Loved his comment about no egos, everybody just comes out and works. That's the culture Jonathan Smith has built.

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Just like Utah.

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Absolutely. Kyle Whittingham may have the best culture in the conference.

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Lifelong Duck. Born in Eugene. Dad played baseball there. I absolutely love Coach Smith and everything about what he is doing in Corvallis. Was genuinely thrilled to see them beat Florida. Big things happening in Corvallis. Frankly, just a more buttoned up program right now than Oregon. Part of that is the stability they've had with Coach Smith. It's great to see. Can't wait to see what they do this coming year.

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Can't wait to see what the Ducks do this year, too. Lanning is friggin' focused and about as intense as Mt. St. Helens before it blew...

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I like Lanning. I think the Ducks/Beavers are in as good hands as they've been in since... Chip Kelly/Mike Riley era.

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John, I am really impressed with DJ and his approach to the game. But I am even more impressed with coach Smith for getting him here, allowing him to be himself and understanding the role of coaching in player development. He is doing an amazing job at OSU!

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Gotta love Coach J.

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He played smart on the field and is coaching smart from the sideline (but about going for it in Seattle and not kicking the FGs?)

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All coaches make tactical in game mistakes, some more costly than others. Part of the game. What we are talking about here is the character of the coach and the culture he builds, which often results in winning - in more ways than one. Time shall tell. Charlie

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You're right - all coaches make a few in-game mistakes...ask Pete Carroll about

Super Bowl XLIX. Or Lanning about the onside kicks against Oregon State and Washington which cost the Ducks both ballgames. It happens to the best of them. Unless you're Lombardi.

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Lombardi: 'What in the hell is going on out there?'

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Absolute gem! Here's more: "Everybody's Grabbing. Nobody's tackling. Grab, Grab, Grab!"

The greatest of all time - just made to coach - the prototype.

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What a great story, I'm glad that Jonathan Smith is DJU's coach - seems like a good match.

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Really solid pairing.

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As an SC fan I can tell you that the only two things that slowed down SCs offense last season were a torn hamstring in the CCG and the Oregon St defense. Put a really good QB on that team and look out. DJ like his younger brother was a bit overrated coming out of HS - he’s nowhere close to as good as Bryce Young or Stroud now and was rated over both in HS—-BUT his experience at Clemson and the adversity was probably the best thing could have happened. He’s a good kid, very mature. He needed a fresh start. Jonathan Smith to my mind is the best coach in the PNW and has the most clear identity culture in the P12 outside of Utah. DJ is going to thrive. Not scared of Utah in fact can’t wait for revenge. Not scared of UW. Not remotely scared of Oregon.

Oregon State with DJ playing well is the only team I think could upset SCs season and it would happen in the CCG. They are going to be very, very tough out.

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Will be interesting to see USC, Utah, OSU, Oregon and Washington sort things out this season... plus Colorado, Arizona, ASU, UCLA and some others lurking.

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The real reason UTAH and TULANE beat USC?

They scored more points!!!!!

THAT …is football[

Your new name is officially..


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Not remotely scared of Oregob? See you in Eugene, braugh.

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Great take but not 'remotely' scared of UW, a team SC hasn't played in years. As regards Oregon when was the last time SC defeated the Ducks?

Boy, it was a torn hammy that caused mighty USC to lose to a G5 team? How to respect the competition.

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"Not remotely scared of Oregon". That's strange because Oregon is not remotely scared of SUC.

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They’ll get their shot. I’ll be there, stocking up on rain gear now. Lan Danning I have a feeling is looking at double digit losses to both his rivals and a beat down by Riley and the Trojans. He once lit a cigar and did the cringiest self tape in the history of grown men after losing the highest QB commit in school history. Maybe after Oregon St or SC beats him he will give us another video.

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Perhaps SC can finally defeat Oregon after many, many years including huge beat downs in LA.

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So what did USC do last year? Lost 3,key games!!!


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Should be real exciting for all you SUC fans when you are playing in the snow in November battling Penn State, Michigan State, Wisconsin for that coveted Outback Bowl bid that goes to the third place team.

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You didn't read the gentleman's above take. Apparently, SC will never have to go on the road for a B1G conference game after October. Right?

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Fearless or over confident?

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Torn Hamstring? B.S.! You’ve clearly never seen the symptoms of one. If he had one he certainly wouldn’t have played against Tulane, and he never would have been upright against Utah during the entire title game. He had a slight pulled muscle that healed quickly and completely. Not scared of Washington, Oregon or Utah? Then what is SUC running from? It dodged the Huskies and the Ducks last season. It would not have beaten both of them, regardless of location. SUC got B!+^* slapped by Utah…twice last year. It lost to the Utes 3 times in a row now. SUC still can’t play defense, and has no quality running backs. Utah, Oregon and Washington are all healthy, lost few players from last years teams, and will all 3 roll SUC’s overrated and over paid team. Enjoy the Vegas Bowl in December before you end up 4th every year in the B1G’s west division, which is where SUC belongs.

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Breathe buddy. Breathe.

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Geese, talk about a subject change that took a hard drop. Bitter are we?

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Best part for you is we dont play USC this year! ;)

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You are throwing me off with your avatar name I would think you are duck fan and SC does play Oregon but if you mean Oregon st no we don’t and thank God but will likely face them in CCG.

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Always keep em guessing ;) sadly I am not in fact that uncle Phil.

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Encouraging! Good feeling about both he and Coach Jonathan. Thanks for the insight. Go Beavs!

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Interesting to watch OSU position him as "part" of the team and not "the face" of the team.

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Absolutely - this may just be the balance he needs to be successful. John, I really value this kind of reporting you provide, can't get it anywhere else. Play on, Charlie

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Thank you.

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But did you really expect anything different from OSU football? thats what its about, it always has been. Did the make Derek Anderson or even Smith the face? nope. You could argue that maybe Stephen jackson or Storm woods were "faces" (and we all just live in Chad Johnsons world) but do we ever really have ONE guy whos the face? hell I see more pics and posts with linemen up there than QB's or receivers.

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It was interesting... in the moment of truth... to see the principles hold up. You always wonder until you see it. I didn't include this but DJ reached out to Oregon State. The Beavers didn't call him back right away. They mulled whether he was right for them for a while before reaching back out.

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Good stuff on D.J for sure! I also heard your interview with Nick Daschle and was surprised to hear him say he thought Gulbranson and D.J we're in a dead heat at this point of the spring season.

I think we all know D.J. is the guy . Gulbranson was serviceable and yeah we won alot of games but at quarterback we won ugly. Even the Stanford victory was pure luck. How many completions against the Ducks?? MVP in Vegas Bowl? Should have been the OSU defense and offensive line.

Everyone is saying all the right things about how it's a competition and it has to be earned but D.J. is not leaving an ACC powerhouse to sit on the bench in Corvallis.

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I think OSU is selling the notion that Gulbranson and DJ are in a dead heat... for now. OSU has to want Gulbranson to stay engaged and be there if they need him.

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I think too many people undervalue how well Ben read the defenses and managed the game. This is frankly HUGE and gives him a massive leg up over competition. Based on what we saw last year he clearly doesn't have the raw talent of DJ or the same skill ceiling, maybe this changes and he shows us more, I hope so! But DJ coming into the program and having to learn the new style def means that hes coming from behind no matter how talented he is. DJ will be the guy for a number of reasons, but for now, I could 100% see them being in a dead heat. No doubt that will change as things continue.

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Ben is only a sophomore, too... will get better.

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I agree with you 100%, but I would say that Ben is made as the perfect second string QB. Someone who can come in when the first string is either having an off day or injured and keep the team together and be dependable to keep moving forward. So it is in no way an insult to Ben, it just seems his skill set is perfectly made for second string

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I think he's a perfect back-up for next season... could see time. Staff trusts him.

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I agree, sometimes you just need to switch it up and give DJ a few minute to get right and reset, Ben is perfect for that. After past years it will be really nice to be able to feel good knowing that we DO have a decent backup and not just some guy whos taken a few snap. And even better knowing that if it comes down to it, Chiles is there and ready to rip, even if he lacks experience.

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Uncle P, terrific comment. But I imagine Ben will be 3rd string this season if the true frosh QB props are warranted.

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I think the true frosh gets redshirted... maybe. He doesn't seem in a hurry and he's pencil-thin. Great arm. Best passer in the locker room. Looks like a teenager, tho.

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Ehhh I don't know about that. I expect him to play some snaps but I HIGHLY doubt they are going to burn his redshirt with both Ben and DJ there (and I thought I heard Montiel is actually pretty good too). Remember hes actually 17 and he has a LOT of growing to do, not just physically but mentally. Hes stepping into a whole new world and a new level of play with a system I dont think hes familiar with. His raw talent is supposed to be off the charts but I want to see him mentored and mentally ready to just dominate in 2 years.

But again, most people have no idea how many of those wins we got were squarely on the back of Ben, calling audibles and changing plays or swapping sides etc. I'd be willing to bet if you asked them, a lot of Martinez's performance was directly related to the change over to Ben and his run audibles that kept him from running into the backs of his line, which happened constantly any time he touched the ball in the first half of the season. Clearly everyone got better, but putting the right blocks in the right places to eat the pressure in the last 5 games and open up the routes was night and day.

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Good assessment.

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Ultimately, it’s up to D.J to win the job. Gulbranson showed strokes f genius and made some impressive plays for the Beavs. D.J. is humble enough to know nothing is given and nothing is taken for granted.

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I agree with you. We have to be reminded that Gulbranson is only a sophomore can that be right? So lots of upside but for next year I have to believe it will be D.J. over center but in any case we have to trust the process and the coaches..

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I met D.J. on his trip to Oregon prior to deciding on Clemson. Great kid ... in a mans body. So tough to see an 18 year old get BBQ'd over how he played at Clemson but it was crystal clear he was uncomfortable from the very start. Maybe a change of scenery and a new leader will make all the difference ... a chance is all he'll be given and all he can expect!

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I think DJ has a lot to prove. Mature kid.

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Not completely true…and that’s what makes DJ’s career a bit perplexing. DJ played incredibly well when he was a freshman, especially when he started against BC and ND when Trevor Lawrence had COVID. He was comfortable and completely relaxed and played exceptionally for a true freshman. DJ began to struggle when he became “the man” and those struggles seemed to amplify when he played poorly…he crumbled under pressure.

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It’s really hard not to love this program and everything they’re about. I’ve always been a casual fan, growing up in Portland and generally rooting for the Ducks because there was more to root for. But this program…and what Smith has done…I can’t help but root for them. Work hard, nothing’s given to them, no me, me, me attitude…it feels so much different than their rivals just south.

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“I’m not hearing the coaches yell at me each and every play if I miss a throw or miss a read. They just let us go out there and play.”

Maybe not directed at Sweeney, but I bet that is what Streeter did. DJ had his issues, but they were compounded by Streeter. If someone is doing that at every practice, no wonder he couldn;t get out of his head and play naturally.

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And the Fansville money was nice but put even more pressure on the young man.

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Baseball players do not get yelled at. You would think football coaches would get a clue.

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“One day at a time,” Uiagalelei said. “You can’t look too far ahead. The only thing we’re promised is today. We’re not promised tomorrow.”

DJ seems to be a rare combination of talents obvious and well-grounded maturity. He’ll flourish under Coach Smith. Good on Jonathan for his established priorities.


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I like what I'm hearing from a 21 year old who listens to his mother. I like the God part too...

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Great interview... he sounds very grounded.. so lucky to have coach smith in corvallis.

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Smith is a smart coach and knows how to handle his situation. Seems like a great kid. Wishing him well, except when they play the Ducks!

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Hey Folks…

I coach high school football just a few miles from USC. Most USC fans are cool.

Their SCFORTHEWHINE dude is a troll.

If he indeed is a USC fan then he is that 1% you can best ignore.

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Another great take, JC. Thank you.

I am a Ducks fan who will be cheering on DJU, Coach Smith, and the Beavers until the final game of the regular season; The Civil War Game.

Golf classes? Another reason I was born too early!

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I de mom feel the same way from a Beavs perspective. I also think Dan Lanning will be successful in Eugene if he’s given a chance. The values and work ethic he is instilling will arise over the coming weeks and months. I wish him a long successful career in Eugene. Of course, I wish the Beavs and our coach an even better and longer career (by at least one game, if ya get my drift).

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To be fair, when I was there in the early 2000's, I took golf too along with a few other "sports" classes. Its not even remotely new.

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I took golf in 68. Back then (at OSU at least), every student had to take a PE class every semester for two years. And if you didn't pass the swimming test (jump in the pool naked and get to the other side anyway you could) your first class was swimming.

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