I'm not a fan of today's media, whether it's sports journalism, current affairs, business, almost all the coverage is heavily biased and lacking depth and substance. That puts me in a group of about 85% of Americans who share the same opinion. However, for Brooks to blame the media for his current reputation is preposterous. He's brought all his problems upon himself, including his current image as a loudmouth, dirty player who makes up for his lack of elite talent with silly, immature controversies.

He needs to grow up before he can no longer find work in the NBA. Owners, GMs and head coaches do have alternatives.

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I am with you. A big reason I broke away and started this independent endeavor was because I'm exhausted by the shallow SEO-driven clickbait coverage. But yes, Brooks looks bad. He's chasing headlines as a fake bad guy.

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The reason I'm here is because I get the unvarnished truth, no b.s. bias, tremendous depth and substance and great stories composed in superb writing.

That's a rarity in today's journalism.

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Maybe he's not faking it.

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Never blame yourself. SODD. Some other dude did it.

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Our society has the same problem...it's always somebody else's fault. Getting real old...

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I agree with you Rich.

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Ahhh, the Transfer Portal...

I must confess that I've completely flipped my sentiments regarding freedoms, rights, and the monetizing for CFB players. Why? I've realized after 50+ years of being entertained by these young men, they pay an awful price of lifelong bodily damage, even death, for my pleasure. We fans created this spectacle and have used their skills as vicarious honor without sacrifice for basically the price of a ticket. The arena gladiator? He gets our adulations, but shoulders the risk...a big one. I recently read an SI piece describing 5 LB'ers on USC's '89 roster now dead from CTE. Five! The latest survey shows CTE in 92% of deceased NFL players. The better you get, the greater your consequence. Transfer Portal? So what. Let them have all they deserve.

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Excellent point.

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No offense and I'm sure it is way PC to now have women calling men's basketball games, but I turn down the sound whenever Doris Burkes is on. Unfortunately Warrior fans have been subjected to her for the King's series. However, the only thing worse is the Mark Jackson & Charles Barkley Warriors hater crew. Of course the Dubs announcers are almost as bad. Where is Bill King when we need him?

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Doris is a wonderful commentator with great knowledge of the game and the fact you feel the need to mention she's a woman is just you telling on yourself.

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Doris is an example for commentators: intelligent, informed with a body of knowledge fed by an outstanding resume as a player.

She presents well and as a 40 year broadcaster/journalist myself I can tell you Doris knows what she's talking about. Her gender is not an issue -- except to a few readers here.

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Oh no! Report me to the PC Police immediately! Simply because I do not like women commentators does not make me a misogynist, it only shows how we have to always let the girls play with the boys or we get called out. I also told you I do not like Mark Jackson because he hasn't gotten over being fired for Kerr or Barkley who openly disses on the Warriors...personal preference has nothing to do with sexism only to the PC Police :)

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Glenn…. When you say “I do not like women commentators”, let’s try this out for size. After decades of hearing male voices reporting on men’s sports it can be very strange and perhaps off-putting to hear the female voice. That can be a natural human reaction, without necessarily being misogynistic. Without getting into the weeds of defining and describing it, let’s just say that this is our emotional response. But humans also have a very reasoned, intellectual capacity that can lead us to think” What is she actually saying? Is she accurate and astute? Does she in essence know what she is talking about? If the answer tends to indicate YES, then we can adjust and accept it. When we hear other female voices we apply the same line of reasoning. Sometimes your opinion may be she doesn’t know what she is talking about. Same applies to male announcers. In summation, judge an announcer by their content, not the sound of their voice.

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Unfortunately, society is in the mess it is in today primarily because the subjugation of women over the years of western history has robbed us of a universe of talent and judgement.

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"Simply because I do not like women [in this field they are more qualified than a vast majority of men to be in] does not make me a misogynist"

definition of misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.

fucking lol.

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I don't need to report you to anyone, you're doing a great job outing yourself all on your own :). Your gatekeeping is kinda sad to be honest.

"we have to always let the girls play with the boys or we get called out."

Yeah I'm not going to unpack that, that's between you and the therapist you likely will never see because introspection is hard and probably a "girl thing" in your world.

Have a great day and remember... the mute button is your friend if you don't like the sounds coming from your broadcast!

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The NBA loves a good Rodman every few years. Rasheed Wallace, Christian Laettner, Bill Laimbeer, Ron Artest. The guys you love to hate just like in WWE. It sells tickets and the NBA loves it.

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Laettner? And Coach K called out Brooks?

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I watched that one. Coach K was the one off base on that deal.

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This kid Brooks has an unattractive game to begin with- nothing smooth or aesthetically pleasing about it. And he’s not going to be getting paid to model anytime soon to say the least. Him deteriorating into a trash talking dirty player has only served to highlight all of this into one cringey ugly hot mess. I respect a guy willing to do the gritty work but his mistake is not understanding part of that gig is usually avoiding the limelight he seems to crave it but under close examination I think he’s best operating in the shadows and for Gods sake bro: don’t poke MJ. Don’t poke Kobe. Don’t poke LBJ. Duh.

-Hope Barnes can fully recover and return to normal life and work soon.

-Big Bear Alexander crown jewel of a really effective portal class for SC- Riley has pretty much completely retooled a D roster that was awful last year. No more excuses for Grinch.

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Big Bear is a big win.

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AMEN and Rats! Great get. I guess it pays to poke the Bear?

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Speaking of Doris Burke :-), I think she is a fantastic commentator because she pulls no punches. Someone makes a bad pass, misses a defensive assignment, takes a bad shot, she will tell you about it. Superstar status will not effect what she says about you. I understand what Brooks was trying to do with the drop 40 comment. Get LBJ to turn the game into a scoring fest, with him scoring which would hurt LA. That said, he is fricking LBJ, i.e. way too smart to ever play the game the wrong way and hurt his teams chances of winning. And the person calling him out is a nobody on the basketball court. The only persons head Brooks messed with is his own.

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Me. Canzano, I really appreciate your columns and your pinions. Don’t always agree, of course, but it’s fun to read your well informed thoughts.

I think it’s time to return our intrastate rivalry to its old title, The Civil War. It was a brilliant name when the name was first floated, and it still is. It is a strong, positive addition to the game. Everyone had fun with it, and both schools made a ton off of gear and shirt sales. And fans had tons of souvenirs to memorialize great games.

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I’m over Dillon Brooks. I posted on FB that I thought he is an idiot after his Game 3 shenanigans. Got lots of ‘likes’ but quite a few people defending him. He’s not “all that” and his on-court crap doesn’t benefit him. Grow up, bud.

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Brooks is well past his sell date and is laughing all the way to the bank.

Doris has her moments of brilliance

Looking forward to DeBoer on the radio side

Watching Kraken tonight

Portal is the bane of my existence, but is the current New Normal...

I feel better now


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In the moment, David. Well played, Charlie

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JC- Dillon Brooks jumped the shark last year when he took out GP2 in the playoffs. Ironic thing is that the league is probably doing the Lakers a favor by not suspending him for tonight's game.

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As a Duck fan for over 60 years, I too am tired of Dillon Brooks. He is an embarrassment. Also, I am of the opinion that Dan Lanning did not really pursue Bear Alexander. He is a culture-killer so he will fit right in at SUC.

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NBA is basically WWF with hoops. I do not understand how King James can shove/knock/bully defenders out of the way...take 4 or 5 steps without a dribble, spend 4-5 seconds in the key and this is called basketball? He is a thug not a star.

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I’m embarrassed to say that Dillon Brooks is a Duck. Not sure what or who he thinks he is but hope puts a lid on his behavior before he gets blackballed in the league.

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At U of O I dubbed him "Sir Flop-a-lot"...

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In the world of ice hockey Brooks is referred to as a 'Cement Head.' Too bad James can't take him into the corner. A two-minute penalty for roughing would be well worth it.

$mart move by Riley adding to the D-side of the ball. Riley has now hit the portal grand slam. He's poached guys from the ACC, B12, Pac-12, and SEC. But he best not go after Ohio State guys starting next season.

Many of these portal moves are out-right puzzling. But I, unfortunately, get it. We live in the age of ME and not TEAM.

But who can blame the kids when coaches are happy to replace back-ups with better players? When coaches are making multi-millions for coaching a team for 12 to 15 games a year why shouldn't the players get paid? Why be true to your school when loyalty goes one way?

I feel DeBoer's pain but try to limit portal moves further; well, say hello to the attorneys.

NIL without a salary cap, the portal, roster tampering, and 'student-athletes' playing as many as 16 games a season. NFL-Lite Coming.

Will Autzen Stadium look like the CU stadium, without the snow, come Saturday?

Thanks, John for the Brooks call-out and the conference update.

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Glad to hear Barnes is stable. Scary times for family, friends and fans.

Brooks isn’t worth the press after years of disrespect to the game. Players are only as good as their actions on and off the court. Hope he comes to his senses before contract time. He might like the European scene.

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Thank you John for calling out Brooks. He's a joke to me. He disrespects the best player in the game with zero credentials. As for tough... he's not even in the top ten. If LeBron lowered himself to his level and took him on... it would be a short TKO. But LeBron won't... too smart, too good. This quotation from Johnny Harris of Charlotte rings in my head here, "“You will never succeed if you stop to quiet every barking dog. ”Brooks will be a footnote at best. 😎

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