It's the Civil War and will always be the Civil War. I'm so tried of "offended", overly sensitive crybaby wimps making us change things that never were, still aren't, and never will be offensive.

Overall, though, damn good column! Your work is so much better than it was when you were at The Oregonian, even the columns in which I vehemently disagree with you. This one isn't one of those, though.

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I have to agree. The game has a perfect name, which is why they cannot find a new one that people will agree on. Our Civil War is not a reflection of our country’s Civil War. There are countless civil wars historically, (even being fought today) and this one did not include slavery in any way, did not include Yankees and Rebels, it is Beavers vs. Ducks, and nowhere near the South. Race, the whole premise of the cancellation, has zero bearing in this game. If it were in any way racist I would have been sending cancellation letters myself. This is simply Oregon vs. Oregon (State), nothing more. If you see something more, then we see things differently and maybe you can give me some concrete evidence? Sometimes people overreach in trying to do good. This is one of those cases.

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The Good Guys won the American Civil War. Dropping the name dishonors the @100,000 African American troops who fought on behalf of the Union.

Dropping the name = PC knee jerking at its worst.

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Docking Duck... good points. Anyone who associates the football game between two statewide rivals with race has clearly never watched either team play. Talk about seamless integration! Boeing sponsors the Apple Cup... Apple gets a free ride. 👀

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Me too Josiah. Everyone knows its a battle between the two top football schools in Oregon. BTW this definition of 'civil' relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters. And these synonyms for 'war' - battle, contest tussle. Sounds like a football game to me! Great column again John. I recorded the game but feel like I watched it! Nix is the real deal, Lanning proved he can come up with a game plan for complex circumstances. After the Beavers showing on Saturday - this is shaping up to be must see TV!

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Thank you, that's what I wanted to say. I so enjoy reading your words and wishing I had said them. Watching Nix hunting for Rising and watching their exchange was special. Once a Duck, always a Duck, for 75 years!

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I hope Bo Nix returns next year. He is a great role model and I have seen the team buy into this with their classy play. We are lucky to have such a leader in the state of Oregon.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Well said John, and again I can’t figure the reason Thompson was told to attempt another dumb play!

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civil war

- noun: war between parties, factions, or inhabitants of different regions within the same nation

It is a generic term. There have been hundreds to thousands of worldwide civil wars depending on the threshold used for inclusion.

To connect the football game term to the American civil war, one civil war among hundreds or thousands, is both naive and arrogantly Americentric.

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Last night's game was one for the ages! I've never heard Bo speak until the post-game interview. Giving credit where credit is due--to the Almighty God--was awesome!

Ohhh, and I will continue to call it the "The game still known as the Civil War....in our hearts!"

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Bo Nix is something special on and off the field. This young man is a born leader. Even if he were to never play another down of football, he has success written into the very fiber of his DNA. My grandson is the QB for Summit HS and will play Wilsonville for the 5a Oregon State championship this coming Friday. I’m grateful Bo is one of his idols.

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5A championship should be a great game! 1 vs 2 in both 5A and 6A!!

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I'm loving your insights, your solid-sourced information and the human side of your writing. Nice job John, you seem to have found your (passionate) niche. But, in all the article's I've read recently on your site, one sentence stopped me in my ruminating, and caused me to slam on the breaks. My rumination shifted at that point...

"We’re all in a struggle against our limitations"

Thanks John for writing!

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John, Thank you for another insightful view of a great College Football Game! Your efforts are very much appreciated by your subscribers. BTY, Thank you for not allowing the Legend of the Oregon Civil War to die prematurely. It is one of the longest College Football Rivalries and deserves the respect and its lore. To cancel it is a disservice to the Alumni of Oregon State University, University of Oregon and College Football fans everywhere. I stand with you in Honoring the Oregon Civil War for what it is, an important part of Oregon State Lore! Until it rebirth , I will continue call it the Oregon Civil War, A Collage Football Game between two Great Oregon Universities!

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As much as it hurts me to watch my UTES lose….I really became a Bo Nix fan last night. As a person of faith his post game comments were very authentic. I would be proud to call him my son. Playing thru pain and leading the team. Congrats Duck fans.

That team played like my UTES Heart. Guts Toughness and love

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Next weeks game is called the "Civil War" dammit...The powers of change committee need to let it go...it should be a terrific game...The Beavers will give the Ducks all they want.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Thank Gawd he could play. Thompson showed us again he’s not ready for prime time! Well done Bo 💪🏻

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Thompson looks rattled. Not sure the coaches did him a favor by throwing a trick play on his plate.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

I hate to say it, but I think Oregon has ruined this kid’s chances. Thrown in all of the worst case scenario’s and not succeeding in the last two years. I’m not saying he’s ready, but he sure hasn’t had much of a chance to help his case.

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Yeah.... I thought after the Washington game Dilly and Dan would tone down the cuteness a bit, but guess not. That play was truly baffling. Sometimes need to just run the offense and not try to get too fancy.

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Look at last week. Oregon tried a trick play of sorts at the goal line in the first half and fumbled.

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I hope for the best for Thompson, but I cannot recall a positive play with Thompson in the backfield this year. I can recall, however, a lot of really bad plays. Looks like will be shopping the portal again for a starter next year.

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I think that is just reality now.

Some good QB somewhere will be more than excited to be Oregon's starter next year.

I think it is almost a given that is going to happen, unless that Frosh commit from Michigan stays committed and comes to Oregon. Then perhaps not.

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Sure Bo was gritty, but this win was due to the defense. They only allowed 10 point; less than 1/3 of UU’s average against P5. 20 points would not win many PAC games, particularly after gift-wrapping the opponent 7. But the maligned defense bowed up.

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The Ducks willed themselves to win last night, lead by a quarterback playing on one leg and a brilliant coaching staff! I’m happy that Bo found his happy place in Eugene!

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I too reflected upon his jog to Cam - that was a pretty cool moment caught on TV

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The staff had a game plan and with Bo's grit pulled it off. All credit to them and the D, who played their best game of the season.

With that said, WTH happened on the Ducks first play from scrimmage, 3rd quarter? Why was Ty Thompson in the game to run a trick play that backfired, giving the Utes a free TD and cutting the Ducks lead in half? What was that?

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John, ask Mario how Clemson would fare, playing in the Pac 12... I see all the talking heads brag on how good they are yet no competition at all, in the ACC.... Then they diss us like we are not worthy, even w/ 6 trams in the top 25. I personally believe that whoever wins the Pac 12 championship deserves to be in ahead of a 1 loss ACC or a 1 loss Big 12 Champion

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Yup, half the conference in the Top 25, and WSU is pretty darned good as well.

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UNC losing to Georgia Tech really hurt the ACC and Clemson. As did the beat down at Notre Dame.

And by the way USC(e) looked incredibly good last night; can the Gamecocks beat Clemson's 40 game home winning streak?

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