Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Atta boy Dana. Someone has to be bold enough to tell the truth once in a while. Sports is supposed to be about emotion after all.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano


We haven't had a true leader since Pritchard left and it shows with our execution down the stretch. Unfortunately, the portal is not the place to find "leaders" so hoping some of the new class coming in this year can help build a culture that can be sustained.


The NIT did us no favors giving us 3 home games in 6 days, but this stems from a dwindling season ticket base that has been shrinking since we moved to the new arena. Granted, the NIT is not included in season tickets, but we still could've marketed to them and would've had a better turnout. We've gone from "one of the toughest places to play in all of CBB at Mac Court" to a new, shiny, sterile arena that fails to generate any energy at all. I spent my entire career in sports marketing and was lucky enough to hear David Stern speak to a group of us when launching the NBDL. Someone asked what he thought was the most important objective when it comes to attendance. His response: "Everyone wants to be where everyone is...and no one wants to be where no one is". The moment that the Ducks added 2,500 additional seats, suites, club seats, they also created a marketing problem that has not been addressed internally by the athletic department. The potential revenue may have looked good on paper, but the elimination of sellouts and abundance of tickets has been devastating. Ask Jon Spoelstra how important it is to sellout games. If i was in charge of sales, I'd be embarrassed to see 3,300 at a game vs Western Oregon let alone Wisconsin. It's time for the athletic department to step up and start focusing on how to grow a season ticket base. And if your only answer is "the product on the floor must be better", check yourself at the door...you're part of the problem.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I think you nailed it! Matt Knight is a great concert venue but it ain't the Mac!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Actually the product MUST be better...It must. It's a fact that an exciting well disciplined winner will draw...A dull, hard to watch, low IQ team WILL NOT. It doesn't matter the sport, that holds true to all athletic teams. IMO Oregon needs to lower season ticket prices for basketball...and come up with some marketing incentives' to generate more butts in the seats...more butt's in the seats will make up the difference in revenue from lower ticket prices.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Couldn't agree more.

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Talent will bring butts to seats. But not always on a week day at 7pm. The reason football does do well, it’s on the weekend. People can bring the kids and come from outside of Eugene, I live in Salem and going to a game and then driving an hour home after the game on a work day is very hard to come to. Especially if the on court product is sub par

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How is someone supposed to get to a game that tips off at 5pm from Portland? How is someone supposed to access the lower bowl - when a majority of the tickets are committed to sponsors. Of the lower bowl that are available - they are priced on par with the Moda Center for a Blazer game? $175 for a 100 level seat? Middle America isn't going to pay that? Don't blame the fans - blame the University for limiting access. Hypothetical question - you think if the UofO expanded student access and made any seat in the arena for that game $25 - you think you'd get more people in there? Heck yeah. Don't blame the fans, Dana - blame your employer and get back in touch with your roots... Blue collar fans. White collar fans ain't showing up for a weeknight NIT game.

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Spot on. I took a look at lower level ticket prices for the tournament opener. Hard pass. It’s the freaking NIT! They should be dropping tickets out of an airplane.

As for fan support, I find it increasingly difficult to feel attached to a team whose roster is mostly a collection of vagabonds. One or two seasons and adios. That’s not just a knock on the Ducks, but more of a statement on how the transfer portal has transformed all of college athletics in a negative way (IMO).

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Right on Eric. I believe the source of the problem needs to be addressed--greed, letting money be the top priority and what dictates decisions. Better would be a great entertaining "product" and serving the fans first. Altman isn't getting the marketing support he needs.

And, we're seeing an unintended consequence of the transfer portal. We don't have time to get to know the players as most of them don't grow in front of us. It doesn't feel like "our team." That's one reason I stopped watching pro sports.

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well Terry, getting athletes to come and play at Oregon ain't free...$200,000 scholarships, training table, housing allowance, per diem travel food money, Travel costs, insurance, medical, dental, vision...It's expensive...it isn't greed. Money is secondary to the product on the field/court, but it IS important. (and I didn't even mention NIL money)

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Playing in a consolation tournament like the NIT is a losing proposition all around. With all the games in the NCAA women and men championships, fans can't get interested in the NIT. It has slowly devolved into a side show the past four decades. Like playing exhibition games after the end of the season but at March Madness prices. Tickets for the NIT finals in Vegas are 1/3rd of the price of this early round game. Have to pay attention. Nope.

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A shortened version of what you just wrote: "Bandwagon fans ain't showing up...".

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Kinda. True fans that bleed green and yellow ain't showing up because they can't stomach a $500 family of 4 price tag - when they only make $5000 post tax a month. The Sponsor that negotiated 20 tickets a game and didn't use them needs to reconsider how they use them as well.

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John wouldn’t brag, but I will: not too many journalists get unprompted calls from power conference head coaches looking to set the record straight.

It’s a byproduct of lots of things, but based on having worked with reporters (as a PR guy) for 30+ years, I think boils down to this: people trust John. And that is earned over thousands of hours of give-and-take that we’d never know about and most of which never is reflected (directly) in what we read.

Altman obviously needed to clear things up. Sources and reporters aren’t (and shouldn’t be) close friends, and they don’t always get along. My point simply is, what we consume here is unique and uniquely valuable because John is unique among his peers. And we’re the beneficiaries.

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Totally agree, well stated!

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I love seeing Coach blow up a little. I sure hope he isn't leaving.

The 'dogs' he refers to are nowhere to be seen with this group. Pritchard has found a home in the rotation for one of the best teams in the Association. Dillon Brooks doing same (tho needs to curb his inner Rasheed Wallace).

Dana will figure it out.

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Both Altman and Graves have had a few disappointing seasons by the high standards we’ve become accustomed to. Both are great coaches and will figure it out. Losing the Canadian pipeline has hurt Altman and navigating NIL and the transfer portal are hurdles both coaches will overcome. Blowing off a little steam immediately after the end of this season is understandable for someone who sets a high bar and is so competitive.

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I agree with what you said. I think both Altman and Graves are excellent coaches. I think your comments are on the button. I also like Dan Lanning - I like him a lot. However, when you lose to Washington and Oregon State in the same year, you've got a lot of work to do to be a successful coach and program.

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Agree on Lanning. Those two losses were bad especially blowing the huge lead on Oregon State. I think Lanning is a superior recruiter but DeBoer and Smith may be better coaches. I hope I’m wrong there!

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Agree that Lanning is a superior recruiter over Deboer and Smith; however, if Washington and Oregon State continue their trajectory under their head coaches, recruits will give the Huskies and Beavs a real look. We'll know a lot more about Lanning's X's and O's ability after this season, but he laid big eggs against Washington and Oregon State last season...and I like Lanning a lot.

I watched what Deboer did at Fresno State - his teams were tremendous overachievers. I knew the Huskies would be a handful again when they poached him. Jonathan Smith's performance speaks for itself - Steady Eddie and getting better every year.

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well IMO you are talking about Apples vs Oranges. Lanning was a rookie head coach, Deboer is very experienced. And Smith is more experienced than Lanning (by 7 years). Deboer snuck in under the limelight so to speak at Washington...I "wanted" Oregon to hire Deboer. His teams have always been tough and exciting. WE got Lanning, UW got Deboer. We will see if Lanning grows with experience or remains mired in his stubbornness.

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Great points. He is very young and could learn and become even better if he is the kind of guy who can learn. It seems to be that he is, but time will tell. He IS a great recruiter, though and tactics are probably easier to learn the recruiting. Nobody's perfect, bur he's pretty good right now.

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A lot of what coaches are dealing with are trickle down problems from AAU ball. Players thinking the world revolves around them. Not caring about defense. Burn out. Not boxing out. Poor shooting form. Coasting. Playing lots of games but not practicing much. Playing for AAU coaches who are not invested in fundamentals.

AAU players arrive to college with so many poor habits that they are like knotted up shoe laces, and college coaches have to decide which bad habits are worth the effort to undo and which knots aren’t worth the time and effort.

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Spot on...AAU is a PITA for most College coaches. Selfish play, all junk, one on one offense, no discipline, and absolutely NO defense, very little fundamentals are taught if at all...they pretty much just roll the ball out and let them run up and down.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I notice this year's viewership of NCAA tourney is way up so far for both men and women. Frankly, I'm surprised. CBB has lost a lot of buzz for me--the star players leave early and thus teams overhaul rosters so often it's fruitless to watch player development. Maybe the March Madness craze is because the NBA is worse?!? People just love to gamble?!? Slow time for TV sports?!? Three thousand for a weeknight NIT game sounds pretty good to me.

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He's the same coach who took them to Final Four and his analysis is dead on. They've had no vocal, hard-working team leader who demands performance in the gym and at games. Last night the Ducks handed the game to a slow, hamfisted opponent that past Oregon teams would have run out of the gym by halftime. It was as painful as it was inevitable.

As for the small crowds.... operative word from JC is fan frustration. It's same thing that happened in football in Cristobal's last year. The games became exercises in frustration for fans. Every week, the Ducks played down to their opponents. Games became ordeals. In basketball this season, early losses to Irvine and Utah Valley--both in Eugene--left fans feeling like this was just a continuation of last year. Fans stopped going because games weren't fun. They were ordeals.

MKA will fill up soon as Oregon puts an Altman-worthy team on the floor again.

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Really well said. Agree wholeheartedly

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"Because of them, we don’t want for anything,” Altman said.

That is exactly why there is no excuse for failure at Oregon. Every coach wants for nothing so when there are sub-par seasons it is on the coach. And this one, just like last year, is on DA.

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No argument. But by your standards - and I share them - Lanning has a lot of work to do, too. When you lose to Washington and Oregon State in the same year, you've got a lot to improve on.

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I've thought more about this. Attendance woes aside, everyone is being too critical. Let's rewind to 2010. Ernie Kent was fired after 13 seasons, nobody thought he should have been retained. What if you were told that the next coach in Eugene, over the next 13 seasons, would not fail to win less that 20 games and would make a post season tournament in all of them? I would never have guessed that coach would be Altman. Just for comparison. In the same amount of time Ernie had 4 20+ win seasons and make 7 post tourneys.

Dana Altman has done an amazing job. He is a couple of breaks from making more final 4's. And is a click or two from doing it again. His team was hampered by injuries all year. I have nothing critical to say about Altmans ability to be the coach of this team. I would not trade Dana for anyone right now. In fact, the powers that be should be meeting with him to find out what support he needs. Give Dana Altman whatever he asks for.

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Altman is a good coach. But seriously, "Find out what support he needs?" Do you seriously think he doesn't get everything he wants in institutional support, or from Nike?

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An honest look at reality can't be bad.

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Stay strong Coach…maybe those thoughts/words needed to be shared. Sorry more of us weren't there to cheer you on. You’ve away been there for the players, the school and the program. Stay strong and STAY!

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Great “column” John. I tuned in, but my thought was “two mediocre teams.” Layups missed, castoffs from too far out, too many starters out. The Ducks needed near perfection from those on the floor. They came close, but didn’t quite have the juice. Maybe (hopefully) next year.

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Losing sucks.

Not being able to keep your best players more than a year sucks.

Not finding Student leaders sucks.

Not filling your arena sucks.

Dana had a lousy Tuesday.

Duck fans loved to fill Mac Court. Not really sure what changed but some capacity mojo was lost.

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Yes, to what you said...and MKA floor is the worst in college basketball, too.

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They floor is hideous and a joke around the country. It looks like the burned out McKenzie river area. Who picked the freakin" colors? Would it have been so difficult to use varying shades of green and yellow? And what is deep in the woods? We're in the Willamette Valley, not the Redwood National forest!

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Couldn't agree more...Ducks are unwatchable when televised at home...and not because of the players.

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Yeah, I have never liked it. But I don't think it keeps people out of the seats. Anyone have any idea of what the ticket prices did after MATT opened? I could only assume it increased.

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I agree with you. It doesn't effect attendance but it helps create a dark, dank atmosphere. It's simply ugly.

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

Even a Blind man could see this team was not a "smart" basketball team. Dana's last two teams suffered from very poor guard play, and seemingly had several players that really didn't want to be there. I expect Dana to clean house and start over. he's got some on the roster that just are not D1 players. And he's got a few that think they are better players than they are. IMO the 'only' player with a shot at the next level is Dante, and I question whether he actually can make an NBA roster. Way too many low basketball IQ, high self important attitudes on the roster the last two years. Dana has his work cut out for him.

Dana's frustration is justified, but some of it is self inflicted. Recruit better, smarter, more disciplined players. cut loose the selfish ones. life is too short to deal with players that won't buy in and are all about themselves.

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This. I know he’s frustrated, but the product on the floor is directly controlled by how he recruits and then coaches them up.

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ASU season ticket holder here. Hurley has had to learn that character is as important as talent as well. Josh Christopher and Bagley, NBA talents, blew up his team and created a lot of pain for fans. Agree with someone who earlier said it's unlikely you are going to find gym rats, taem players, and leaders in the portal, but there are probably a few who have various reasons to transfer. But paying a lot of money to watch spoiled kids who don't care is painful on several levels. I have always feared Altman's teams and still do. But not as much this year.

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Great call on recruiting. The team needs a leader on the floor and 'gym rats,' not one-and-done guys.

See Princeton with no athletic scholarship players defeating Arizona. Also, look at Kentucky whose $8,2 M coach with the superior on-paper roster has flamed out again in the tournament.

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