Keep it coming, JC. I can't get enough on this topic. I am eager, impatient to know what the future holds, and more than a little pissed off. Purgatory sucks.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

If Newsom found a way to get UCLA to come back to the Pac, that would be a huge victory. It'd also be a great counter punch at the Big 10. Plus, USC would have to deal with being 1,500+ miles away from any other member of their conference. Then, let's add in SDSU to get back to 12.

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The Big Ten would probably just go grab Stanford to replace UCLA. It's a private school, so Newsom has no say in the matter, plus the Big Ten gets a foot in both LA and the Bay Area.

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Won't happen. Hair Gel got his comeuppance. He is worthless.

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what about UNLV? That gives the Pac 12 a presence in Las Vegas. UNLV also hits the other "qualification" for the Pac--it's an R1 research school.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

John thank you for your hard work. I look forward to your column every day. I learn more from you than any other sportswriter.

My hope is that no school in either the PAC 10 or the B12 is left out and that we can avoid any collateral damage from the bomb that USC and UCLA dropped on everyone.

I guess I’m old fashioned but I always thought that honesty was a virtue. I would love to see someone call out Carol Folt (USC) or Gene Block (UCLA) during the conference’s media days for being “bald faced” liars.

Lori Loughlin went to jail for lying (ironically) to USC about her children. Folt and Block apparently lied about their intentions to 10 university presidents and George Kliavkoff. But for some reason they are applauded in the media for being shrewd forward thinkers. I don’t know how to explain the difference to my grandkids.

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Dont be sorry for two posts in a day - this is great stuff! Keep it coming. Thanks.

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Thanks John, love the updates

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Always time for updates, John. Plus, no hearings today. :)

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Well, I don't know if it's feasible, but I hope Newsom will somehow veto UCLA's move to the PAC-10. The Chancellor at UCLA forgets that it's the Board of Regents that has authority over the academic experience for all the students of the University of California, and this will affect not only the UCLA student athletes having to travel back and forth across the country while they attempt to get an education, but also Cal's football program. Newsom is the chair and the governor appoints all the regents. If he lets this go then he's going to have a lot of Cal and Stanford alumni up in arms when he might very well start a 2024 presidential bid. Things are starting to get interesting. And to all the USC, Big-10 and SEC fans who attacked me on Reddit when I said this would happen, you all should go back to your universities and get your tuition back. LOL.

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From what I've read, I'm not sure the Board can block the move, but they can fire the President of UCLA and the AD, which may be where this is heading.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

They have pretty broad powers including management over all University of California property and interests. They could just tell the Big-10 they owe the UC system 1 million dollars per day to use the athletics facilities held by UCLA. They could theoretically make the UCLA-Big Ten agreement extremely uncomfortable for both parties.

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I'm sure some form of punishment is coming, even if it is more indirect.

Here is what Wilner's column said. Even if it is true, the UCLA President is clearly viewed by the Governor as duplicitous, which is not a good position to be in.

A spokesperson for the UC Office of the President said the regents had no authority to prevent UCLA’s move, which became official June 30:

“There is no requirement for a decision from the University of California Board of Regents or the Office of the President.”

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yes, I read that too. but I believe Newsom will run for president in 2024 and he'll need all the Cal and Stanford alumni donating to his campaign coffers. The president of the Board of Regents is a 2 year stint elected from the Board, I believe so I don't consider his words infallible. And Newsom making such a belligerent statement is either posturing to show he's concerned when he's really not, or it's a useful political distraction from some of California's other woes. Either way, Newsom's power base is from the Bay Area and I don't think he can allow Stanford and Cal to get the short end of the stick. But who knows? The way this is going, Elon Musk will jump in saying he'll create a new PAC-10 football program made up solely of his progeny.

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And they will play all their games on Mars. And to think people were talking about how USC/UCLA would have a tough time with travel....

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Super interesting. I heard rumors about Cal thinking of suing because of damages that might occur because of this. I don't know if that is real or not. If the regents do not want UCLA to go, can UCLA sue their own governing board?

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Makes you wonder...Does Newsome have the clout as the Regents Chair to put this exodus on hold?

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Well, I know the UC Board of Regents holds the title and management of all property and owned at UCLA and held in it's benefit, so why not charge the Big-10 60 million dollars per year to use their football facilities and their stadium since it was all paid for by the taxpayers of California? But then the Rose Bowl is owned by the city of Pasadena. Anyways, make the Big-10 pay.

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Brilliant idea Burt! I'm with you! Charlie

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Going forward the Rose Bowl should be the winner of the pac 12 or pac 11 or 10 or whatever it becomes versus the winner of the ACC for example. The Rose Bowl was not always the Big Ten versus the Pac 12.

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It would sure make it interesting for the Pac12 (11?) if UCLA stayed and USC left. Getting that LA market back could be a game changer. Maybe add SDSU and and pick up even more of SoCal.

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I agree if UCLA comes back USC is basically an isolated, west coast outpost for a bunch of Midwestern schools and I don't believe that this will be a good long-term decision for USC.

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I'm here for it. Watching USC get the crap kicked out of it every year by the Buckeyes and the Wolverines will fill me with joy.

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According the the Regent's Office of President, they do not have the authority.

They do have the authority to exact tremendous punishment.

I am stunned the UCLA President didn't have the common sense to run this up the flagpole.

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Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission... They're desperate. Bruins are screwed financially right now.

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Thanks for the update, John. Read this article in The Athletic today, to me, it is far and away the best solution/scenario that I've seen proposed. I absolutely love it for a number of reasons. A coast to coast conference, where travel is not onerous, but West Coast games suddenly matter nationally? Sign me up! If the Big 12 and the PAC merge however, who stays on as commissioner? That very question alone seems like it could submarine the whole idea, why would either want to give up their shiny new gig??? https://theathletic.com/3426046/2022/07/15/pac12-big12-schedule-football/

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The Athletic is behind a pay wall, but writer Stewart Mandel's merger concepts is attractive to me as a fan. Keeps OSU and WSU. Keeps regional play. Keeps travel to a minimum. A lot of things to like about it other than the compromise on not getting BIG MONEY. Though, enhanced money is better than the alternative staring at us. John maybe you can do a column to summarize it for those who aren't The Athletic subscribers.

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I won't give you the whole read, but the breakdown of potential divisions is enough to get me super excited. Each team would play a 5-1-1-1 schedule, 5 in your division, one each from the other pods. Rotating each year. Two best records in pods play in an end of season championship. I love it.

Big 12/Pac-12 Merger

Pacific Pod



Oregon State



Washington State

Mountain Pod


Arizona State



San Diego State


Central Pod



Oklahoma State



Texas Tech

Eastern Pod


Iowa State


Kansas State

West Virginia


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I wonder... if the ACC got disrupted and members could leave... if the Big 12 would prefer UCF in the Central Pod, and Pitt in the Eastern Pod? W. Virginia and Pitt have a rivalry called the Backyard Brawl and would give WVU a nearby opponent. That would knock SMU out of the Big 12 as an option.

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Don’t apologize. Keep the news and takes coming

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Who cares what the politicians think. They don't do anything for their constituents, but now they want a piece of the conversation.

They need to stay in their lane and help the people ( instead of blowing hot air about everything)

Can you say "get inflation under control"?

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Lawyer up, UCLA. And good riddance to USC.

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If UCLA was under credible threat from Governor or Board of Regents, would the Big Ten consider inviting both Stanford and Cal due to size of the Bay Area market?

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Something tells me Cal will be very careful after the Governor's reaction to UCLA's behavior.

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OOOPS. Who is in charge the Governor or tv networks. You can say the same in Oregon..Gov Brown or Mr Nike? By the way take a look at the university roster of the Missouri Valley Conference. Even though it is FBS in football, it has some strong teams.

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Great reporting on a significant story

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