Jody Allen is the problem. Jody Allen inherited the product of genius, of Microsoft, an operating system that worked. Jody Allen's Blazer operating system does not work. She is cheating loyal fans, a team, and a city that deserves better. For what? Her 15 minutes of fame clinging to her brother's legacy? For more money? I sense potential spite, jealousy, long standing sibling rivalry at her brother's success? Be a hero for once on your terms Jody, sell the team to Phil Knight, for the team, for the fans, and mostly for yourself.

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I couldn't agree more. Excellent comment!!

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Honestly feel bad for Blazer fans. They deserve better. Here in LA the Lakers have an unbelievable tradition and a loyal fan base but…..it’s Southern California/ there are so many entertainment options that if the Lakers want a full house they better have a good product or fans won’t show. I never understood the “nobility” of fans showing up for a team and franchise that were losing and clearly didn’t care. In Portland it’s like ownership knows they got you. What are your other options on a cold Feb night? They know the fans will keep showing up because it’s a loyal, hyper provincial market and so it honestly makes you wonder what ownerships incentive to field a good product is if stands are full and merchandise sells regardless. Portland fans deserve better.

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Apr 11, 2023·edited Apr 11, 2023

Portland "fans" deserve better but Portland does not. The leadership in Portland and Multnomah County is hideous. They have proven for decades they have no interest in supporting - or even cooperating - with sports franchises. They operate like Oakland North. The MLB Diamond Project is now moribund. Not even the A's are currently interested. The city has lost - deservedly - men's and women's regional college basketball tournaments, probably even the Women's Final Four. Who wants to come to Portland right now...for all the reasons widely reported? The best thing that could happen to the Blazers and the great fans that support them, is competition. If the greater Portland area (and I mean locales outside of Multnomah County) could land an MLB franchise or NHL, not only would it give Oregon fans some choices, but it would also shake the Blazers out of their arrogance and complacency. Maybe even Jody Allen and Bert Kolde would think again about being so arrogantly stubborn and seriously consider selling to a real owner who wants to win. Competition is a good thing for the customer. The Greater Portland area is not L.A. (which has its own horrific socio-economic problems, but also more billionaires); but if someone or some group could step up and provide the Blazers with some competition, and fans with choices, it might change this NBA franchise for the better.

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Seriously, your suggestion is to steal a billion dollars from the taxpayers to build a baseball and/or NHL building that will "shake the Blazers out of their arrogance and complacency?" That's your suggestion?

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Uhhh...no...it was not my suggestion. Please read my post again - I did not say a word about taxpayers footing the bill. I despise those kind of proposals and it sounds like you do, too. I'd like to have owners like Stan Kroenke (owner of the Rams), Mark Davis (Raiders) who built SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles and Allegiant Stadium in Vegas without shafting the taxpayers. I want this taken - as much as possible - out of politicians' hands. There are a number of sports entertainment groups that consider the PNW potentially a great place to locate.

Please relax and pour a tall one - no one here is suggesting "stealing a billion dollars from the taxpayers"...there are much better ways to get things done today...and get them done quickly...for crying out loud.

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Mark Davis has already pocketed over $750 million of the public's money related to the Las Vegas stadium, so that probably wasn't the best example. No imaginary billionaire is going to foot the public's bill for a new building in Portland.

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Maybe you didn't like the Allegiant Stadium example because, yes, Davis has made a ton of money in Vegas...but that stadium was financed in large part by private money - Davis' - and it sounds like you are a guy that believes owners shouldn't make money on their investments. I'm not. They take risk and I'm fine with them getting a return on their investment. In fact, I generally like billionaires. I'd like to be one. I understand you may not.

The new model with sports entertainment groups is to do it with private money - at least as much as possible. That's why SoFi and Gillette (Bob Kraft) and Met Life (Jets/Giants) are primarily private money. That why the new Penner (Walmart) ownership group in Denver is talking about a privately built new stadium in Denver. Smart people - and those listed above are smart - know full well taxpayers are not going to foot the bill any longer. But, sheezus, man - aren't the people who take the majority of risk and foot the capital entitled to a return? And, if you think Portland cannot find a sports entertainment group that would eagerly consider investing in Portland than you're not thinking clearly. The PNW is highly regarded.

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$750 million in public money makes everything else irrelevant, it's public money. And it's pretty easy to "risk" money when the public is always there to bail you out when and if things ever begin to go sideways.

There is no risk. And there is no model other than the public footing the bill to build arenas and stadiums for billionaires, and then the public footing the hundreds of millions in additional cash to maintain them years after the billionaire palaces are built. The only winners are the billionaires fleecing the regular people paying for it and the politicians that greased the skids.

Anyway, if you really want to learn more about the topic than you've ever wanted to know, then you should spend months and years online reading the great site fieldofschemes.com. You can be 100% certain that the new owner of the Trail Blazers is going to be have his hands out demanding public money to either renovate the existing arena or to build him a new one. And it will be accompanied by an extortion threat to move the Blazers.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

It's too simplistic to just throw out the term "public money". If by "public money" you mean General Fund tax dollars, that's fine. If by "public money" you mean a user fee on tickets or transient lodging or car rentals, that's an entirely different thing.

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Great points! I wonder if Jody Allen has ever considered how her actions/inactions effect her brother’s desire to give his wealth to philanthropy. Her non-sale of the Blazers literally takes billions of dollars away from causes that could help the poor and unfortunate now. Rather than sitting court-side she could be handing out thousands of computers, improving education, housing, health, etc.,around the world. Every day that goes by another person could be lifted up with Paul Allen’s wish and vision. Can’t do that sitting court side.

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Excellent point. I don't know the woman...so I have no idea what her value system is or her interest in helping humanity with the resources she's been blessed with; however, I do know there are plenty of opportunities sitting right in front of her if she chose to make a positive difference. You just listed many examples.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Blazers fans deserve a new owner! Preferably Phil Knight. On paper Jodie Allen has the control. But in reality, Portland & Blazers fans own the Blazers. Jodie Allen needs to do the right thing & do what her brother would want, sell the team to a new owner. A new owner like Phil Knight would bring a fresh perspective with new found excitement & commitment to winning that currently doesn’t exist. Everything they’re saying now is lip service & false hope, with management playing their roles & concerned with their own job security. We want a new owner! We want Phil Knight!

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You are screaming for the Docter after the old doctor left. The Blazers don't play like Phil Knight's Blazers because the roster is filled with youngsters. drjimxlaw64@gmail.com

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Remind me what was wrong with Terry Stotts? Oh yea good coach.

to lose by 50 or more in the modern NBA the owner, the GM and coach should be fired, the players should be ashamed of themselves.

I have to wonder if Jody is doing this on purpose so we all hate the team so she can move it to Seattle and fetch way more money.

Dear Jody you suck.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Losing by 50 without your best six players is no reason to fire everyone. Failing to build a team around one of the top five players in the league for a third consecutive season will be. I see no reason Damian should be ashamed.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Unless a disgruntled superstar decides he wants out, AND wants to play in Portland, the Blazers chances of dramatically getting better this off season are really small. Even if we get the #1 pick and draft Victor Wembanyama, he is not going to push the Blazers to a contender, in a time frame where Dame is still near his prime. Given Dames desire to win now, unless a trade for a superstar without gutting the team happens, time to trade Dame, and build around the young, potentially solid young nucleolus we have. The malfeasance in dealing with Neil Olshey is the curse that just keeps on giving.

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Email to Jody in Seattle-its your friend Robb (ex season ticket holder) again down here in Canby.I forwarded JC's column to you last week about selling the Blazers to Phil knight but didn't here back...I just forwarded this weeks column to you with a plea to please sell ASAP because your product on the floor is pretty disgraceful again this season...I'm also forwarding a check for $20.00 from my SS check ..you can add it to the 4 billion your asking for the team...I'm hoping it will give you additional incentive to sell quickly...sincerely your friend Robb (ex. season ticket holder)

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Back in the seventies the motivation for Blazer fans, at least in the bars around town that I haunted (John.s Meatmarket, Jake's, etc) was "I'M GOING TO THE BLAZERS GAME" rather than what the team was doing on the floor. The new car smell was still there, tickets were scarce, and, face it, there wasn't much else going on in stumptown. It was an interesting study in the functioning of the human ego. Over the years the Blazers have seemingly been successful in dampening this phenomena, although I haven't been in the bars since the eighties, so "he who talks does not know, and he who knows does not talk'", so I guess my motivation is just to have a little shade to throw on the Blazers, Forgive me Jody, but SELL (or move 'em to Seattle!). Charlie

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I can't remember the last time I actually thought the Blazers actually had a chance to go all the way.

playoff teams, plenty, a few really great players, Dame, of course, but a Team you knew every game going in, you had the advantage?

What could you possibly get in a trade for Dame? I don't see a way you can possibly get anything good enough to build around him to win, so, best of both worlds get him where he can get his ring and enough pieces to rebuild, bottom up, the right way, coaches, owners included

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I hope it can get turned around, but I have serious doubts it will happen with current leadership. Trustee Jody Allen doesn’t seem to care much, and Paul’s ‘ol lackey Bert Kolde seems inept at everything involving the Blazers. Hopefully they wake up and sell the team very soon.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

John.. I have more faith in the Blazers' beleaguered fans -- but the team itself? Not so much. It's an easy call with a rookie GM.. a semi-involved front office.. and a well-meaning underexperienced coach. This team has a long way to go in rediscovering an identity we can cheer for.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Damian Lillard is in danger of becoming the Blazers' version of Barry Sanders: the greatest player in team history who ultimately went nowhere.

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Or Tony Gwynn.

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This column has a familiar ring to it for a lifelong Seattle-area guy. It is time for the team to be sold to an ownership group based in Omaha, followed by the Commissioner assuring the Portland community that this is not at all the first step in the Trailblazers becoming the Omaha Cyclones.

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Well played, George. Charlie

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Observations from an OG sports fan with waning NBA enthusiasm;

-tough to be a Blazer Fan with the current ignorant management running the show. No basketball acumen whatsoever.

-the game is becoming a parody of itself, which leads to fan apathy, both for the casual fan, as well as hardcores.

-a perfect opportunity exists for the Blazers to lead the city back to the unique jewel it used to be, as a pride/rallying point. Poor management and ridiculous leadership has the city in a downward spiral, much like the Blazers.

-I feel for fans of Rip City…R.I.P.


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John, I greatly appreciate reading you column each day. I agree with you 100%. The Blazer fans deserve better. I’m one of the Ushers. I’ve developed come good relationships with the guests in my section. I hear their frustrations. It has been a rough two years. I work as an usher because I am a fan. Working for the Blazers allows me to be there for every game. Most of us love our jobs and we consider ourselves lucky to be able to support the team and to work to make the fan experience a good one. While I am tired of losing I am sad the season is over. I am excited by the possibilities of next year and can’t wait to start the journey again next fall.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

Fan loyalty is a mixed blessing. Most FANS refuse to vote with their feet and wallets — the only things team ownership cares about.

The Blazers — and too many fans, it seems — are content to be a middling (at best) team that (usually) doesn’t embarrass on the court or off. A “nice” team of “nice” people in a “nice” town.

The Blazers are the horse in this one-horse town, and that’s the way they like it. It’s why we don’t have an NHL team, which would be a shoo-in. The Blazers don’t care; they don’t have to.

Part of it is lack of vision. Going back to the Delta Dome, Portland is a city that thinks like a town. The only reason the Trailblazers exist is because Larry Weinberg, of Los Angeles, saw an investment opportunity in a growing town and a growing league (late ‘60’s NBA).

Portland remains the only top-25 media market that does not have at least two major league franchises, while smaller markets have three or four.

(Media Market Ranking


Sports could do great things for a city that is in desperate need of something to rally around. But there’s a lot of cat-herding to be done and our “leadership” is too divided to know where to start.

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Darn, what a shame about this once proud franchise. The Trail Blazers didn’t just represent a city. They represented an entire state and we people in our state were happy to back them up. What the Blazers need, they can’t find. They need two brilliant men like Harry Glickman and Jack Ramsey and a great staff and roster, who were just as proud of the fans as the fans were of them.

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