Once again, thank you John for a beautifully written story about my daughter and son in law. I was with them and witnessed their heroics first hand. To say I’m one proud mama and mother in law is an understatement. We’ve been season ticket holders for years but this is one year we will not forget for several reasons.

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Good people, Patti. Glad they were there.

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Well done Patti. You've raised a wonderful young lady. God had been with her through her cancer journey and is using her now in amazing ways!

Sending my love.

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Patti, Andrea is a warrior.

Please tell her how often Sue and I think of her and her family. So glad she is in remission.

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Patti, the man they helped is my brother. Please let your daughter and son in law know that we are so thankful for their expert assistance. They are truly angels. Joe is doing well and is waiting to transfer up to Sacred Heart for surgery to repair his shoulder that was injured during the seizures. We will pray for your daughter's continued healing in her journey. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Will do Jeannie- please keep us posted on his recovery. 🙏

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This is truly amazing! And so well-written. Your work is outstanding and a real day-brightener.

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Thanks John.

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Well-written and inspiring. Heroes and heroines walk amongst us, rising to challenge and acting out of empathy and altruism. They deserve to be recognized and appreciated for what they do, day in and day out. This is the highest form of human love.

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Thank you L.

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Can’t wait for the next story. There’s something special about this lady.

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From the guy that was there to witness the first heroic act saving his buddy....I knew Andrea was an Angel. Now I know she's not only an Angel....She's on a mission to save a Coug every home game. I see some complementary season tickets in her near future. Hear me Pat Chun and Cougar Athletic Foundation?

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Thanks Bruce.

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I am going with "bigger". Most of us mere mortals go through life and never have the opportunity, or training, to do such wonderful deeds. This woman does. God is a big idea, responsible for all the universe and its tens of billions of galaxies and quadrillions of stars and planets. We can't conceive that any one being could keep an eye on all of it at the same time. But then again, we are humans and not God. He/she is able to work through us in amazing and timely ways like this. Anyone who has seen "A Wonderful Life" knows how that goes. We all live wonderful lives and probably never know all the ways we help others. I love this story because it is blindingly obvious how Andrea Perry does.

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Thank you for this.

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Right time, right place, twice. Amazing timing!

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Lightning strikes twice!

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May sound a bit like a "homer", but Go Cougs!

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Wow! What an incredible follow up!

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Keep it up John, the world can get better when we allow the joy to well up from within.

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Wow. Stranger than fiction that an ER nurse would be present to save two people, AND to have her cancer in remission. WSU should give Andrea and her family lifetime club seats.

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I pray that you are correct about her cancer. This woman really has "Paid it Forward."

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I just have a feeling.

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I sure hope you are right on this one. Que the Hallmark Christmas Movie Music..

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John, you ought to take this story national.

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No, don't! We would lose that personal touch about what we care most for, our Pac-12 sports scene (with an Oregon / OSU slant, though this column is becoming a bit Paul Harveyish). :-)

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Yes. Go for it John.

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Canzano knows Portland screen writer Mike Rich. I say make a movie. It has all the makings of a great Hallmark Christmas Classic!

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Let's do it.

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My mother used to say "there are angels among us", and "miracles happen every day". I think she was right. Thanks JC for keeping us informed.

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Thank you.

Miracles happen every day but you never hear about same on the Negative Events With Spin.

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