Bill Walton is one of kind! It’s always interesting to hear what’s on his mind...& there’s a lot on his mind.

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He's a treasure.

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JC, we are so fortunate to have you on the beat. Am I wrong (inaccurate) in observing the volume of your content seems to have grown substantially since cutting ties with The O? Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty you are free at last!

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I'm glad you're here for it!

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Loved your ? & Bill’s response about broadcast prep👏👏👏😎

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Bill let me get in a question. I had a blast.

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I wonder how many people in Oregon have money on brackets. I'm sure it's a huge number.

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Huge. Wagers on the Super Bowl were up 60 percent over last year in Oregon.

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There should be a rally chant at all sporting events. “Sell the Blazer!!”

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We need a transcript of your fantastic interview with the inspirational Bill Walton, who uses up the Thesaurus to express positivity. I, too, was there June 4, 1977. I didn't attend the Blazers' game but I was on NE Broadway afterward and witnessed the pandemonium: Circling cars packed with guys hanging out of the windows and pointing to the sky, screaming, "Number one! Number one!"

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