Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Knight ownership would be the best deal for the Blazers since Glickman hired the Schonz.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

As a small illustration of how far the Blazers have sunk, I don't really care anymore.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I hope and pray Phil Knight can see the Ducks win a CFB title before he passes into that great good night.

Thanks John.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

Even if it doesn't happen, there is a legacy he can hang his hat on.

In the 29 seasons since Rich Brooks took the Ducks to the Rose bowl:

27 Winning seasons * total win loss 260-104 * 27 Bowl games

The previous 29 seasons 1965 to 1993 (Nike founded in 1964)

7 winning seasons * total win loss 126-186 * 3 bowl games

His legacy is clear and evident.

FWIW, 47 seasons were played before 1965

26 winning seasons * total win loss 229-177 * 6 bowl games

LOL h and no h

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I hope your wish comes true. Mediocre is what the franchise became in the last few years of PA ownership. Hapless is what is what the franchise is until ownership/leadership holistically changes.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I don’t trust Jody Allen at all. Trailblazers are at risk every day she has control of the team.

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The problem is she doesn't care what you or any Blazer fan thinks.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I understand the passion John, but to me that ship sailed 20-25 years ago. Whitsett almost destroyed it, the failed losers that followed finished the job. Now I don't even watch the NBA. IMO it's a league that is dropping in popularity fast...and IMO Lebron and his ilk's antics don't help that perception.

I know my opinion on this means absolutely nothing, but I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person with this opinion. I absolutely love Phil knight and his attempts to do all things that are right for the community/state of Oregon, and the state of Oregon's athletic community, as he sees it. But IMO he's tilting at windmills.

The ownership of the Trailblazers are parasites. feeding on the passions of it's loyal fan base, and using that passion for the Blazer Ownership's own elitist agenda without giving anything in return to those loyal fans. Mediocre has been the order of the day for 3 decades...Not spending money yet rake it in from loyal fans. Not selling the franchise to a very loyal potential owner (Knight), in order to squeeze every single drop of loyal fan's money before selling. Paul Allen was a mediocre owner that just happened to be very wealthy...his sister is 10 times worse.

I would not care a whit if the only real professional sports franchise in Portland went belly up.

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Only real professional sports franchise? World Champion Thorns are a real, professional, championship franchise. Winterhawks are 35 -10 and tied for 2nd place of the 24 WHL teams. Best team in Oregon presently only you would never know it given the 24/7 twelve month a year coverage of the College football teams!

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Yes Only "REAL" professional sports franchise...The Portland Thorns are an absolute joke. As are the Timbers. The Portland Winterhawks are a "minor league" hockey franchise...Other than the Trailblazers, Portland is the ONLY metropolitan media market without one of the other 3 real Professional Major Sports franchises. No NFL, No MLB, No Hockey. The Blazers suck, so THAT is why the two D1 major universities get all the media coverage.

Did You know that PDX (#21) is the highest ranked metropolitan media market with only 1 Major League professional sports franchise in the top 50 media markets.

lower ranked media markets with multiple sports franchises.

22. Charlotte NFL & NBA

24. St. louis MLB, NHL

25. Indianapolis NFL, MLB

26. Pittsburgh NFL, MLB, NHL

28. Baltimore NFL, MLB

34. Kansas City, NFL, MLB

36. Cincinnati, NFL MLB

37. Milwaukie, NBA, MLB

50. New Orleans NFL, NBA

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Feb 10, 2023·edited Feb 10, 2023

Well, you just insulted every soccer fan in Oregon, perhaps you missed the recent World Cup which dwarfs college football on any serious sports fans list. Doubt you have ever been to a Winterhawks game or you wouldn't look down on our team. You seem to be a fair-weather fan when it comes to the Blazers. When they get back into contention I bet you'll jump on the bandwagon. As to these other markets, you need to bone up on history. Your research is pretty solid except unless the Pacers are now playing baseball, no MLB team in Indy. Pretty good car races there though. With the exception of Charlotte, those NFL cities were well established when PDX was half its current size. The one thing you said in your earlier post is something I can agree with, "I know my opinion on this means absolutely nothing" Yup, nailed it.

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Your childish comment from February 21st appeared in my Email today, but it doesn't show here that I can see. Really, you have nothing better to do than go back to a disagreement you lost almost two weeks ago and throw out a few insults? Go back and read your comment from February 9th. You posted that Indy had an MLB team. Sorry, no. Was having a little fun with your gaff about the Pacers playing baseball. Suck it up. I still agree with this comment you closed with, (direct quote), "I know my opinion on this means absolutely nothing" Your words, not mine. 😎

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Give us all a break Jody and sell the Blazers then stay in Seattle with Bert and the boys and do your nothing there ............

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

The Blazers need to be sold quickly, like yesterday. The franchise will be stuck in mediocrity until Jody and Bert are gone. I’m still a little worried about that buyer being Knight, mostly given his age. What would happen after he’s gone? Would his kids take over? Another Paul Allen trust type situation? Or?

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I've wondered the same thing. I'd hate to see the exact same situation play out that's happening right now. Given his (well-earned) "visionary" label, I'd like to think Knight has already made plans for this.

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I think his initial offer also had a partner who is part owner of the Dodgers or something…so maybe a partnership or group including Knight would make sense?

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

You are so right about the Blazers. I watched as they won last night, beating a team without its star. I watched as Dame gave a hug to Josh Hart as he slid out the tunnel during warm ups to pack his bags and fly to New York. I watched the GM and Allan's sister sitting there smiling and joking about something as if everything is honkydory with the Blazers. And I watched the look on Dame's face at each timeout...a look that says "I'm loyal to these fans, I love Portland, but I'm getting nowhere with this franchise."

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

For some reason, you never see the word “visionary” used to describe Bert Kolde.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

So true. That guy is the pure definition of mediocre.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Going nowhere at all is a good comment JC.. It's clear the motrivation with Jody Allen and crew does not give ticket buying public much priority if any at all. Same song umpteenth verse.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

I'm so used to these minor shifts the Blazers have made over the last 15 years that I've become apathetic to the organization as a whole. I was at the first exhibition game they held; a double header involving Seattle, LA, San Francisco and Portland. Got in for I believe $5.00. Followed them through the championship years and into the 90's, then lost interest in them because they became too vanilla in any moves they made. By the way, when they announced the name of the Portland franchise at that double header, and it was a fan vote, the fans at the MC stood up an booed the name Trail Blazers! Good times!

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Very well said!! History is filled with examples of owners who do not have the capacity to build a winner. Example: NFL Chargers owned by a single family for decades. Has never achieved any sustained success. Chargers owners are known for building apartments in Stockton. It is a far stretch from apartments to building a skyscraper. Yet because of money and ego they persist enjoying being in the room, but have a record of failure getting to the next level. Some people, as you say, can see around the corner, others don’t have the vision to turn on the lights to see where the corner is.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

So sad to see the Trail Blazers drifting rudderless at sea. As others have said I think this started some years ago. Long gone are the hay days of the late 80’s early 90’s.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

There some good times in the early 2k's too! Although it came with some...

Well let's just say the late 80's early 90's teams were easier to like.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

Hopeful for the day Phil buys Blazers also. I refuse to buy into the Blazers organization as it sits today. Been a Blazer fan all my life and this management group has let us all down. Hope for change soon.

PS. Loved the Sun Tzu and Phil would have written the forward.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by John Canzano

So CJ traded for Hart and now Hart is gone for Cam Reddish and some draft picks. Young guys already on the rooster coming into their own. Who knows what the future holds but ...?

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Yep, CJ became Cam Reddish and some mediocre draft picks. You trade Hart, who Billups absolutely loved, called the heart and soul of the team, because you knew you'd be unwilling to cross the tax threshold in the offseason. This organization clearly doesn't care about winning at all. Cam effing Reddish. Ye gods.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

It would appear the Great and Powerful Jodi has spoken. I liked Dame's comments about mentoring the new kid but hard not to be jaded.

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