Sep 22, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Wasn’t Larry Scott’s original broadcast deal also viewed as “forward thinking”? So when I see those words, my bung tightens just a little bit.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by John Canzano

Cool idea for the donated subscriptions John - really creative! - MAV

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PS…. You can bet EVERYONE, except USC fans , will be rooting for an OSU Beaver win over the Trojans …. Even the DuX fans !…. SC and their arrogance, has finally come to light with their secretly regarded defection from the Pac 12 !!

Fight On, Beavers ! Fight On !!

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You are 100% correct.

This duck fan will screaming it loud and proud!!

Fight On, Beavers ! Fight On !!

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John; It is a two way street. The LA schools could have went to the commissioner and said we are not happy with the revenue share but they didn’t. These schools aren't in the clear as far as I'm concerned!


"No one ever had a conversation with us about how we felt about the revenue share,” the source said. “Nobody asked, ‘Are you OK with it? Would we like to see something different next contract?’ Not one conversation with LA schools, that was a mistake. We could’ve ended up leaving for the Big Ten regardless, but you have to have the conversation when we have higher cost of living in LA, higher tax, and 60-70 percent of the Pac-12’s TV market.”

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This was my take as well, Matt. And we now know that the USC president flat out lied to the commissioner's face for a year about where USC was at, all the while still guiding decisions about the Pac 12's future. Reprehensible.

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What was this "lie", pray tell?

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You can google it, bUt I believe he is referring to the fact that the USC president shut down expansion negotiations last year. In doing so, the OP is accusing the USC scum of a BOLD FACED LIE.

(see what I did there?)

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Yep. These people are true scum-bags. This move has been in the works since WAY before Kliavkoff came on the scene.

I still think it's funny that UCLA is tagging along as nothing more than a punching bag.

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Exactly! If Carol Folt was on the TV rights committee, why didn't she bring it up during any of those meetings?

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You really think USC never proposed getting a bigger share of media revenues?

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Yes otherwise why wouldn’t it have been in John’s story? Why wouldn’t the USC person being quoted have said that they approached Kliavkoff if it actually happened. It would make their reason for leaving stronger because they could say “we did approach him and he turned us down”.

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Maybe John can answer why it wasn't in his story.

There is simply no chance that never, in the history of the Pac 10/Pac 12, did USC ever ask for a larger cut of media rights. Z-E-R-O.

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Ben, I agree that they probably have asked at some point in history but not for the current situation. It is circumstantial but with what I read in John’s story and what the USC guy didn’t say based on his quote, to me it looks like they didn’t approach Kliavkoff.

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You could be right. Probably are, I'm guessing. I don't see how it's USC's responsibility to ask. Kliavkoff knew (or should have known) that USC would prefer a larger cut of media rights. He's the commissioner. If offering USC a higher percentage was an option in Kliavkoff's mind, it's his job to communicate that.

The reality is, Kliavkoff (and Canzano, for that matter) thought USC wasn't a threat to leave, and thus didn't give the Trojans the respect they deserve for carrying the conference's media profile. And while that was happening, many Trojans -- including yours truly -- wanted USC to leave the Pac 12 because it was clear that the Pac 12 had lost its way and had no intention of doing something bold to fix the situation. (For what it's worth, I had asked for a move to the SEC for years. In hindsight, the Big Ten was the right move.)

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Be sure to follow up on how many Amazon prime memberships cancel once the trial membership is up. I had four days left on my Prime trial membership when the Chargers played. I have no intention of signing back up.

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I guestimate millions...

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I don't think Cable will survive the increasing Mobile bandwidth abilities to provide more and more content. Internet video will be the big deal via Mobile devices. Cable will become the landline. It will happen. When? How long....I think sooner than later. I also think 9 years from now UCLA USC are back. They can not survive Big 10. Sorry too many teams to win outright and or just win. Went to Penn State and when they joined the big 10, weekend tickets to Indiana, Purdue, and a few other teams did not move the needle and were cut rate. In fact, State College was not as full on those weekends but still full. My thoughts are how does UCLA on the road sell tickets very well. USC is not even big deal out east. I lived it. I get the TV market idea but living in SoCal/Vegas = who really cares? LA has so many things to do. I think this is not going to produce as much as people think. It is too simple and does not rely upon quality of product.

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Amazon is once again upsetting the applecart now through sports. I tried to get Amazon and NASCAR to the table in 2017 when Monster didn't renew it's naming rights partnership. I proposed a naming partnership that gave AWS, Amazon and Whole Foods rotating rights to include a broadcast deal (we had no idea how to structure it, but PRIME was to be the broadcaster... in those days of new Netflix, APPLE TV, Disney + and Hulu everyone was innovating). One thing we did know was that AMAZON was awash in cash and could outbid anyone if the right deal was on the table. Ha another one got away!

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Whole Foods shoppers don’t strike me as NASCAR types!

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The NASCAR demographics will surprise you - I know they did me when I started working with drivers in 1998. If you go to the Daytona 500... they run out of space for the private jets at the Daytona field and the pilots wait in Orlando to fly their clients home! About 20% of NASCAR fans are in the $100,000 plus income range with 7% $300,000 plus. Wild eh? The tactic for WF was to package Prime membership and free AMAZON delivery with WF in-store specials to drive traffic. AMAZON delivery demographics are solidly middle class plus.

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FishDuck forum had a discussion about whether fans would watch on a streaming service. Most said yes. https://forum.fishduck.com/topic/6297-what-if-the-pac-12-went-all-streaming-could-you-live-with-it/

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As I’ve posted before, all I want to do is watch football

A David-ism I’ve repeated over the decades is “if UCLA and USC never won another game, all would be right in the world.” I am one who is looking forward to a SoCal-free PAC-whatever.

We will survive if the product is top-notch and intelligently marketed. Regarding cable or streaming or the next greatest thing…wish I could foretell where it’s all going. I certainly don’t have a clue on what the future holds in this regard and I’m fairly certain that those in the know don’t either


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Thank you for the insight, JC. And I like what you reported about the lack of outreach to USC; huge unforced error on Kliavkoff's behalf. He took the Trojans for granted, and the conference is paying the price.

Here's my question: In your view, what would the best path have been?

Offer media revenue shares based on market size? Based on football wins? Based on number of times Fox or ESPN broadcasts a team's game in a given timeslot?

The other part of that: Should Kliavkoff have proposed something more radical? Perhaps pushing the "four corners" schools to the Big 12, so that media revenues could be split eight ways instead of twelve? Something like that would have opened up opportunities for more non-conference home games; I would think that'd be more attractive to media partners, given the ratings/viewership for last weekend's non-conference games.

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Couldn't Fox step in, Tell the B1G to add Cal, Stanford, Ore, and Wash, make the $$ worth it, that would kind of shut espn out of that 4th window

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I understand NFL fans subscribing for Thursday night games, but I doubt there are enough Pac 12 fans to buy into Amazon for college games, as a Directv sub, Although I wanted badly to watch my Ducks n Beavers, I wasn't about to give up Direct, to get Dish, and as a retired older couple, I'm not about to add on Prime just for college games, (we don't care fot the content on either Apple or Prime to buy it, as it is)

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I am confused about the Charger/Chiefs game being available on Amazon. The game was being shown on Fox as well in SoCal.

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I believe the deal requires that the game be broadcast OTA in the markets of the two teams playing.

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Also, the Big Ten’s large brands are in the Rust Belt. USC and UCLA aren’t going to be big brands there.

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Anytime Larry Scott's name is mentioned, usually in the Blame mode,:), i include the Pac 12 University Presidents as well. I also wonder if the revenue sharing rewarded a school for making the playoffs, larger share, getting away from the "equal shares for all" would have kept USC? Dave M

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Real quick...USC and UCLA aren’t paying California taxes as regular corporations do. They’re non-profits or public entities. So, I don’t really see how that matters in the media-rights conversation.

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It matters when it comes to what you have to pay coaches, staff and administrators. Check out what USC had to shell out to poach Lincoln Riley and several of his assistants from Oklahoma. That should have been the warning alarm for the PAC-12 leadership that USC was moving away from business as usual when it came to spending/revenue.

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