We got to know Greg and Regina while he was still working at Oregon. Very authentic and caring people. And it’s easy to trace the thread of his career success when thinking back on the leadership qualities he exhibited as a young fundraiser.
Thanks for chasing him down and giving us this Q&A, John. Another example of a home grown (state of Oregon) success.
Sounds like Mr. Byrne walks the walk and talks the talk. Love to hear about successful, native Oregonians that learned those traits from their parents. Very interesting column. Thanks John
Great interview. Gonna get me that book. Been dabling with Intermittent fasting & just scratching the surface of healthy life as I appoach 59. Fifty feaking nine!
We got to know Greg and Regina while he was still working at Oregon. Very authentic and caring people. And it’s easy to trace the thread of his career success when thinking back on the leadership qualities he exhibited as a young fundraiser.
Thanks for chasing him down and giving us this Q&A, John. Another example of a home grown (state of Oregon) success.
Yes!…Play to Win in Life; eg intermittent fasting 😎
Sounds like Mr. Byrne walks the walk and talks the talk. Love to hear about successful, native Oregonians that learned those traits from their parents. Very interesting column. Thanks John
Great interview. Gonna get me that book. Been dabling with Intermittent fasting & just scratching the surface of healthy life as I appoach 59. Fifty feaking nine!