John, I know this is a solemn topic for you and don’t want to diminish it.

But I do hope you bookmark and enter this column in the next round of sports journalism awards. The humanity and perspective oozing from every graph powerfully represents what distinguishes you and your work and makes me grateful to be a part of your community.

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A wonderful tribute, John, and you made me feel a loss of a friend I never knew. May his family find peace in your beautiful article.

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JC- I really wanted an article or some commentary about the decimation of the OSU Women's Basketball Team....but then you come up with one of these touching perspectives on the lives of everyday heroes.....and I forget about all of that. THANKS.

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You nailed it SKIP!!!

Thanks for reminding us of what really matters JC!!!!

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It is articles like this that make you!

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John, shining the spotlight on good people is one of your best qualities. Sadly it seems that so many of the best of humanity die too soon while the not so good continue to take up valuable space and suck the oxygen away from the better humans. Hopefully his legacy will live on through family and friends. Thanks again for your humanity.

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Any fool can write about sports, but it takes someone special to touch the heart and bring tears to this old guy's eyes on a sunny Sunday. That's why you win awards, brother. Thanks. And yeah, there does seem to be something to that old tome about the "good dying young." Holding Brandon's family in my heart.

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I think, John, that you do know why. It is in your story how much he loved, what he did with what he had. It's not the length, but the way we live that explains the only thing we know for certain, the only truth we can see and touch: that our lives are not about us, but are fulfilled, completed by the giving of what we have been given, not transient goods, but love from the heart.

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We need these articles about the good people and he sounds like one of the best. Thank you for sharing his story in your usual inimitable way.

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Very nice tribute for your friend. Sixth-grade crushes turning into lifetime marriages? How often does that happen? Both Carrie and Brandon are obviously very nice and caring people and he should have lived a lot longer life. You have a way, John, of connecting with interesting and high quality people. My condolences to Carrie and the family

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You were right, John, this was another tearjerker. For those of you who have never met John, my wife and I had the privilege of sitting by John and his wife at tonight’s Tina Fey/Amy Poehler event and you couldn’t have found a nicer, more welcoming couple than the two of them. Sometimes I have met people I have long admired and am disappointed . That was not the case here.

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Holy cow John. It took me 20 minutes to read this. Tears aren’t good for my recently repaired eyes. May our Higher Power bless his family.

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Each time I feel all is lost in humanity I read one of your stories about people. These wonderful folks are among us, even if we don’t know them. We should always remember this, especially now.

I am grateful beyond words for this tribute and reminder, John. Thank you!

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Thanks John, for this moving tribute! I often wonder what in the universe causes good folks to die young and really nasty ones to keep on living! I’ll refrain from any examples! Thanks again!

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I’ve known plenty of much older awesome people. I was at my aunts funeral a few weeks ago who was 90 when she passed. All her life she helped those who struggled. A husband, two children, and three grandchildren preceded her in death. You would never know she had a problem in the world by meeting her. Both the good and old often times die too early.

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Thank you John for reminding us that life is hard sometimes. Thank you for reminding us that there are wonderful, great people out there and bringing those people to our attention. Thank you for also, indirectly, reminding us to live each day to its fullest and be the best version of ourselves that we can be. I am truly sorry for your loss of a dear friend.

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Enter this piece as Barry suggests.

“The Hellervik tee box turned into a festival of joy and humanity.”

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Great tribute to a friend lost too soon John

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