Jan 9Liked by John Canzano

Well, for me, this was the chronicle of a death foretold. You could clearly see that Michigan was not a good matchup for Washington based on their respective strengths and weaknesses. Michigan rushed for over 300 yards and always stayed an arm's length away from Washington. In the end, it wasn't close. The one thing that I didn't like was DeBoer leaving a clearly hurt Penix in the game when it was essentially decided. I'm definitely not a Husky fan but I felt bad for Penix after seeing him shuffle in the tunnel in obvious physical distress.

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Yeah, I agree on DeBoer's treatment of Penix. Part of a coach's responsibility - actually, the foremost part - is the health and welfare of the player. DeBoer missed on this one...although he, like almost all coaches today, will defer to the medical team. Copout sometimes.

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Penix really hurt his NFL draft value last night. I am wondering if he still is a 1st rounder. He will see these types of aggressive defenses every Sunday. It looks like he can't take the heat. I have watched MN Vikings go through QBs who look really good with no pressure but don't have a plan once they get punched. Cousins always did which is why he is a top 10 QB. Penix is not in Cousin's league at this point, but more like Mullens, Dobbs or Hall (other Vikings QBs who don't have what it takes to start)

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He might still be a 1st rounder but this game, and others this season where he didn't play well but the Huskies still win, will put an end to the hype that Penix is going to set the NFL on fire immediately upon his arrival.

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He will also be playing behind an O-line that isn’t wearing roller skates, as was the case last night. Mighty Oregon, take note of the drubbing administered last night…., next victim up!! Be careful of what you asked for. A middling team on par with Indiana and Purdue will be a tough pill to swallow for the fowl faithful….

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I thought Penix looked average. In first Husky Duck game I thought Nix the better qb

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You are assuming Deboer "forced" Penix into staying in the game...I doubt that.

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I'm not assuming that at all. And, if you read my comments, I make that crystal clear. I literally said that I didn't care if Penix wanted to stay in. DeBoer, as the head coach, is the ultimate decision maker and could have pulled him if he wanted to. He didn't...he let Penix continue to take shots and twist in the wind well after the game was unwinnable and well after you could literally see with your own eyes that Penix was in physical distress. Not a good look and certainly not something that's defensible.

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The running back should have been pulled too.

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Johnson? He was out after the first series and then came back sporadically. Ineffective the entire night. I know that you're trying to win a championship but I think you're better off playing guys that are not trying to work through an injury. It's pretty hard to be an effective running back if you have a foot problem.

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you're into making excuses...and blaming DeBoer...I'm not. if you don't have a backup running back that isn't better than a 1 legged starter...you aren't winning anyway. I think Deboer did a masterful job all year of masking his team's deficiencies. Add to that the Huskies were THE ABSOLUTE LUCKIEST team all season in all of D1 football this year, (They've been showing 21 all year)...and then you have the scenario that happened Monday night. They had 16 and had to hit it against Michigan and their luck ran out.

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Luck had virtually nothing to do with it, all season and last night.

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I'm not making any excuses for anything. I'm just commenting on what I saw late in the 4th Quarter in last night's game. The rest of your comments are irrelevant to me, since I've been saying on this blog that Washington should have lost at least 2-3 games this season and picked Michigan to blow them out in the NCG. Washington will be fortunate to be an 8 or 9 win team in the B1G next season.

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Use 'em up, throw 'em away.

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Why keep him in when he can't even move properly or even lift his right arm? I lost some respect for DeBoer tonight.

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Ain't that the truth.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Liked by John Canzano

DeBoer is one of the reasons the pac 12 broke up. He was pushing the ad and president to move from the very start. Good riddance to the huskies. They will get pounded and their $2 million dollar OC will get it handed to him next year like tonight. He was completely out coached. Husky def was atrocious in the first half. Michigans dline dominated the Husky off line and made them look like freshman. Maybe DeBoer will eat some humble pie in the meantime.

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Mark Thompson, you are as salty as the Michigan D! Why you gotta dunk on DeBoer like that? This man is one of the most humble Head coaches I’ve ever seen in Power 5 football. Have a listen to KDB’s post game interview. IMO, that is a beautiful, humble human being.


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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Lighten up, Francis ... How do you know that DeBoer was pushing his AD and president to move "from the very start"? And why dump on KDB, who went 14-0 and won 21 straight games and has sent the Ducks and its sideline-sprinting coach to the mat three straight times in the last 14 months? Washington lost in the final because its defense didn't show up in the first quarter (at all) and its QB had an uncharacteristically bad game. You can't do that against Michigan or any other team at this level. That's pretty much it. When the Ducks lost to Ohio State in 2015, it did so in a similar manner, giving up around 300 yards on the ground. West Coast teams will have to get the personnel and then learn to bang with Midwest teams in the trenches if they are to win championships.

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Love this post.

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But he will look the same no matter what.

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Jan 9Liked by John Canzano


Never looked like the team that we were all season

Whatta Year to be DAWGFAN!✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻

Made a lot of new friends here this past season. I’ll take 14-1 😎. Looking toward beating Oregon in the B1G Championship Game


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You're a good guy, David. I know how you're feeling right now - the Ducks lost in 2010 at the buzzer and got handled by Ohio State in 2015 in a game remarkably similar to tonight's. But you're right - the Huskies had a helluva season, made some tremendous memories and 14-1 is something to be very proud about.

Go Ducks!!

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I think a 21 pt loss is easier to get over, than the 3 points at the buzzer. For UW fans it will hurt for awhile, for UO fans - it still hurts.

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Well said...particularly still hurts because of the terrible no-call on Michael Dyer...who was DOWN!

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And Cliffy did intercept that ball...

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and....and....and, "they just ran out of time"!

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Jan 9Liked by John Canzano

💚🏈💛see ya!

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Not with Washington's team next year...but this was a great season for the dawgs...Go Ducks!

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Mr. Gulickson,

I was honestly shocked by this out come. I would have bet this game would be close with your Dawgs pulling out a late game win. That’s why I stay away from gambling, to much heart not enough head to my picks.

Nothing can diminish what Washington accomplished this season. The old “Thrill of victory, the agony of defeat” passes quickly and when the confetti settles win or lose only the anticipation of the next season remains. Wishing you good fortune in the new year.

Go Ducks!

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…. And then you’ll wake up

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Sad that George K was there at all. Who paid for his plane ticket and hotel? Hope not the Pac-2. Hate Harbaugh, but couldn’t root for UW. Beaver fan for life

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Love this post...real Beavers and Ducks fans don't root for the Huskies...ever.

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Unless we're married to a Husky and we're a Buckeye and we want to see TTUN lose under every circumstance.

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Harbaugh is a sourpuss for sure. But he also is a helluva football coach (his brother, too). When Harbaugh played QB at Michigan or at the Chicago Bears, he played just like he coaches.

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There's a reason why he was called "Captain Comeback.'. Still boggles my mind that in 1995 he was able to lead a decidedly mediocre Colts squad to within one play of the Super Bowl.

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Agree, re GK. And why did I see a Pac12 TV ad? Football-wise, the Pac12 is done. Why spend $$ promoting a football conference that no longer exists?

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We see those types of promo videos at all college games. One for each of the participating schools. They are not ads that are paid for.

For this particular game, both the BIG and the PAC had promo videos played. Those were part of the broadcast coverage. Not paid ads.

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Thanks for clarifying.

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Looking on the bright side, as a Duck fan, at least we won't have to deal with the insufferable Husky fans If they had won the championship, we would have never heard the end of it. Ducks went to the Natty twice over the last 20 years. Once for the Huskies. Given what Lanning is building, I don't see us losing to them next year. Go Ducks.

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Exactly what Beaver fans say about Duck fans 😀

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OSU and WSU: Fire George K immediately! Not doing anything to move us forward. Forget the buyout. Start fresh now!!!

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How can they avoid the buyout?

He brought in the ESPN deal that would have saved the Conference and the league rejected it.

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Just saying we don’t need a Commish standing up at awards ceremonies taking any credit for what will no longer exist. OSU and WSU are on our own, thanks to everyone else. We don’t need to pay this jackass to support us…

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I guarantee the WSU-OSU attorneys are looking for ways to fire GK for Cause. If they decide they don't have a winnable case, they will just buy him out. He is done

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Its called perjury….;

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Penix was inconsistent all season. Brilliant against Oregon and Texas but average vs some other Pac-12 schools. He was off target all night. Give some credit to Michigan for tough defense but Penix missed receivers that were open even when he had time. I wonder about his pro career when he plays against much tougher defenses and his receivers are no longer superior to the defensive backs like they were much of this year.

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I felt the same as I watched.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Liked by John Canzano

The best team doesn't always win. Tonight the best team won.

Enjoyed Coach Lanning's analysis on Game Day and at half time. Was good pub for the Ducks.

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Credit UW great season. Honestly they played a bit tight and the moment seemed a bit big for them. They left yards and points all over the field.

Still. As an SC fan I tip my cap to UW. The best program in the PNW. Best school. Best location. Best stadium. Only school with a national title. And best HC in the region. Their future looks bright.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Michigan was for sure the better team and they thoroughly deserve the trophy. Give credit to UM for all the pressure & sure fire tackling in space. Penix was off as a result of that D. All that said, this has been a joy of a season as a UW fan, and we’d never have this opportunity without Penix. Not the result we wanted indeed, but that is the way she crumbles sometimes. I can’t help feel sad tonight about the loss on this biggest stage. But also about the end to the PAC12 football conference as we’ve all known it.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Good post, Matt...you've been classy all season, along with David G. and RhinoDawg...never did I think I would find a handful of classy Huskies fans. Congrats on a great season - Huskies can be very proud.

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Credit to Canzano for fostering this great community. Love the passion from each fanbase. I also feel a bit of closer kinship w/ many here given PAC12 implosion that impacts us all, albeit in different ways. I don’t have any idea really what our OSU & WSU fans must feel, except darkness, and anger for being left behind. I sure hope one day we get the PAC12 band back together again, where all 4 PNW teams are again in the same conference.

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Completely agree with you on every point, Matt. Really hope the 4 PNW schools get together again in the same conference, or at a minimum, same division in some conference.

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And thanks Rich, to you too. Living in Oregon I know a great many Duck fans, I’m behind enemy lines. Many of these folks are dear friends so I’ve learned over the years to never rub it in too much, cause soon enough it goes the other way. Next year in Autzen we will have both broken in new QB’s, and hope it’s another close one

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I sure don't want to rub it in, Matt...I know how you feel, we've been in the same spot and it hurts. I do hope you're proud of all those close games the Huskies won this year, particularly beating Oregon twice and Texas in the semi. Those were wins for the ages.

Yes, next year in Autzen will be a Tong War.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Betrayed, violated, abandoned, angry, confused, scared, apprehensive, vindictive..... Does that help? Thanks for your post. GO COUGS!

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You're a class act Matt L. Never change.

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Sending you green and yellow hugs tonight. All in good fun. But know your pain all too well. Next year! 💚🏈💛

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You're pretty wrong on a lot of points you've made, sc, but you know it and are just throwing out some bait. O.K., I'll play along - Washington is not the best program in the PNW - Oregon is. Oregon is also the best program in California. Best school? Subjective, but you sound like Jimmy Lake and his "academic prowess" - LOL - how did that work out? Best head coach? DeBoer is 3-0 vs. Lanning, but Ohio State was 5-0 vs. Harbaugh but does anybody think Ryan Day is better than Harbaugh right now? Lanning will close the gap on DeBoer next season and beyond. Football people know it.

You do have one thing right, sc...Washington may be 2nd best to Oregon in who has the "best program", but they're heads and shoulders better than USC.

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A much more diplomatic post than the thoughts going through my head when I read his snotty little post.

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I have no idea, Jack, what "diplomatic" means...but you probably know that...

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Well in your world Rich all I can say is to state you are the best program in the PNW on the heels of three consecutive loses to your rival including a conference championship…..um, ok.

And neither UW or Oregon is remotely head and shoulders above SC. Lol wow

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Ha! You just obliterated your credibility, sc, by implying 3 or 4 recent wins determines just how good a football program is...really silly. You judge a program by not only where it is at this moment, but how long it has been excellent and what is the current trajectory. Oregon has been a better program than Washington for two decades, albeit losing 3 straight games to the Huskies, who are now competitive with Oregon...finally; however, look at the body of work, sc, not just what's happened "today". As for USC...they haven't been as good as Oregon for at least 10 years, maybe longer, and now Washington and DeBoer have passed them, too. Utah also has a better program than USC...Oregon, Washington and Utah will never have the weather you dudes have, but they all have better football programs. You're living in the past, sc...Pete Carroll, John Robinson and John McKay left a long time ago.

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Personally, I think Washington's stock will take a massive dive next season. They're essentially losing all of their difference makers and going to a new, tougher conference. All those close wins they had this year could turn into losses in the B1G. Just look at what happened to TCU this season and you might not be far off. It'll be interesting to see how they fare seeing as though they don't have the same resources as you guys or Oregon.

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You could absolutely be right but…….with all the resources you mention, UW is 1-0 V SC and 3-0 V Oregon in the DeBoer era. Guy Can flat develop and coach. I agree there may be a initial transition set back but I think they’ll be back in expanded playoffs soon.

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Well, we're definitely going to find out. Is USC going all in on the Miller Moss experiment next season?

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Appears so as MM has now run off Nelson and scared away some really good portal options. Personally I was not sold on him going into the holiday bowl. It’s long been whispered within the program that he was the real deal but I just didn’t see it. He showed out but again- it’s one game. IF he’s the guy he will be fine and he’s got some ridiculous talent to throw to and line will be much improved. Don’t shoot the messenger and I agree it would be crazy but one of the most inside guys I know personally in the program said going into the holiday bowl, Caleb was 50/50 on staying. Long, long shot but how wild would that be.

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You and the donkey you rode in on can now leave!! Bye bye!!

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Jim…..um……it’s 2024 buddy. May want to update your parting shots.

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If Caleb Williams stayed for his senior season, the system would implode. At the same time, I would give massive props to him for following the beat of his own drummer ala Curt Flood, Calvin Hill and other guys that just did it their way, no matter the consequences.

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I mean……bo nix came back for his what- 6th/7th season? Lol my god the guy had nearly 60 starts in CFB that’s wild. Penix came back. In SC history alone, Leinart and Barkley both came back for senior years. And I’d argue Caleb is a way different cat than any of them in terms of just a unique, do his own thinking, contrarian personality. Also different- Caleb has likely already earned $8M plus in NIL money the last two years. Sure- what’s ahead for him is many times that but he’s not some destitute college kid and his parents have means so it’s not a family thing either. It’s not unprecedented. The only part that would make it crazy is Caleb is twice the player any of those before mentioned QBs. I’ll tell you this brother- if anyone would do it, it’s Caleb. Dude is wired different.

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I've read from various sources that Malachi just wasn't looking good in practice and that there was some buyer's remorse in offering him. True that?

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True. To be fair he had a lingering injury and I’m not sure he’s 100% but there was some attitude stuff there too. The overall sentiment when he left was basically see ya. If there is one position I’ll never worry about as long as LR is here it’s QB.

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I think DeBoer's too good to have a massive drop-off...and he's again picking up some very good players in the portal. Not much of a recruiter, but he's the best QB whisperer in the land and he puts together offensive schemes that nobody else in college football uses or dreams of. The Huskies just barely missed...but it may have been their best chance in many years - no more Covid era 6 year players - they had more than anybody in the conference. Their maturity was off the charts this year - that isn't going to be the same next year and beyond. They'll be damn competitive but it won't be the same for them in 2024.

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UW had the so-called Natty 9 which were 5-year plus, players who contributed a bunch. Not sure that can be repeated when we go back to regular eligibility. Portal recruiting is going to make prediction a much more difficult task.

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Excellent observation. Even DeBoer admitted this was a "special opportunity" and "we'll not see this again". He's right...but he's also damn good with the portal and has some good talent coming in.

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DeBoer to the Seahawks

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Yes, but remember, even with all those advantages they had to move heaven and earth to remain undefeated. I can't imagine with their turnover in personnel that they're going to be as fortunate in all their games next year.

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When we go to 12 qualifiers, they don't have to be?

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Today, UW secured the commitment of local 4 star linebacker for 2025 class (#1 in State of Washington), Bethel HS’ Z. Rainey-Sale. 247 has him as 12th best LB in country for this class


It’s just one data point but a sign for better talent accumulation @ UW. If I’m a parent, KDB is a coach I’d want my son to grow up under

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I thought that the portal was where all the talent was. Homegrown is the best for me but I've long since stopped looking at HS star numbers. For all we know, this kid never plays a down for the Huskies and ends up transferring to Utah.

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Jan 9Liked by John Canzano

Great stuff, JC. It's a shame that this was the final punctuation mark on the Pac-12's storied history. I do believe that defense STILL wins championships. But tonight, Michigan taught a Master Class from both sides of the football.

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I am significantly disappointed in Coach DeBoer. Penix was obviously in great pain in the last few minutes of the 4th quarter, yet DeBoer left him in until the end. He could barely move ... he struggled to walk into the locker room after the game ... again showing significant pain. The outcome of the game was determined at that point ... why risk ruining the future of a gifted player like Penix ... and for what purpose!

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He lost some of my respect tonight. There was absolutely zero reason to keep an obviously hurt Penix in the game when you're down three TDs and four minutes left in the game. And I don't care if Penix says he wants to stay in, you're getting paid to be the adult in the room.

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Isn’t this the way it always is……

Quarterback looks like Superman going into the big game and ends up looking human. Those passes that were perfect against Texas were a tad off against Michigan. This may sound ignorant to many but I still think Bo Nix will just maybe end up being the the most successful NFL quarterback in this years draft( note: I am a Beaver and Duck hater but gotta give credit when due)

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I agree with you on Nix versus Penix in the NFL. Nix seems to be more of a Mahomes, Wilson Tarkenton QB who is able to make plays while on the move and under pressure. Penix while having a great arm, not so much and that was apparent tonight. Nix can throw the long ball and he showed that during his two seasons with the Ducks. The offense he was in did not put the emphasis on it.

I'd take his completion % any day.

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Any idiot knew these guys were overrated. The embarrasment by the Pac 12 refs during the Apple Cup were obvious. And the Ducks and Texas played on an uneven plate in their respective playoffs. Anyone who doesn't realize the frauds they were needs to check in their cards as football fans.

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Sorry but I don’t buy the humble act when he and the Husky admin did everything they could to breakup the Pac 12. I am sure he is a nice person but the carnage from the demise of the conference is devastating to many people involved.

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I'm always depressed when the college football season ends. This year even more so, as the entire thing was bittersweet.

The Pac-12 as we know it is gone. The traditions, rivalry, and regional dogfights I have lived my entire life are now just a dust bin somewhere in the memory bank. It will never be the same.

Thank you JC for working your ass off keeping all of us informed and up to date. I know you will continue to do so.

It's now into the unknown in a conference I loved to hate. I have already booked my November 2nd trip to Ann Arbor.


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I feel you 💚💛🏈

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Enjoy your trip to Ann Arbor. We were there the last time the Ducks were there and had a great time. Classic Big Ten stadium and fans and tradition. Quite a few asked "Did you come all the way from Oregon for the game?" and were impressed.

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You say the Michigan win is undisputed.... have your forgotten the ncaa violations along the way? How is a team with not one but two ncaa violations allowed to be in the position to win a title. After all their coach was suspended for not 1, not 2, but 6 games this season. The organization undoubtedly benefitted from those transgressions but yet was allowed to continue as if none of those ever happened. Jim won a title while only being present for just under half of the season and you want us to accept that? The fact that he was suspended for 6 games and his team still won isn't about the teams ability it's about the organization as a whole. When a coach who is accused of recruitment violations and sing stealing violations can sit at home for 6 games thus season and still win a title means the system is broke. Come on John you know better. Sniff this out. Don't come at me with everyone does it. If the ncaa had any shred of dignity Michigan would have been banned after the first violation let alone the second regardless of their record. Cheaters should never be rewarded. Cheaters who have been caught should be shunned. I get it. It's a game of how much you can push the line without crossing. But Michigan crossed it... TWICE. but that's ok. The suspended their coach for 6 games all water under the bridge, but apparently the network that Jim built was enough to withstand him being absent and on the lazy boy for 6 games. That tells us all he was just the fall guy. Sure people lost their jobs but the institution kept winning. That tells you that the punishments werent enough. Firings and suspensions weren't enough. They should have never been allowed to be in a position to win a title. Not after teams were inexplicably left out. If there was any integrity left in the ncaa, Michigan would have been left out. Tainted title from my point of view. And that's the story that should be followed. Side note I ain't a husky. I had no skin in this game, but all college football should be asking of the ncaa is how far is too far. Draw the line. Fact is there isn't a line. Tonight proved it. Start asking those questions John. You're a renegade, start owning it.

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We Duck fans wondered the same thing about the Auburn QB and some of the "issues" that seemed to get overlooked....

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I spent the first 18 years of my life in Columbus with Woody Hayes himself coming to my Cub Scout pack meetings, so trust me when I say I loathe Michigan with every fiber of my being. Them winning the Natty shatters this Cal grad and dad of a Duck

That being said, TTUN's violations were real but kind of ticky-tack. As a football fan, they deserved this. They destroyed my Buckeyes, and, despite a valiant effort tonight, UW. I don't think anybody can reasonably argue that they didn't earn this one on the field.

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Oh wait, are you talking about what Chris Fowler and ESPN euphemistically call, "distractions" and "adversity"? Ha, Ha, Ha!!! The TV execs don't give a damn about cheating and rule violations when there's a nationally branded product to sell that makes Gen Z gamer bro's look up from their cell phones. They've got to move those refrigerators. Got to sell those color TV's.

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