
Notwithstanding all other topics in this and every column, and all your brilliant writing, all paths lead back to:

“Have I mentioned lately that the Blazers need new ownership?”

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Jody Allen may never sell and if she does the buyer had better own a fleet of Brink's trucks full of cash. I'm 100% opposed to out of town ownership of major league sports. look what happened to Sonics fans.

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James, I am with you on all you said. But speaking of Sonics fans, I wonder if they will eventually move the team to Seattle... hmmm.

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The Vulcan Mothership. Unbelievable unchecked malpractice. Great insight, John!

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Sell the team!!! Sell the team!!!! Sell the team!!!!

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Husky Stadium has the reputation and potential to be a great game day experience, but too many apathetic season ticket holders-yes Tyee members I’m talking to you- to consistently fill the prime seats and create havoc for the road team. Utah has my vote. Loyal, courteous fans, beautiful stadium in a gorgeous setting and easy to get into and out of.

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There are the several good, stadiums, but there have been games not up to the hoped for standards. But in my experience, Rice-Eccles never disappoints.

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I feel a little sympathy for the Blazers fans. Problem is Jody Allen is like Ma Bell use to be " We don't care because we don't have to " It is Paul Allens fault for not taking care of the problem before he passed.

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I agree that Ore, Utah, UW as the top three. I would have Utah way out in front. Im a Husky fan but have been to many games at Oregon. It iis still a great home advantage but I strongly feel that with the remodel of a few years ago the noise level etc, diminished a little. My good friends season ticket holder Dux fans agree. You also need to qualify things a little. I think due to travel and weather WSU when winning can be tough (ask Ducks fans). I also agree Ore St might be tough, but again they have to win. Finally get over your love affair with Colorado. I have never read so much gushing over a coach and program over nothing but created drama and hype.

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I think husky stadium in big games and big moments is still considerably louder than anywhere else in the conference. The consistency hasn’t always been there for every game like it used to, especially for the early non P5 games before students are on campus. But with the home schedule this year, I expect some fully sold-out and pumped-up loud crowds for the big conference games ...especially if UW’s pass rush (Trice and ZTF) lives up to its potential this season. Pre season hype plays into this a little bit, and I can’t remember when UW has had more overall returning talent in the last 30+ years. Kinda makes me nervous, but if stuff breaks like it could for UW this year...those husky stadium tickets will be hot, and the crowd will make itself heard. The flip side is that expectations are high coming off 11-2 and with so much talent returning, any bumps along the way will be magnified. Husky stadium gets reasonably loud even during mediocre seasons with tempered expectations; it gets REALLY loud when expectations are high and they are playing well.

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Speaking of people overly gushing about one thing. One or two comments in support help bolster your argument.. This long litany of overly glowing enthusiasm reveals you as hardly objective in the slightest sense.

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My comments are some of the only one on here with some objective data (total attendance over recent years, recorded SPL, etc.). Everything else I see on here is pretty subjective. It’s apparent that you don’t like the objective information, but that’s your subjective reaction and doesn’t refute anything.

I’ll repost here in case you missed it:

Empirical evidence. Husky stadium is #1 https://247sports.com/longformarticle/these-are-college-footballs-10-loudest-stadiums-120896835/#961162

For the MSU game last year, bunch of folks with Apple Watches got actual hearing damage alerts like this: https://twitter.com/sethayates/status/1571319881508982785?s=46

5 year total attendance trends: https://www.pacifictakes.com/platform/amp/2020/5/27/21272206/pac-12-football-ranking-teams-attendance-5-year-oregon-washington-usc-ucla-colorado-arizona-stanford

Danny - do you have any ‘objective’ data yourself, or is this just an inferiority complex getting the best of you?

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Folsom Field is actually a good stadium with a good crowd in a good setting. And the fan base has held up well given the struggles the team has had in recent years. If the latest attempt to inject talent and $s works, it could quickly rise to the level of a very tough environment. And being relatively remote to everyone but Utah, the visiting fan base is usually diminished. But you have to put a good team on the field at least most of the time to leverage a home field advantage.

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Pac-10 stadium predictions for 2023 based on historical precedent 1) husky stadium will have the highest total attendance of the 10 remaining schools, 2) husky stadium will record the highest SPL (sound pressure level) in the conference, 3) husky stadium will top the number of scenic pictures taken from the stadium on game day (Mt Rainier, lake Washington, Olympic and Cascade ranges, etc.). 4) opposing teams in husky stadium will have the highest % false starts/snaps.

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when the Ducks go to Seattle and pound those little Monsters from Montlake into purple oblivion, before they crush the Beavs in November in Autzen, the new talent they keep getting almost daily, will pay off instantly. with an Aussie punter, a real defense, Bo Nix, and a great new young coach, who likes Eugene, this could be the year of the Duck! GO DUCKS AND DUMP TRUMP 2024.

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Husky at its best, mainly because of its relative size, when it is at its best, is the most impactful stadium, even including the LA Coliseum on the rare occasions when it is full and motivated, certainly of the soon to be remaining 10. But that's been a rare sight in recent years. Fans with only occasional recent experience don't really know (or have a way to know) just how tough Husky can be.

Autzen by its nature maximizes the sound effect it has, and that in turn makes crowd impact more common. It is the only stadium that has left my ears ringing for 3 days afterward (Civil War for the Roses).

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I've witnessed that many times, I attribute part of my hearing loss to that stadium.

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Again with the blatant homerism.. SHEESH. GIve it a break, will ya?

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My comments are some of the only one on here with some objective data (total attendance over recent years, recorded SPL, etc.). Everything else I see on here is pretty subjective. It’s apparent that you don’t like the objective information, but that’s your subjective reaction and doesn’t refute anything.

I’ll repost here in case you missed it:

Empirical evidence. Husky stadium is #1 https://247sports.com/longformarticle/these-are-college-footballs-10-loudest-stadiums-120896835/#961162

For the MSU game last year, bunch of folks with Apple Watches got actual hearing damage alerts like this: https://twitter.com/sethayates/status/1571319881508982785?s=46

5 year total attendance trends: https://www.pacifictakes.com/platform/amp/2020/5/27/21272206/pac-12-football-ranking-teams-attendance-5-year-oregon-washington-usc-ucla-colorado-arizona-stanford

Danny - do you have any ‘objective’ data yourself, or is this just an inferiority complex getting the best of you?

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And the weather SUCK!! And it will be GRAY!

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Bad ownership

Bad management

Bad coach

Don't know why people keep paying money for a bad product.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Vulcans are amateurs. Look no further than our own Pac-12 to find some true criminal masterminds:

An article from today’s USA Today talks about how the Power 5 conferences are cash cows. The part about the Pac-12 caught my eye: “Former Pac-12 commissioner Larry Scott had the largest single-year net total, nearly $4.1 million…also continued to have the benefit of a nearly $1.9 million dollar loan…to be repaid by June 30, 2024.

Total comp: $48.7 million over 12.5 years through December 2021.

And the article does address the fact Comcast overpayed the conference by more than $50 million. Towo Pac 12 execs were fired over this, and are now suing the conference.


These guys make Vulcan seem petty and amateurish.

While Vulcan might prefer a drive-by, the former execs of the Pac-12 committed a daylight bank robbery in plain sight, and are suing the victims for being a bit harsh about it.

Naturally, none of them will go to jail.

JC, thank you for keeping these guys exposed for who they really are!

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Pac-13: it was a typo, but it really is 12 teams and Team Scott that got equity payouts!

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no John you claimed Jody Allen was smart to turn down Uncle Phil's 2 billion dollar offer for one of the NBAs worst franchises going nowhere. You claimed Chauncy was the right hire as head coach. Furthermore, you state Jonathan Smith has best offensive mind in sinking non-conference of champions, aka pac-10, jv football. You love the Beavers partly because you have a daughter who is a sophomore in Corvallis. You claim to be non-biased. Pac-10 is over and adding SDSU or any school will water down a weak product. Ducks and Huskies will jump at any reasonable offer that gives them more revenue. Bill Walton's conference of champions died long ago. Only dream is in AI (artificial intelligence) which most trumpsters claim is like covid; you can only get it if you GET THE SHOTS. After only six pfizer injections, one flu shot, and two shingles ones, was given clean bill of health by my primary care provider two weeks ago. Then, I suffered complete shut down of lungs due to massive blood clots, followed by a severe heart attack that required only eight (8) shocks and a 11 day vacay at OHSU. Thank God I only live 10 minutes from pill hill; ambulance said my first request was not possible after they checked my vitals. In 2024 football season, when the college play-offs expand, you might see a pac-8 team make it to the final 8 or sweet 16. SEC is still five years ahead of falling Pac-8 in football. Big money rules the world, and it rules all of tv sports, including the NFL. Without big money from ESPN, pac-8 is doomed. UCLA and USC were very smart to jump to the Big 10; they will each only get around 30 million more dollars than had they stayed in the pac-10 or 8 or whatever you choose to call it. League must start playing on Thursday and Friday nights, and 7 pm PST Saturday games, so as not to be on same time as SEC, Big !0, ACC. Would you rather see Alabama on tv on many Saturdays, ditto for Georgia and Ohio State, or catch mighty Cal Bears at home versus Portland State? Thought so. DUMP TRUMP 2024, and I did see the light after 6th shock jolt; the word REVENGE was written in lemon yellow and lime green up near some new planet. Watch out Huskies in Seattle when we Ducks give you the payback; also baby Beavers when they slink into Autzen and lose another civil war. If the Ducks, with their new Australian punter, can punt on 4th and 8, could be a great year. Lanning is best coach we have had since Chip left, and pray he hangs with the Ducks for at least 10 or more years! You all told me to smoke another one when I stated slick Willy and sub-super Mario were not real coaches before they made it to Eugene..... Ridin' with Biden and Bo Nix too. GO DUCKS

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not too biased yourself? Dump Biden be4 he croaks Trump has been found innocent of all charges

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Trump is already in deep doo doo , and he deserves it. Ask poor guy in New York who fronted donny 6 baby grand pianos for Trump Tower. Trump never paid for them to this day. I saw some of them when I went into Trump Tower 8 years ago. Mr. Piano is now out of business. Classified documents? Trump says he had power to declassify them all; but is just another stupid lie. In Georgia, trump will be indicted this summer. Ditto for Mar a Lago, stolen classified documents. Now we get to Januaty 6th 2021 when loser trump wanted to hang Mike Pence and get Nancy Peolosi too. Hope trump likes the federal prison in Sheridan, Oregon, or wherever he ends up. If you voted for trump before, or will do so again, I can get you two free bumper stickers. they said STUPID, and you put one on your car, and one on your forehead. Show me one piece of true evidence that 2020 election was stolen or fixed. Heard Sarah Palin and Marjorie Taylor Green have the proof, but lost said proof when hiding it all in a safe in Alaska. Darn moose are pretty smart. Ridin' with Biden through 2028, and Bo Nix this year. GO DUCKS. P.S. In case you are still trying for a GED, the moose broke into Palin's safe, and ate all the proof. They thought they smelled a rat, and were starving!

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nothing like being blind, deaf and dumb, but, being a democrat, you're used to it, No effing was Joe will win the next 4 yrs he's history, in more ways than one. Youe lyin eyes still believe moscow, LOLOLOL

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better look in the mirror Mr. trumpster with you stupid accusations. little trump is going down again. try and get Sarah Palin to save you. throw in Marjorie Taylor Green. REAL HARD TO FIX STUPID

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Maybe I forgot to say "please".

Please take your politics someplace else - this is a different kind of discussion forum.

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take your opinions somewhere else as this is a free country, and Mr. Canzano charges me 6.99 monthly in advance. Quit crying as you see little donny trump go down in flames. Ridin' with Biden through 2028, and all you trumpsters can eat ---- with rusty spoons! DUMP TRUMP 2024

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You get out much? Jeezuz.

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Would you mind taking your politics someplace else? The rest of your post was decent.

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if you do not like what I write then turn your hearing aid up. I WILL WRITE WHATEVER I WANT WHENEVER i WANT. GO VOTE FOR TRUMP AGAIN

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Autzen stadium is a gimmick concrete acoustic pit- it’s loud, sure. On the small side but definitely rough place to play. Utah very similar. The Coliseum I don’t think as a venue even though it’s much larger is a more hostile place but when SC is handling its business like they should it’s the talent on the field that makes them the tough matchup and of course that engages the admittedly normally low key LA crowd to full throat. Gonna be a tough venue this year but overall no, not tougher on face value than the other two I mentioned. UW however takes the cake. When they are good like they are now: crazy environment and also the most stunning. Props to the Dawgs ain’t nobody winning there this year (SC gets them at Coli otherwise I’d want nothing to do with that game there)

Good luck and God bless there this year ducks.

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Wash, rinse, repeat. Yawn...very predictable. Gimmick? A gimmick is a stadium where 1/3 of the seating is completely wasted and unviewable.

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Explain what you mean by gimmick?

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Hahahaha! Were you at the game when the UTES destroyed USC’s defense? Hands down, RICE ECCLE is the best

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Good article JC. Bert Kolde and the Vulcan Group pulled the strings then and are still calling the shots today. This draft pick/trade Dame situation is a catastrophe waiting to happen. The car will go over the cliff with Bert at the wheel. Cronin’s not calling the shots, Bert is, so don’t shoot the messenger.

You’re correct on ownership.

With Knight and Smolinsky calling the shots we would be having an entirely different conversation.

Dame’s agent,Aaron Goodwin, needs to get Dame out of this train wreck as soon as he can.

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The Vulcans have always been more interested in the optics and prestige of owning an NBA team than in running the team. A definite lack of passion or knowledge of basketball outside of Paul Allen and even he was not immune to the Vulcan’s incompetence.

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I hope you’re holding the specifics in-depth answers for a piece you’re writing later.

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Best home field advantage in order: Oregon, WSU, Utah, OSU, UW.

Keep your eyes and ears on the BIG-10 and the good chance of Oregon and Washington will jump to that conference. The PAC is a shell of its former self. Big money, media rights awaits them. Meanwhile, the PAC is really struggling finding direction. These two schools have no problem seeing the future and the future isn't with the PAC.

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Seems like your helmet screws are a little too tight!! Loosen them and let the blood restore your cognition......

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Opinions man, opinions. Have a good day

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Thank you Larry (leisure seat) Scott and Hanson. A lesson on how to go from the elite box section to the bottom row of the end zone seats.

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Empirical evidence. Husky stadium is #1 https://247sports.com/longformarticle/these-are-college-footballs-10-loudest-stadiums-120896835/#961162

For the MSU game last year, bunch of folks with Apple Watches got actual hearing damage alerts like this: https://twitter.com/sethayates/status/1571319881508982785?s=46

Non subjective evidence for any other pac-12 stadium, or can we just put this to rest?

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