Aug 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

When PSU plays a payday game, are more Viking players injured than usual? The mismatch-ups seem dangerous to me. Playing vs. Alabama seems precarious - and pointless. Has anyone done some serious research on this?

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Yes. Great question. Those games tend to result in injuries

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I think there is another side to this as well as the easy "W" for the big schools. It gives them a chance sit the 1st string after QTR1 (preventing their injuries) and to see some of the 2nd/3rd stringers in for some real time action. Football is and pretty much has always been a game of attrition (as long as the scholarship limit is @ 85). I am a UGA fan but even I have to acknowledge that if Alabama didn't loose it's two primary WRs so late in the year the result might have been different.

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Not PSU's fault. Just one more big time CFB wart. the big schools need those home games to pay those $10million coacghes. The loer division schools should band together and demand more money for those games. Ya know, like the SUPERCONFERENCES do.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Subscribed. Looking forward to it.

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Can’t wait!!!

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I hope you remain a little more objective than WIlner about any football outside the Big10/SEC. We have all read and heard the endless drible about money, money, money. Would be good to read some actual football.

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Canzoni & Wilner

Good writing pleases me

Now, if you can sign-up Plashke, I’m all in.

But because he’s probably contemplating Plashke & Revsine - I’m in anyway!

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Sorry about the auto-correct Mr. Canzano

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I found Canzano & Wilner on Google Podcasts as well.

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