Canzano: Monday Mailbag deals with Pac-12 plan, PGA Tour, bowls, beaches and Christmas
Your questions. My answers.

My father built me a bookshelf one year for Christmas. It was a big deal. I loved books. He even installed a pencil sharpener on the top. It was a nice touch.
I remember getting an Easton “Big Barrel” baseball bat one year, and a batting tee the following Christmas, and I’ve written before about the thrill of opening the Tudor electrical football game. I loved that blasted game. But that pine bookshelf painted dark blue was the most memorable Christmas gift I ever received.
In fact, it’s the only one I still have.
My dad built the shelf four decades ago. It’s still in my garage, stacked against a wall with papers and books on it. I get a good feeling every time I see it. Mostly because that bookshelf signaled to me that my parents knew who I was — a kid who valued the written word.
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Onto the Monday Mailbag…