Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Your last sentence in this column is one of the greatest wrap-up commentaries ever since you've been doing this independent writing - "If you prefer a college postseason with a limited field that is stacked in favor of the high seeds… one that goes out of its way to ensure that the most successful, highest-ranked regular-season teams make it to the championship… you still have college football and its four-team invitational tournament."

Absolutely outstanding! 100% truth-telling! Golden!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Seconded. This Bruin fan wants to see madness and the little guys get their shot!

Would be nice if SDSU could take home the trophy—and I’ve got a feeling the winner of their game with FAU might do just that!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Aztecs alum here and current lecturer at the University too. I just booked my trip to Houston. Can’t believe I’m typing those words! John you’ve been a voice of reason these past few months and i truly appreciate your coverage. You’re right SDSU doesn’t deserve a spot in the Pac-12 because they’re in the Final Four, they deserve a spot because the University has earned it!!!

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That is going to be a fun trip for you. Enjoy it!!

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Ha, Wayne is a true SDSU fan. He comes down every year for at least one football game, that includes the opener last August vs Arizona when the temperature at Snapdragon Stadium was 101 degrees!! Should be a blast in Houston.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Hi Louis!!! See you in Houston. Louis was my Sports Director at the campus station when I started going to SD in 1983! Woo boy. I was going through my old tapes and found an interview our friend Olesh did with Junior Seau when he was at Oceanside High School. Crazy. Go Aztecs!! Go Pac 12!!!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Wayne! Can’t wait to catch up with you my friend! Where are you staying?

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

SDSU football program has a 7-4 record against Pac-12 schools since 2016, and it made bowl games the past 12 full seasons (6-6). In five of the past seven full seasons, San Diego State has won double-digit 10 or more football games. Since 2010, San Diego State has the highest combined winning percentage of any Division I school in football and men's basketball at 73.8%, ahead of Ohio State (72.9%) and Oregon (71.1%). It matters little to me that SDSU's overall record came in the Mt. West....any conference is difficult to win games and have a 73.8% result.

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This my friend is a FrontDoor take. Thank you.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Great comments on March Madness, John. You are absolutely right. While I am a big Zag fan, I do love watching the tournament turned on its head due to parity in men's basketball. I would love to now see San Diego State pull off a miracle and win it all. And yes, let's invite SDSU to the Pac12. Why not? As you say, they meet all the criteria.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I'm with you on San Diego State...and if not them, I'm going for Florida Atlantic.

Who doesn't want a story like "Hoosiers"?

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Ha! One in every crowd!

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Bring on SDSU and I thought this even before they made their surprise run in the tournament. From a PR and brand perspective, if the research the PAC 12 luminaries did says bring them on, there couldn’t be a better time than today. The PAC 12 will be discussed while viewership is very high. Talk about an opportunity to control the narrative and publicize it broadly, this is it! PAC 12, get on a Zoom call and make the decision today. George Kliavkoff will be interviewed about the decision during the Final 4 broadcast if you play this right. You just can’t afford to buy this type of publicity. Seize the moment or the moment will be gone.

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This makes too much sense...that's why it won't happen.

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Why do you have to go and be all realistic :-)

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NObody ever said SDSU is willing to take on the Pac-12. SDSU owns you in games against, they own you in attendance and their University is far superior to UCLA as everyone states they will replace them. UCLA is a criminal enterprise whom educates and bows to the Chinese for the detriment of the entire nation. UCLA is and will be in the immediate future, when not selling bodies for illegal profit, a bastion of infamy by denying California Educated Students, and catering to the Chinese who pay Hundreds of thousands more to educate their future Spy's and communist propagandists to UCLA for the exclusive right for a degree, without ever even having to speak a word of English.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

So, the top seeds went out of the tournament? BOO-FREAKIN-HOO! I love the fact that San Diego State and Florida Atlantic made it, not some stupid Power Five school that thinks it belongs there on name strength alone. Those kind of schools, and their fans, make me sick. Plus, I went to Syracuse, so I hate UConn and Miami on general principle. For this year's Final Four, GO AZTECS!

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Sorry, Im all UConn and all big east. Always respected and cheered for Boeheim, after UConn

now, of course I'm all Ducks/ beavers (after UConn )

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The Power 2? Multiple teams in the field and none make the Elite 8.

The B1G has not won a CBB title since 2000.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Invite SDSU as of yesterday. Please, no more nonsense about the Pac-12 being 'an elite club.' I want no naysaying from CAL/Stanford that it looks like have given up on trying to compete in big-time football and basketball.

"Elite Club?" Karma is a witch, no? And I am still not happy with the role USC president Carol Folt played in preventing the Pac-12 from burying the B12, taking over the central time zone, and making FOX a serious bidder for future media rights.

To not add SDSU would be another terrible business decision.

UNLV does not have the academics true. But Clark County is a big and growing market and not that long ago the Runnin' Rebels were playing championship basketball. With new practice facilities and playing at Allegiant Field, UNLV should continue to improve in football.

Also, IMO if you are going to add SMU from the AAC why not also bring in Tulane and the New Orleans marketplace? Tulane easily meets the 'academic requirements.'

I'd love to see SDSU win it all but I think UConn is the team to beat.

Thanks, John for joining your friend Jon Wilner and giving the Pac-10 presidents an SDSU wake-up call.

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I had a free subscription for quite a while (because I used to love reading your during my yearly 4 months in Vancouver WA). Many times I would forward your column to my wife to read.

Here is what she sent back yesterday: "You should subscribe to this guy and support him. He's awesome, adds value to our lives when so few do. And he's positive plus he sticks it to those who have it coming." My wife was correct. Subscription paid for today. Keep up the amazing Journalism is a world so free of it anymore.

-- Michael Pardridge

Former sportswriter, former high school Journalism teacher, former screenwriter

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Love this. Thank you for the support and encouragement.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Yes, please add SDSU. I want another reason to visit San Diego.

All the PNW schools would lobby for Nov road games at SDSU.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I disagree. Wait until next week if you are going to invite SDSU. You would be welcoming either a national champion, runner up, or final four participant without overshadowing the great story that is the SDSU BB team this year. Otherwise we could be looking at a story like this, "The SDSU team was distracted by all the hoopla surrounding the school's move to the Pac 12 and that is why they lost to FAU. Couldn't the Pac 12 have held off another week instead of ramping up the craziness that already surrounds a first trip the Final Four."

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SDSU already has buried all the Pac 12 schools in Basketball in the past 10 years. Only Arizona has a significant win. Our Football Team continues to kick the Pac-12 aside too.. The Pac -12 is a has been conference. Catering to the Chinese, and the Chinese do not attend sporting events. They get their degree's and then go back to China and use the skills they learned against the United States. Stop the whining, SDSU is not going to the Pac-12, they deserve better, they lead the nation in basketball attendance and their new Football facility is big enough to expand and host an NFL team. SDSU was the most applied to University in the Nation last year. We do not need any help. More importantly, we are Americans, and invite and host American Students. We do not bow down to China for money. Go to UCLA and USC, you should be proud to disgorge them and their student populations that do not even speak English. I look forward to SDSU Joining the Big 10 or SEC.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

John, Excellent article throughout. Enjoyed the paragraphs that described and contrasted this years' BB tourney from past tourneys, Enjoyed and agreed with your comment, "...you earn your way to the Final Four on the court. It’s not only fair, it’s great theater." Well stated! You are spot-on in your description of Div 1's football tournament. Your desription of program investments was useful. Yes, please jettison the stodgy "old Pac 12", the one that facilitated hiding a $50M error. Thank you. VR, Jan

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Just a quick note, the NCAA paid for SDSU's charter to Louisville for the regional, as it does for all tournament teams. Institutional funds were not used unless the university brought more than the 75 the NCAA pays for.

But yes, by all means invite them now so they and the conference (and the MWC) can start making scheduling and other logistical arrangements for the 2024-25 season.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

The Aztecs also saved money by sharing the charter to Maui earlier this season with Creigton.

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That must have been an interesting Elite Eight game.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I am one of those sad people who enjoys commenting in the New York Times to see how high I can get in the "likes." They have a story about the Final Four and I posted this, which seems to rather enjoyed by many readers:

The Pac-12 is about to lose USC and UCLA, the latter being one of the great basketball schools of all time. The discussions of who to add have centered on the most likely choice...San Diego State. Since UCLA of the Big 10 lost in the Sweet 16 and SDSU is headed to the final Four we say welcome Aztecs!

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Great take, But in CBB what has UCLA done lately championship-wise?

It is too bad the Bruins did not have all hands on deck for the Zags. The Zags are in the right place in the WCCC.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

My alma mater beat Alabama ! Go Aztecs!

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Tough to outshoot the Alabama men's basketball team!

-Nice job holding them to 32%.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by John Canzano

After reading all the thoughtful replies It occurred to me that very few have mentioned academics. Having an outstanding athletic programs actually helps academics. More money for better everything. Unfortunately these brilliant presidents haven't figure this out. They need to get off their high horses and get back to reality.

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It's a no brainer to add SDSU to the conference. We now wait to see if the conference heads have the required brains. I like adding four team and taking on a new conference look and identity, the old ones are dead. Now watch the BIG 12 make a big grandiose media pitch in offering the Aztecs a seat at THEIR table. I hope they don't take the offer.

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