Thank you for calling it 'The Civil War!"

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That's what is it. So I'm going with it.

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You earned a year subscription from me today for this. It makes me so sick something as innocuous as calling a beloved rivalry game the Civil War got dragged into grievance politics and cancel culture.

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Enjoyed this article John and have been a Beaver fan for decades of ups and downs. With the new Stadium addition, the LA Schools leaving and a coach who can recruit and outcoach most of the other PAC 12 coaches (including Lanning in the last CW game), there is a lot of reason for optimism in Corvallis.

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Unfortunately, I don't think the LA schools leaving will be a boon to the Beavers and to the rest of the conference.

With Kelly and Riley both working the transfer portal and Riley also doing OK in recruiting these were 2 likely top-25 opponents year after year.

SDS, SMU, etc. May be nice pickups but will not replace the LA market in terms of interest and in terms of money for the Pac-10/?. Same in the B12 where BYU, Cincinnati, Houston, and UCF are not going to come close to replacing OK and Texas.

Seeding for the 12 teams come 2024 (likely to go to 16 in 2026) will matter as well as conference strength and team strength of schedule.

The revival under Smith is a terrific story but Oregon State has to improve its national brand and recruiting to be a serious CFB title contender.

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Remember, Oregon was just as bad as Oregon State in reputation not all that long ago. Just because they don't have the legacy of decades of wins behind them doesn't mean everyone's reputation in the conference won't improve

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The LA market speaks for itself. SC/UCLA leaving the Pac-12 is a $30 to $40M dollar-a-year bottom line hit.

There are no schools west of the Mississippi other than Oklahoma and Texas, that Larry whiffed on and are off to the SEC that comes close to replacing the monetary value lost by the LA schools.

Do I like 'THIS" no? But it cannot be ignored.

And yes, Oregon once upon a time was not a big brand but then, NIKE happened. Oregon was the 12th most watched team in the nation last season and this shows up come recruiting time. Oregon, in 2023 again finishes at the top of Pacific Conference recruiting.

CFB will continue to consolidate. And I have no desire to leave OR ST behind but brand-wise, Oregon today is on a different level than OR ST. This is simply a fact.

But this changes nothing regarding the Beavs smash-face Civil War win last season.

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I haven’t been a Beaver fang since Tommy Prothro coached Joe Francis, but I mellow as I age, & I must admit, it’s fun watching Coach Smith work. I’m also looking forward to see what Lanning can do with defense & special teams! Go Ducks!!

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He's got it going.

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In my College days in the early 60’s with the admiration we all had for Terry Baker, Heisman Winner in ‘62, every year the Civil War was a Beaver fest of roasted duck , or however you wanted to eat the damn duX…! Smith reminds me alot of Prothro, ( with exception of the felt hat) … No nonsense , not caught up in Hype , and it was entertaining to watch UO in those years FIRE their head Coach almost every year because they could NOT beat the “ Black Bandits of Benton County” , as they were known then ! Let’s see , Jerry Frye was fired the day after losing to the Beavers , then came Dick Enright , fired after losing to the Beavers , and on and on another firing after that … we OSU students found it VERY amusing !! Great times then , pushing UO students into their Millrace in Eugene after every UO loss that never seemed to end !! Let’s hope Lanning doesn’t experience what Frye and Enright did ….he better produce or he is “Toast”, like many other UO Coaches who could NOT beat the OSU Beavers !!…Smith has the DuX number,

So next years Civil War will be 40- 28,

OSU….worse then last year !! GO Beavs !!

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Wow I guess there’s no reason for me to purchase my Duck season tickets as they are just going to lose to the Beavers & Lanning will be “toast” 🤣

Still a little early to be predicting a CW win for your Beavers but I guess a guy can dream. Go Ducks!!

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BUMMER! Harbor to USC(e). But beating out USC(w) for Pleasant is nice.

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"Than" typical beaver mistake. English is a second language there.

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"...every year the Civil War was a Beaver fest of roasted duck..."

As it was all four years I attended OSU, 67-71.

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How I miss college football already!! Go beavers!!

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It's coming back soon... spring football ahead.

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What an exciting time for Oregon football. Never have I followed college ball so closely once the season is over. Thank you Smith and Co... And all the Beavs players that built a program that isn't just winning, but is doing it with standards of family and team that we can be proud of.

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Great take. I'd like to see the Beavers step up the out-of-conference games competition.

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Taken as a whole, OSU probably played the hardest OOC schedule in the conference last season. The participants in the WWC title game, and a Final Four FCS program.

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Really? Harder than playing 'at' the defending National Champion, Notre Dame, Michigan State, Mississippi State, at Florida before UF was decimated and Minnesota.

OR ST is not (as of yet) in the MW. You don't get national credit for beating MW teams and certainly not an FCS team. If you really want to step up under Smith you have to win at an OK Purdue when you play Purdue.

Come On Man!

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Just because someone plays the national champion doesn't make it any better if they were blown out by that national champion.

Beavs three non conference.. One was rated top25, two were conference champions, one a conference championship runner up.

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Which team played all those games?

TAKEN AS A WHOLE (which means all three games, not just one cherry-picked game), OSU had a difficult OOC schedule.

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What a great time to be an Oregonian...

Remembering when The Ducks and Beavs were mainstays in the old bottom 10 rankings and, of course, the infamous Toilet Bowl...grateful and excited...

Go Beavs!!


Thanks, again, John..

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It will always be the Civil War to me, wokeness be damned. It DOES feel like we are entering a golden era, and though I be a 3rd generation Duck whose DNA mandates I despise OSU, I don't. I'm an unabashed fan of J Smith. If I still lived in the region I would absolutely shell out a Benjamin to attend the Ducks gig at Nike.

Hoping against hope for a resolution to the broadcast rights followed by smart expansion~

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My initial reply to your column:

"Love that report, John!".........

Then I read all the Beavers' crew "Roasting Duck meat"!

Oh well, I'm supposed to be more mature & mellow, so......

Thanks John

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$100 per ticket? Yikes.

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Do the recruits get it? Discuss.

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I wonder if it is couched as a donation, meaning the ticket bearer will receive a tax receipt allowing a tax deduction. Small potatoes, yeah, but still.

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Doubt it. Food and beverage provided.

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Good question. None of it will be my money in any case. That kind of scratch doesn't fit in the budget of a poor retiree.

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All the great food, beverage, networking and entertainment you can consume without the drive to Eugene.

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Dig deep Ken. It’s a business expense for you. Your contemporaries were there.

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At this stage of my life, when I dig deep it's in the sand at the beach.

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Especially with early signing day (that should go away) being the far more influential signing date.

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Right? There’s living vicariously and then there is that. Will be following signing day online from the beach today. I am a bit terrified to see the cringe level selfie Lanning will tweet flex with a good haul- the last one with the cigar was brutal. The only two things I know for sure are both SC and Jonathan smith and Oregon st will both beat him this fall.

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Crystal beach ball?

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Touché sir

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I’ll take those bets for $10 each.

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1 thing I know for sure is that OR ST has no P5 teams on its OOC schedule, gets UW in Corvallis, and misses USC.

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And trust me are we ever glad to miss them.

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You are spot-on when you call the competition and rivalry the beginning of a golden era. Thank you for referring to the rivalry game as 'The Civil War'; That is a State of Oregon historical term.

VR, J Horvath

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Dream season: one team wins the CW. The other team wins in a head to head divisionless PAC12 championship. Both make it to the playoffs. Beavers win in a head to head national championship game. One can dream.

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Perhaps? But I think we'll have to wait until the PO expands. Hard to believe the P-12 runner-up in 2023 will beat out the B1G or SEC runner-up with the same record.

This is why OOC schedules are important for Pac-10 teams. And why I think it is a sorry effort for Mullens to have the next 6 big-time OOC Ducks opponents scheduled against B12 'left behind' teams.

OOC the Pac-10 has to play H+H games vs the Power 2, the B1G, and the SEC. This is how you get eyeballs on and potential respect for the conference. When it comes to viewers, 4M+ eyeballs are the top draw standard.

If WSU can schedule a H+H vs Wisconsin there is no excuse for other Pac teams not to step up OOC scheduling. See Utah H+H with Florida. Arizona with Miss ST, CAL with Auburn, CU with Nebraska and Minnesota, and Washington vs Michigan State. Arizona has a H+H scheduled with Alabama.

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Oregon State had a H-H with Wisconsin ten years ago and split the series. That could discourage other teams from that arrangement. Beavers were trounced by the Buckeyes and the Nittany Lions but they did not come to Oregon State because why would they. Who knows how this will all shape up when the conferences realign. Perhaps Oregon State can at least get B1G H-H's with USC and UCLA!

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Thanks for this take. That's the rub, getting H+H series instead of 1 off games in 'enemy territory.'

But Wisky is coming to Pullman and Florida to Salt Lake City. Auburn to CAL, etc. as noted above.

I'd love to have John interview Rob Mullens and ask him why 6 consecutive seasons against B12 teams; no B1G or SEC teams. Why?

I don't get it. Mullens scored a H+H with Ohio State! Maybe he spent too much time in Grapevine, TX as a member of the PO committee.

BTW, I'd still like to know how Oregon and Oregon State voted on taking in the 'orphaned B12 teams. The vote was 9-3 and I hope the Oregon schools were with the 3.

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I think you are right. The jury is still out on Lanning's coaching, player development and game time adjustments and his staff. He seems to be recruiting well. Smith is just impressive in all aspects and I'm a Duck! The PAC ( whatever) will be tough.

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Some 1st year in-game mistakes but I am so happy that Dan is on board and not Mario.

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Good for the PAC-? and good for Oregon.

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Glad someone else is saying it too. With all the pickups and the schedules for both the beavers and ducks (as well as UW and UUs scheds), there is a very significant chance the pac12 title game is a OSU vs UO repeat.

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I agree. Couldn't be happier that Mario is gone. He proved he couldn't develop players or coach gametime. I am impressed with a lot of what Lanning has done. Just hope he can learn from the incredibly stupid play calling mistakes in several losses.

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