play in Portland at Civic Stadium? Ask Tom if he is aware of guys like Jeremiah Pharms and Curtis Williams. Heck even Jerramy Stevens wore the purple and gold. Point being Im glad Tom has always "just been proud of that institution", but those of us that dont drink the purple Kool Aid know what that institution stands for. Ill be cheering for the Wolverines come Monday night.
Or alternatively, you just let an 80 year old man be proud of his alma mater, warts and all, and be happy he gets a chance to see his team play for a title at least one more time in his lifetime. Jeez, the bitterness of some fans is crazy.
We don't all think that way. Given the current system, I was happy to hear that a QB is coming to UW that was developed under Mike Leach; you couldn't have a better :bloodline" as far as I - a lifelong Husky fan and then Alum - is concerned. I don't care what Jimmy Lake would have to say!
Devon, you forgot John Ehrlichman and Ted Bundy… WOW, good thing you’re not bitter! There were reasons that the “Arrogant administration” didn’t play in Pullman from the 50’s to 1982. Rogers Field was a rickety wooden structure that held 24,000. When Spokane built Joe Albi Stadium it was understood that “Big” games would be played there (UW,USC, etc) There were many years that Trojans wouldn’t play in Pullman - there was no requirement for all league members to play a balanced schedule. When WSU built Martin Stadium (in 1970?) it had a capacity of 22,000. Finally by 1982 it was expanded to 37,000 and UW has played there for 41 years. But don’t let facts spoil a good rant.
Literally the whiniest, self-pity post I’ve read in a long time. Cry me a freaking river. Zero class
A Huskies fan lecturing about "class"...priceless!
That we agree on
Great post, Devon...the best of the day.
I'm with you, brother...I've seen the b.s. Don James, Jim Lambright and Rick Neuheisel days and the list of egregious behavior by this "institution of higher learning" makes me puke.
Arrogance - unjustified, I might add - has always been a part of Washington's DNA.
Coming from a Duck fan, that’s pretty pathetic
Glad you liked it, Rhino...the truth hurts, eh?
I bet the arrogance applies to about 10% of the UW fans, just like at Oregon. I hate it when an entire fan base is painted as terrible when it’s a very small percentage, in reality.
A small number of people can be real jackasses...Huskies fans have cornered the market.
C'mon Rich, rise above're no different if you are countering with the same venom. I'd say every fan base has their fair share. Oregon and UW fans need to get over their bitterness towards each other, too good of a product on the field with honorable men coaching it for Fan Nation to act like utter idiots. Find the goodness within the game.
Ben, believe me, I've thought about this for decades. Just when I think Huskies fans may not be the cretins I claim, they do something to demonstrate they're pathetic shreds of human debris. Now, listen, I don't mean ALL Huskies fans...we have some on this sports forum that are good guys - really guys you can have some fun with like David Gullickson, RhinoDawg, Matt L., maybe even you if you're a Huskies fan. But, as I said earlier, a small number of massive idiots can ruin the entire product. And, listen, we're not debating a cure for cancer, here...we're expressing opinions about sports...sports, for crying out loud, not something truly important. I find it far more interesting to have some deep rivalries and bitter feelings...especially since it doesn't make the top 10 list of important things in life.
Rich, believe me, I've been a part of bitter rivalries for years, but just because I despise certain sports organizations on the playing field, I don't carry that over into everyday life. The game within the boundaries of the playing field is one thing, but once its over we become civilized and show respect and gratitude to the performance of the opponent (whether they win or lose), and more importantly, we show respect for being involved in something that is bigger than all of us.
That is the true value of sports and the important aspects we must pass on to our youth to demonstrate through sports how to manage the minefield of conflict resolution. We may not like them, we may despise everything within their nature, but dog-on-it, we are human beings and we need to act respectful and embrace diversity in all its forms.
With that being said, I like a little banter back and forth, although I like to do it graciously with humor. For example, this past year, when Oregon was playing UW in those epic big games, every time the Huskies scored I sent (en-mass) all my Oregon friends the Husky Siren via a text message. I even did it during the week, after the game...wait, what's that...I hear something...oh yes, its the Huskies scoring on the Ducks yet again.
I'd much rather see all of us barbing each other with good humor than the ridiculous banter that all Husky fans are duche bags...they're not...other than 33% of them, of course :)
Rich! Nike was founded by a pretty arrogant guy, he used that attitude though to build a beautiful company and is now the ‘whale’ of your beloved Nike U. Please don’t upvote bitter WSU fans like Devon. His screed makes me wanna shower ;(
Matt, you're right about Phil Knight. He's not just "pretty arrogant", he's a complete jackass in arrogance. I've met the guy jogging around his home in Salishan while I was doing the same at my own home. Complete jerk to others when the cameras are not around. You're also right - he's a proven outstanding businessman. I love what he's done for the Ducks (he's also contributed heavily to Oregon State and Stanford) and hope he and his wife continue to do so.
As for Devon - I loved his post. I only wish I could have voted more than once.
Tiresome rhetoric.
Now you're tired? Oh, man, get help.
Wow! Do Chill Pills apply here?
Any thoughts on how we help create momentum behind Chip Kelly's vision for college football? I can't find a person anywhere that isn't heart broken and dismayed by the dismantling of the PAC 12.
“shining a light on the entire Pacific Northwest.” A big bright light! Love it.
Go Huskies! 💚💛💜
I would think PNW residents, especially those living in Seattle and Portland really would prefer no light shed on those dumpster fires at this time in history. Both cities are cesspools...and no real Oregonian - native Oregonian, not the Johnny Come Latelys - will be rooting for the Huskies. Never.
Just simply not true. Lifelong Duck fan, absolutely rooting for the PAC to win a title on its way out. I just don't understand why rooting for one team means you have to have vitriol for their rivals. As I said, lifelong Duck fan and 'real' Oregonian, but every single game in any sport that they aren't playing UO, I'm actively rooting for the Beavers. Why? BECAUSE I'm an Oregonian. And half of my friends at least are Beavers. So, the Beavs winning means my friends and neighbors are happy. This hatred of 'other' is just gross. They are people just like us who just happened to stumble their way into being fans of a certain team.
What a hot steamer...I was commenting on the Huskies, not the Beavers. If Oregon State was playing Michigan, I'd be rooting for the Beavs. They aren't. The despicable Huskies are playing and assuming you don't have reading comprehension issues, your example is completely invalid.
Rooting for the Pac-12 - LMAO! I root for a team. I don't give a rip about the dead Pac-12 and certainly not the arrogant Huskies.
Either way, YOU do not get to decide who a 'real' fan is or who a 'real' Oregonian is. And I was speaking to a larger narrative, if you can grasp that. I am well aware that there are many Beaver fans who hold the exact same angst and bitterness about the Ducks that you do towards the Huskies. Being a fan does not mean that you necessarily have to hate your rivals, period. That's your choice, you seem a lot happier for it. Good job.
Well said Forrest
Amen to that.
Forrest, maybe I was wrong and you do have reading comprehension problems. Where did I use the word "hate"? Let me save you some time - not one time did I use "hate" in describing the Huskies - from whose rear-end did you pull that one? I despise Washington. I don't hate anybody...but the Huskies are despicable to Oregon fans.
Secondly, we're not curing cancer here, Forrest...we're expressing opinions on a sports board. Opinions. Yours is just as valid as mine...and the reverse is true, too. It's my OPINION that real Oregonians - native Oregonians who have seen a history of Oregon vs. Washington football - despise the Huskies and won't root for them (or a conference, for Pete's sake) on Monday night. That's my opinion, Forrest.
And, finally, you're right...I'm happy - very happy - rooting for Michigan and will be happier if they win Monday night. Thank you, Forrest. Now take a valium and relax.
I have no reading comprehension issues, Rich. Just to make it easier for you, some synonyms for despise are:
A synonym is a word that means exactly the same or nearly the same thing. Just in case you weren't sure about that big word either.
Spewing that may be 'just your opinion', about real fans and real Oregonians, you should expect some push back for such an idiotic, blanket statement and I gave you that push back. You are not and don't get to be the arbiter of what a real Oregonian is. I am a native Oregonian, I am a UO alum and disagree with you completely about what those kinds of folks can and can't feel and believe. That's my opinion. And yeah, I'm not a big fan of the Huskies either. But I certainly don't waste my time or energy or disposition on hating or despising anyone or anything as innocuous as a sports team.
And I certainly don't need a valium or to relax, I'm not even worked up, but I'm not going to read drivel like yours about who I am and what I should feel about it without responding and making it clear there are other ways to approach fandom. On a sports board.
Have a peachy day.
Projection. Real, you need the Valium. Personal hate angry speech.
Uhhh, based on your posts you are the one that needs to “take a Valium and relax”! 😂
Tough one Real. Would like to see Coach Harbaugh pick up a trophy on this way to the Chargers, but a Pac12 victory would be nice, too (I have lived in Oregon twice as long as anywhere else). And that Penix kid, my stars! Just sayin', Charlie. PS and twice as long is more years than a lot of you are old.
Well played, Charlie. I completely understand your thinking...and you're absolutely right about Penix - he's a magician with the ball. - Rich.
Portland is not a cesspool. Neither is Seattle. We have issues like every city in this country. I agree with Forrest on all points. Over people deciding who is a real “Oregonian” or “duck fan”. C/o 1991...saw @the pick” from the student section...born and raised in nopo (3rd generation)...go huskies. Your fans are insufferable most days (will be his awful if they win Monday)...but why would any true Oregonian or duck fan ever root for smug cheating “big blue” and harbaugh? Big10 fans hating on the pac all these years saying we don’t play “big boy” football. I hope Penix throws that sweet long pass and odunze rubs it in their face on Monday. I can deal with the huskies later when we have our moment. It will come.
You can deny reality all you want, Mere, but people know the truth and recognize a sewage dump when they see and smell one...Los Angeles is a cesspool; San Francisco is a feces, needle-ridden, cesspool; Portland and Seattle are just as bad. I live in SoCal but have had to travel to Portland 4 times in the last 9 months - traveling there again on February 1st. I cannot believe what I'm seeing. Portland is a zombie, meth-head, crime-out-of-control waste site. Dangerous for families and getting worse. Seattle's in the same category. Yeah, deny it all you want...and recite that fairytale all you want about "we have issues like every city in this country"...that's the biggest pile of laughingstock b.s. I've heard in a while. Thankfully most cities in America are a lot different (read better) than Portland, Seattle and the others I've mentioned, But you go ahead and walk around like everything's fine.
As for the Huskies - you are entitled to your opinion and I've got mine. Fair enough - we can disagree on that one; however, your b.s. about the condition of Portland is ignorant at best and a flat out fallacy at worst. No opinion on this one - Portland is a sh*thole. I think you really know it.
Well Rich...I was out for several events over the holidays and the restaurants were packed people enjoying this city. I am not blind to what has transpired here and fixing it is a slow process. But blanketing the entire city as a cesspool filled with meth head zombies and a waste site is a nice gaslighting statement.
Good luck getting it fixed, Mere. It's not getting better. You can step over all the passed out homeless and meth-heads on your way into "packed restaurants" but you're fooling yourself if you think Portland looks anything like it did 30 years ago and beyond.
Your crime rate is out of control, school test scores have collapsed, graduating seniors who can't pass minimal standards, drug abuse and overdoses rampant, homelessness growing, and more. Evidently Oregonians are fine with that...I'm of the reasons I left. And, believe me, it's not getting "fixed", it's just the opposite. It's very sad. At one time there was no place more beautiful and desirable.
Boy, are you wrong. My peeps arrived in Oregon 1852. Again, I repeat anger seems to be your friend.
I've told you before, I'm as calm as a Hindu cow...not even your nagging is bothering me...
Your "peeps"...hilarious!
Nice story. I agree with Tom that we want the NW to succeed even if you root for other NW schools. The 4 team CFP playoffs started with UO vs tOSU and it ends with UW vs Michigan, their bitter border state rivals. Now we need the Huskies to win it for the NW, Pac12, & to make a statement as UO/UW are going to make their mark in the Big 10 while the Cougs & Beavs keep the PAC Flag flying.
Go Dawgs, Beat those Skunkbears!
Oooh, John. This is such a wonderful post as I have been a Husky, thick and thin. Second reading of the book of the Boys in the Boat. Such insights to the tenacity of strong character of each that came from tough early life to be formed into the power and beauty of 8+1 doing what they did. Thanks for telling us about Tom who is a “picture” of what the book and film portraits
Terrific human interest story, John. Writing must be fun for you. It certainly shows. Thank you for keeping an eye out for that tidbit just waiting on the sidelines for your "pen" to bring it to light. I hope you not only make a go of this thing of yours, but that you become a jillionaire in the process. And the Boys in the Boat was one of the best reads I've enjoyed in my 82 years of life. If the movie is anything like the book...
I hope Tom and all my Husky friends celebrate a win Monday night. Having grown up in Corvallis, attended OSU, contributed to Beaver and Duck athletics (Had a daughter who played Lacrosse at Oregon) not sure I will be in invested in college football any longer. I understand the money but I don’t understand how adults turn their backs on the roughly 1000 student athletes at OSU and WSU. And I’m sure there will be more. Good luck Huskies. Pennix should have won the Heisman
Great story. Leaving the borigonian was your best move.
I will half heartedly root for the Dawgs, as a win makes the Ducks number 2 or 3? Hard to do so as a Coug and a Duck. The Cougs always know how to fly a WSU flag.
As a life long Duck, We always say, my second favorite team is whoever is playing the Huskies this weekend. OR...The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The second one is a little harsh but the point gets made. Real Ducks don't let other Ducks cheer for the Huskies.
BUT... In this case, I REALLY dislike the fighting Harbaughs. And I really like Michael Penix the UW QB. So much so, that I will swallow my loathing of the Huskies just this once and cough, choke, gag, Cheer for a Husky win.
Good post, but one of the Fighting Harbaughs is going to be coaching Justin Herbert next year, if the rumors are true.
Go Ducks!!
Your first paragraph had me screaming "Way to go, Grant's dad - that's a REAL Ducks fan!"
Your second paragraph was a huge disappointment...what a're going soft, Grant's...very soft...
I just can't seem to keep em off my lawn anymore...I guess I'm just gettin old. ;-)
Lotta squatters these days...most of them are Huskies fans high on bad meth...
Very nice article John. That guy is salt of the earth. Pac 12 presidents were all shaker no salt. You can have that quote for one of your future columns.
:) :) :)
Great story, John! You consistently introduce us to people who help keep us sane and provide some needed perspective. I agree with Tom about DeBoer’s calm demeanor—it has to be part of UW’s success on the field. And everyone should see The Boys In The Boat if you crave a true and inspiring story of success for the love of the sport.
Great column. Puts college sports in perspective while also adding context by mentioning the mess college sports are in today.